From Garth Hudson's childhood friend Dave Durnford, posted on Facebook in May 2020:
"As well as attending church and Sunday school at St Luke's anglican, we were in the church choir. Garth Hudson was in the choir with me and we became best buddies -- leading to playing the clarinet and the Garage jazz band , the HS band, and the Police boys band - as well as evening pranks."

"I haven't seen or talked with Garth for ages - last time was back stage at a gig in London, Ontario. In 1956 I tried to talk him into staying in University -- music as a career is a hard gig."

"We play The Band all the time - it gives me a warm feeling and great memories -- such as listening to Moon Mullican in his dad's darkroom and touring local churches for different music."

"Garth is in the back row and I'm beside my grandfather -- who assisted in the whatever ceremony."
