Bob Dylan: 1965 Revisited
(14 CDs)
[Front cover]
[Back cover]
[Booklet front]
[Booklet back]
[Cover, disc 1]
[Cover, disc 2]
[Cover, disc 3]
[Cover, disc 4]
[Cover, disc 5-6]
[Cover, disc 7-8]
[Cover, disc 9-10]
[Cover, disc 11-12]
[Cover, disc 13-14]
[CD 1]
[CD 2]
[CD 3]
[CD 4]
[CD 5]
[CD 6]
[CD 7]
[CD 8]
[CD 9]
[CD 10]
[CD 11]
[CD 12]
[CD 13]
[CD 14]
Impressive 14CD bootleg box with assorted 1965 Dylan performances, with and without the Hawks. Also includes
radio interviews and other assorted material.
Disc 1 (70:28)
Bringing It All Back Home outtakes, Columbia Studio A New York City January 13,1965:
- I'll Keep It With Mine #1 (Mono mix with intro)
- It's All Over Now Baby Blue #1 (Mono mix)
- Subterranean Homesick Blues #1 (Mono mix)
- Farewell Angelina (Mono mix)
- You Don't Have To Do That (Mono mix)
January 15,1965 Songs 6-7 with Bruce Langhorne on 2nd guitar:
- She Belongs To Me #1 (Mono mix)
- Love Minus Zero / No Limits #1 (Mono mix)
Songs 8-12 backed by Al Gorgone (guitar), Kenny Rankin (guitar), Paul Griffin (piano), Joe Macho Jr. (bass), Bobby
Gregg (drums):
- If You Gotta Go, Go Now #1 (Original mono mix)
- If You Gotta Go, Go Now #1 (Mono acetate mix)
- If You Gotta Go, Go Now #2 (Mono mix with intro)
- If You Gotta Go, Go Now #2 (Stereo mix)
- I'll Keep It With Mine #2 (Stereo acetate mix)
Disc 2 (52:54)
Santa Monica Civic Auditorium March 27,1965:
- To Ramona
- Gates of Eden
- If You Gotta Go, Go Now
- It's All Right Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
- Love Minus Zero / No Limit
- Mr.Tambourine Man
- Don't Think Twice It's All Right
- With God On Our Side (incomplete)
- She Belongs To Me
- It Ain't Me Babe (incomplete)
- The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll (incomplete)
- All I Really Want To Do
- It's All Over Now Baby Blue
Disc 3 (66:50)
Sheffield UK The Oval City Hall April 30, 1965:
- The Times They Are A-Changin'
- To Ramona
- Gates Of Eden
- If You Gotta Go, Go Now
- It's All Right Ma (It's Life And Life Only)
- Love Minus Zero / No Limit (incomplete)
Interview snippets from the 1965 Tour:
- London Airport April 26,1965, arrival area interview.
- London Airport April 26,1965, conference room, press conference.
- Sheffield City Hall April 30,1965, backstage after concert. Interview with Jenny De Yong and Peter Roche for the paper "Darts", Sheffield University.
- London Savoy Hotel May 9,1965, Horace Judson interview for "Time Magazine" (Unpublished).
Sheffield UK The Oval City Hall April 30,1965:
- The Times They Are A-Changin'
- To Ramona
Leicester De Montfort Hall May 2,1965:
- The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll
England Hotel Room May 3 or 4, 1965:
- Lost Highway (background vocals Joan Baez)
- I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry
Newcastle Hotel Room May 6, 1965:
- Piano Tune
Newcastle City Hall May 6, 1965:
- Don't Think Twice It's All Right (incomplete)
- Don't Think Twice It's All Right
London Savoy Hotel:
- It's All Over Now Baby Blue
London Royal Albert Hall May 9, 1965:
- Piano / Harmonica Tune, backstage.
