The Band web site
Credits and Sources
Much of the material on this web site have been copied or extracted
from other sites on the Internet. Important sources of information are
the wonderful All Music Guide (in particular professor Robert Bowman's insightful notes and articles on
the Band), the Internet Movie Database,
the Pollstar concert database, the Usenet newsgroups
alt.music.the-band and
CD and video shops on the net that offer pictures and sound clips
and rock
oriented sites as
Rolling Stone
and the many Bob Dylan web pages.
The books about the Band, especially Levon
Helm's excellent 1993 autobiography This
Wheel's on Fire, give detailed historical data that have been
very important for the work with this web site.
Information from album covers, articles, and documentary videos have also been used on many pages.
The many Band fans around the net that visit this site regularly, have been
the most important sources of information. Because of their contributions,
ranging from ultra-rare pictures and sound clips to the latest updates
on concert dates and recording projects, the
Band web pages have grown to become one of the most extensive musical sites on
the Internet. The contact with these devoted fans,
many of which have become good friends of mine, is a major motivation and
inspiration for keeping the Band web site alive. The list below shows (I hope)
all the folks that have been involved in the work with the web pages, and also
what kind of contributions they have made. Thanks to all of you for helping
out with presenting the best rock and roll ensemble in history on the Internet.
-- Jan Høiberg
Contributors to the Band web site
Rene Aagard | Articles.
| Keith Abel | Lyrics.
| "Adam2" | Articles.
| Niels Amond Adsersen | Photos, discography, articles.
| Frank Ahart | Photos.
| Gary Alexander | Articles.
| Jeff Alexander | Photos, discography.
| Tim Allard | Drawings.
| Marco Ambrosini | Drawings.
| Johdi Ananmalay | Lyrics.
| Eric Andersen | Articles.
| Bill Arnold | History.
| Mark Atkins | Photos, lyrics, articles.
| Todd Atkinson | Photos.
| Bruce R. Aydelotte | Photos.
| Paul Bagnell | Photos.
| Michael Bailey | Articles.
| Richard Baker | Photos.
| Mark Basten | Newsgroup FAQ.
| Michael Bates | Photos.
| Richard Batey | Discography, photos.
| Eddie Bauer | Lyrics.
| Pat Bauer | Discography.
| "Bayou Sam" | Photos.
| Chris Bell | Articles, history, pictures.
| Doug Bell | Discography.
| Gail Bell | Articles, history, pictures.
| Richard Bell | Discography, concert dates, news.
| Hans van den Berk | Discography, sound samples.
| David Besterman | Article index, articles, pictures, sheet music, discography.
| Andy Binder | Lyrics.
| Carey Bird | Discography.
| Mark Bittner | Lyrics.
| Emily Blunt | Articles.
| Robert Bowman | Articles, reviews, discography.
| Dag E. Braathen | Pictures, video clips, audio samples.
| Chris Bradford | Photos.
| JC Bradford | Lyrics.
| Reid Brecher | Discography.
| John V. Brennan | Pictures.
| Pat Brennan | Discography, articles, photos.
| David Brooks | Lyrics.
| Brown Eyed Girl | Articles, photos, news, videography, discography, sound samples and loads of other stuff.
| Peter Stone Brown | History, articles.
| Philip Bruno | Photos.
| Bumbles | Discography.
| David Burgess | Photos.
| Patrick Burke | Photos.
| Don Buroker | Photos.
| Carol Caffin | Articles, photos, discography.
| Adela Calbillo | Lyrics, articles, pictures, videography, discography.
| Rob Caldwell | Discography, articles.
| Bettye Campbell | Articles.
| W.I. Van Campen | Videography.
| Ole Høimark Carlsen | Photos.
| Jameson Case | Articles.
| Watt Casey Jr. | Photos.
| Jim Champ | Discography.
| Luigi Cesari | Discography.
| Mark Charles | Discography.
| Jared Charney | Photos.
| Debbie Cheyne | Photos.
| Rick Churchill | Discography.
| Andrew Clanahan | Drawing.
