The Fontana Concert Orchestra: Portrait of Bob Dylan
Released in '68, this album with instrumental orchestra versions of Dylan songs had a cover of
"This Wheel's On Fire."
- Quinn The Eskimo (TheMighty Quinn)
- John Wesley Harding
- Too Much Of Nothing
- All I Really Want To Do
- Just Like A Woman
- It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
- Blowin' In The Wind
- Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35
- Mr. Tambourine Man
- "This Wheel's on Fire"
- It Ain't Me, Babe
- You Ain't Goin' Nowhere
The Fontana Concert Orchestra - Portrait of Bob Dylan - 1968 - Fontana LPS 16257 (UK, Canada)/ Fontana 58 86 607 (Spain, as Retrato de Bob Dylan)
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