- The Times They Are A-Changin' / Talking World War Iii Blues / It's All Right Ma (I'm Only
Bleeding) / Gates Of Eden / Love Minus Zero/No Limit / All I Really Want To Do
Miami Sales Convention speech, Levi's Recording Studio London May 12,1965:
- Sales Convention Speech #1, #2
- If You Gotta Go, Go Now (drums Hugh Flint)
Disc 4 (75:49)
Manchester UK Free Trade Hall May 7,1965:
- The Times They Are A-Changin'
- To Ramona
- Gates Of Eden
- If You Gotta Go, Go Now
- It's All Right Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
- Love Minus Zero/No Limit
- Mr.Tambourine Man
- Talking World War Iii Blues
- Don't Think Twice It's All Right
- With God On Our Side
- She Belongs To Me
- It Ain't Me Babe
- The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll
- All I Really Want To Do
- It's All Over Now Baby Blue
Disc 5 (67:44)
Royal Albert Hall London May 9, 1965:
- The Times They Are A-Changin'
- To Ramona
- Gates Of Eden
- If You Gotta Go, Go Now
- It's All Right Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (Incomplete)
- Love Minus Zero/No Limit
- Mr. Tambourine Man
- Talking World War Iii Blues
- Don't Think Twice It's All Right
- With God On Our Side
- She Belongs To Me
- It Ain't Me Babe
- The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll
- All I Really Want To Do
- It's All Over Now
- Baby Blue
Disc 6 (66:01)
BBC Television Theater London June 1,1965:
- Ballad Of Hollis Brown
- Mr. Tambourine Man
- Gates Of Eden
- If You Gotta Go, Go Now
- The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll
- It Ain't Me Babe
- Love Minus Zero/No Limit
- One Too Many Mornings
- Boots Of Spanish Leather
- It's All Right Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
- She Belongs To Me
- It's All Over Now Baby Blue
Disc 7 (63:55)
Highway 61 Revisited outtakes.
Columbia Studio A New York June 15, 1965.
Musicians tracks 1-6,8: Michael Bloomfield (Guitar), Alan Kooper (Organ), Harvey (Goldstein) Brooks (Bass), Paul
Griffin (Piano), Bobby Gregg (Drums). Musicians track 7: Michael Bloomfield (Guitar), Alan Kooper (Organ),
Harvey (Goldstein) Brooks (Bass).
- Sitting On A Barbed Wire Fence (mono mix with intro)
- Sitting On A Barbed Wire Fence#1 (stereo mix)
- Sitting On A Barbed Wire Fence #2 (stereo acetate no. 86444 titled "Over The Cliffs")
- It Takes A Lot To Laugh It Takes A Train To Cry #1 (mono mix with intro)
- It Takes A Lot To Laugh It Takes A Train To Cry #2 (stereo mix #1 from acetate no. 86445 titled "Phantom Engineer")
- It Takes A Lot To Laugh It Takes A Train To Cry #1 (stereo mix #2)
- Like A Rolling Stone (warm up)
- Like A Rolling Stone (mono mix)
June 16,1965. Michael Bloomfield (Guitar), Alan Kooper (Organ), Harvey
(Goldstein) Brooks (Bass), Paul Griffin (Piano), Bobby Gregg (Drums).
- Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window #1 (mono mix)
- Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window #2 (mono mix)
June 29,1965. Michael Bloomfield (Guitar), Alan Kooper
(Organ), Harvey (Goldstein) Brooks (Bass), Paul Griffin (Piano), Bobby Gregg or Sam Lay (Drums).
- Positively 4th Street (mono mix)
- It Takes A Lot To Laugh It Takes A Train To Cry (mono mix)
- Tombstone Blues (mono mix)
July 30,1965. Michael Bloomfield (Guitar), Alan Kooper (Organ), Harvey (Goldstein) Brooks (Bass),
Paul Griffin (Piano), Bobby Gregg (Drums).
- From A Buick 6 #1 (mono mix)
- From A Buick 6 #2 (mono acetate mix)
- From A Buick 6 #2 (stereo mix)
Disc 8 (71:56)
Highway 61 Revisited outtakes.
Musicians tracks 3-4 Michael Bloomfield (Guitar), Alan Kooper (Organ),
Harvey (Goldstein) Brooks (Bass), Paul Griffin (Piano), Frank Owens (Piano), Bobby Gregg or Sam Lay (Drums),
Bob Dylan (Piano) on track 2.