| John Cline | Video clips.
| Robert Cochran | Articles.
| Jim Colegrove | Discography, pictures, history.
| Rick Connelly | Articles.
| Steve Connelly | Audio files.
| Dick Cooper | Pictures.
| Curt Copeland | Pictures, audio files.
| Tim "Sundog" Corcoran | Pictures.
| Marc Coulavin | Discography.
| "Cousin Paul" | Photos.
| Thomas Cox | Lyrics.
| Crabgrass | Photos.
| Steve Cuming | Videography.
| Philip D'Amour | Photos.
| Daan from Holland | Audio files.
| Serge Daniloff | Pictures, audio tapes, video tapes, discography, history, articles, books, maps, concert posters, videography.
| Patrick Daspit | Lyrics.
| Lars Davidsson | Discography.
| Frank DeCoste | Pictures, videography.
| Paolo Demaria | The Internet Band poll, list of vocalists on all Band songs, lyrics, pictures, articles.
| Butch Dener | News, discography, history, photos, CDs, posters.
| Mike Despeghel | Discography.
| Nancy Dixon | Articles.
| John Donabie | History, discography, photos, audio samples.
| Gabe Downey | Articles, lyrics.
| Scott Durham | Lyrics.
| Jack Durieux | Discography.
| Peter Dykes | Photos.
| Peter Dwyer | Lyrics, discography.
| Walter Earl | Scans.
| Al Edge | Articles.
| Linn Edvardsen | Web site development.
| Patrick J. Elias | Discography.
| Stephe Doheny-Farina | Articles.
| fish | Discography, pictures, sound samples, audio tapes, concert posters, videography.
| Mark F. DeFederico | Photos, video clips.
| John Feins | Articles.
| Neil Fitzpatrick | Lyrics.
| Jan Fowley | Articles.
| Ellen Friedman | Cover art.
| Lee Gabites | Articles, history, video tapes, pictures, discography.
| Graham Galatro | Chords.
| Carmen Gambone | Discography.
| George Gawartin | Articles.
| Karl Gedlicka | Discography.
| Gene from Dutchess County | Photos.
| Jon Gershen | Discography.
| Kevin Gilbertson | Discography, audio samples, photos, sheet music.
| Anders Gistorp | Discography.
| Paul Godfrey | Photos.
| Jeffrey Goffin | Photos.
| Mick Gold | Articles.
| Nathan Golub | Chords.
| Douglas Goodhill | Sheet music.
| Jamie Goodman | Drawings.
| Peter Goring | Lyrics.
| Michael Gould | Cover art.
| Mark T. Gould | Articles.
| David Graham | Pictures.
| Ralph W. Gredzicki | Photos.
| John M. Gregury | Discography.
| Johnny Gundersen | Audio files, video clips.
| Steve H. | Articles.
| Trevor Hache | Articles.
| Ray Hadlock | Discography.
| Jaakko Halonen | Photos.
| Donna Hansen | Photos.
| Simon Harper | Lyrics.
| Pete Haskell | Photos.
| Joan Hathaway | Photos.
| Aslag Haugen | Audio files.
| Jan Haust | Photos.
| Christopher Carl Heckman | Lyrics.
| Bud Hendershot | Photos.
| Marc Hertzberg | Lyrics.
| Dan Hewitt | Photos.
| Susan Hill | Articles, audio.
| Calvin E. Hilton, Jr. | Sheet music.
| Robert Hislope | Articles.
| Hanna Höglund | Articles.
| Brian Hollander | Articles.
| Dave Hopkins | Articles.
| Barney Hoskyns | Articles.
| John Howells | Lyrics, discography, filmography.
| Jill Howland | Pictures, articles, reviews, lyrics.
| Stu Hruska | Articles, reviews, photos.
| Maud Hudson | Discography, graphics.
| Douglas J. Hughes | Articles.
| Pete Huish | Tape archive, audio.
| Irene and Ray from London, Ontario | Photos.
| Brian Isaksen | Discography.
| Tom Izzo | Pictures, articles.