Columbia Studio A New York July 30, 1965:
- Desolation Row #1 (mono mix, Michael Bloomfield (Guitar))
August 2,1965:
- Queen Jane Approximately (mono mix)
- Highway 61 Revisited (mono mix)
- Ballad Of A Thin Man (mono mix)
August 4,1965. Musicians Charles McCoy (Guitar), Alan Kooper (Organ), Russ Savakus (Bass), Paul Griffin (Piano),
Frank Owens (Maracas), Bobby Gregg or Sam Lay (Drums).
- Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (mono mix)
Newport Folk Festival Rhode Island.
Workshop area:
- All I Really Want To Do
Main stage, July 25,1965. Musicians songs 7-9 Mike Bloomfield (Guitar), Jerome Arnold (Bass), Sam Lay (Drums),
Al Kooper (Organ), Barry Goldberg (Piano).
- Maggie's Farm
- Like A Rolling Stone
- It Takes A Lot To Laugh It Takes A Train To Cry
- It's All Over Now Baby Blue
- Mr.Tambourine Man
Disc 9 (68:43)
Forest Hills Tennis Stadium New York City (Queens), August 28, 1965 (Part 1).
Musicians songs 10-13 Robbie Robertson (Guitar), Harvey Brooks (Bass), Levon Helm (Drums), Al Kooper (Organ), Frank Owens (Piano).
- Introduction
- She Belongs To Me
- To Ramona
- Gates Of Eden
- Love Minus Zero/No Limit
- Desolation Row
- It's All Over Now Baby Blue
- Mr. Tambourine Man
- Intermission Comments
- Tombstone Blues
- I Don't Believe You
- From A Buick 6
- Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Disc 10 (56:49)
Forest Hills Tennis Stadium New York City (Queens), August 28,1965 (Part 2).
Musicians Robbie Robertson (Guitar), Harvey Brooks (Bass), Levon Helm (Drums), Al Kooper (Organ), Frank
Owens (Piano).
- Maggie's Farm
- It Ain't Me Babe
- Ballad Of A Thin Man
- Like A Rolling Stone
Blonde On Blonde Outtakes Columbia studio A New York, October 20,1965:
- Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window #3 (mono mix)
- Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window #4 (mono mix)
- Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window #4 (Stereo acetate No. 87184)
Tracks 8-9 possibly from the November 30./December 1. session
- I Wanna Be Your Lover #1 (mono mix)
- I Wanna Be Your Lover #2 (mono mix)
- Jet Pilot (stereo mix)
Blonde On Blonde outtakes,
Sunset Sound Recording Studio Hollywood November 30.- December 1, 1965. Musicians Robbie Robertson (Guitar),
Rick Danko (Bass), Levon Helm (Drums), Richard Manuel (Piano), Garth Hudson (Organ).
- Medicine Sunday (mono mix)
- Number One Instrumental (mono mix)
- Freeze Out (Stereo acetate No. 87184)
Disc 11 (65:46)
Alan Stone Interview Cobo Hall Detroit October 24,1965.
- Broadcast By Watm Radio Station
Columbia Office New York City October or November (Part1)
- Nat Hentoff Interview for "Playboy" Magazine (unpublished)
Disc 12 (75:22)
Columbia Office New York City October or November (Part2)
- Nat Hentoff Interview for "Playboy" Magazine (unpublished)
Disc 13 (66:12)
San Francisco Press Conference December 3,1965
- KQED TV Studios
Berkeley Community Theater December 4, 1965 (Part 1). Musicians Robbie Robertson (Guitar), Rick Danko (Bass),
Bobby Gregg (Drums), Richard Manuel (Piano), Garth Hudson (Organ).
- Tombstone Blues
- I Don't Believe You
- Baby Let Me Follow You Down
Disc 14 (66:17)
Berkeley Community Theater December 4,1965 (Part 2). Musicians Robbie Robertson (Guitar), Rick Danko (Bass), Bobby Gregg (Drums), Richard Manuel (Piano), Garth
Hudson (Organ)
- Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
- Long Distance Operator
- It Ain't Me Babe
- Ballad Of A Thin Man
- Positively 4th Street
- Like A Rolling Stone
Los Angeles Press Conference December 17 ,1965.
- Columbia Records Press Room
Bob Dylan - 1965 Revisited - 199? - Great Dane Records 9419/1-14
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