| Marianne Izzo | Pictures, articles.
| Paul James | Interview transcripts.
| "Jen" | Articles.
| Søren Johansen | Discography, lyrics.
| Amanda Johnson | Photos, articles.
| Jimmy Johnson | Discography, history.
| Mike Johnson | Lyrics.
| Robert P. Jones | Discography, photos.
| Tim Jones | Articles.
| Donald Joseph | Discography, filmography.
| Steven Kaeser | Lyrics.
| Ken Kalmusky | Pictures.
| Masato Kato | Videography.
| Jonathan Katz | Audio files, pictures, lyrics, discography, book excerpts, articles.
| Tim Kauffman | Videography.
| Liza Kemp | Articles.
| Rudyard Kennedy | Discography.
| Matthew Kerns | Lyrics, guitar chords.
| Kerrin from New Zealand | Articles.
| Michael Kerschbaum | Discography.
| Russel Kindervater | Lyrics, sheet music.
| Christi King | Photos.
| Steven Knowlton | Articles, lyrics.
| Carole C. Klinger | Lyrics, pictures, history, reviews, book excerpts, HTML coding, concert posters, friendship.
| Chuck Knott | Lyrics.
| Suonna Kononen | Video tapes.
| Johan Kristell | Chords.
| Stein Kulseth | Icons, discography.
| Dan Kunitz | Articles.
| Brian Lambert | Discography.
| Dale Lambson | Discography.
| Stanley Landau | Chords, articles.
| Elliott Landy | Pictures, history.
| Helge Larsen | Web design, pictures, HTML coding, PERL and shell programming, video technology.
| Dale Lambson | Discography, audio files.
| Alex Layman | Pictures.
| Peter Leach | Discography.
| Chris Lecky | Pictures.
| Harald Leiste | Discography.
| George Lembesis | Pictures, history, news.
| Melanie Lenahan | Pictures.
| Tom Lennox | Articles.
| Christopher Lenois | Articles.
| John Lettiere | Discography.
| Matthew Lewis | Articles.
| Ole Lien | Discography.
| Diamond Lil | Lyrics, articles.
| Colin Linden | Discography.
| Jim Linderman | Posters, reviews.
| "Liz" | Articles.
| Tony LoBue | Pictures.
| Joe Lore | Pictures, history, audio files.
| David Lowman | Tape archive.
| Patrik E. Lundberg | Web site development.
| Kathy Lupi | Lyrics.
| Jon Lyess | Concert dates.
| Mike Lyons | Pictures.
| Jon Løvstad | Technical assistance.
| Brent MacDonald | Lyrics.
| Emanuele "The Beard" Marchiori | Photos, audio samples, video clips, chords.
| Steven A. Marshall | Lyrics.
| Otto Marten | Lyrics, guitar chords.
| Jaime Martorano | Photod.
| Joan May | Video stills.
| Mikko Meriläinen | Discography.
| Ralph McGeehan | Photos.
| Peter Mckinstry | Drawing.
| Jesse McNew | Photos.
| Serge Mironneau | Lyrics.
| Gunnar Misund | Photos.
| Wu Mitchell | Articles, audio files.
| Ichiro Miyazaki | Pictures.
| Greg Moebius | Photos.
| Hadley Moore | Reviews.
| J. Kelly Moore | Lyrics.
| Tom Moretti | Photos, articles, discography, concert dates, news.
| Jake Morill | Lyrics.
| Terje Mosnes | Articles.
| Ross W. Muir | Article, photos.
| Joy Munsey | Photos.
| Bill Munson | History, discography, articles.
| Nathan | Photos.
| Andy Newcomb | Lyrics.
| No'am Newman | Audio files.
| Jeff Newsom | Articles.
| Alan Noelle | Lyrics.
| Trevor Nolte | Photos.
| "Mike Nomad" | Photos.
| Rune Nordli | Lyrics.
| Stephen W. Novik | Lyrics.
| Jeff Nugent | Discography, videography.
| Paul Nyman | Discography.
| Ian Olvera | Articles.
| Maurizio Orlando | Lyrics.
| John Orr | Articles.
| Kelly Otto | Articles.
| Øyvind Ottersen | Discography.
| Bil Paige | Discography, articles, history, audio files.
| Tony Palermo | Discography.
| Richard Patterson | Articles.
| Michael Pedersen | Discography, pictures.
| Markku Peltonen | Discography.
| Dick Pepper | Pictures, concert dates, discography.
| Laura W. Petix | Photos, lyrics.
| Cecilie Pettersen | Web design, HTML coding, icons, pictures.
| Bob Pierce | Photos.
| Edward Pirozzi | Articles.
| David Pomeroy | Photos.
| David Powell | Discography.
| Rod Prowse | Lyrics, sound samples, pictures, discography.
| Don Pugatch | Pictures, discography.
| Quincy | Chords.
| Linda S. Quzts | Articles.
| Ragtime | Loads of stuff.
| Ron Rainey Inc. | Concert dates, news.
| Roy M. Randall | Lyrics.
| Kevin Ransom | Articles.
| Stephane Rebeschini | Discography
| Paul Reiss | Concert dates.
| Todd Richards | Discography.
| Mike Rietmann | Articles.
| Louis J. Rich | Lyrics, sheet music.
| Stein Rune Risa | Sound samples.
| Seth Rogovoy | Articles.
| Chris Rollason | Reviews.
| Ger Romunde | Photos.
| Tracy Rotkiewicz | Discography, photos, news, articles.
| Dave Rowland | Discography, pictures.
| Kay Roybal | Pictures, articles.
| Jay Russel | Videography.
| Marty S. | Photos.
| Anthony Saccone | Photos.
| Sadavid | Articles.
| David Sadowy | Lyrics.
| Brian A. Sanders | Discography.
| Hendrik Schaper | Discography.
| John Scheele | Photos.
| Gerhard Schinzel | Discography.
| Rudi Schmid | Discography.
| Michael Schmidt | Discography.
| Reg Schwager | Photos, discography.
| Jeff Schwartz | Video clips.
| Erin Sebo | Photos, lyrics, articles.
| Michael A. Selk | Discography, videography.
| Katrin Sermat | Articles.
| Patricia Shaw | Articles.
| Peter Shearn | Photos.
| Alan Sheckter | Discography.
| Patricia Shaw | Articles.
| Mary Show | Pictures.
| Kitrick Short | Pictures, discography.
| Jamie Shrope | Lyrics.
| Glen Silverthorn | Photos.
| Steve Simenowitz | Photos.
| Jurjen Simmelink | Audio files.
| Olof Siverbo | Discography.
| Amund Sjøvold | Discography.
| Tom Skjeklesæther | Cover art.
| Harm van Sleen | Discography.
| Tony Sloggett | Posters, photos, articles.
| Bruce Smith | Photos.
| Pat Smith | Chords.
| Pehr Smith | Articles.
| Todd Smith | Lyrics, videography.
| John Sorensen | Reviews.
| Jan Ingemann Sørensen | Articles, cover art, photos.
| Jens Sørensen | Photos.
| Nick Spenceley | Discography.
| Ryan J. Stang | Lyrics/chords.
| Eric Stangel | Videography.
| Annette Stavem | Web server statistics. Photos.
| Tim Stehli | Articles.
| Knut Steile | Discography, audio files.
| Peter Stekel | Articles, lyrics.
| John Stirrat | Discography.
| Joseph L. Stokely | Pictures.
| Bill Street | Discography.
| Patrick Swanson | Chords.
| Brien Szabo | Photos.
| Kohji Takada | Audio samples.
| Jeff Tamarkin | Articles, information from Goldmine record collectors magazine.
| Takemasa Tanaka | Dylan lyrics, discography.
| Nadine Tanio | Discography.
| James Tappenden | History, reviews, discography, lyrics, filmography, audio tapes.
| Brian Taylor | Articles.
| Harlan L. Thompson | Lyrics.
| Drew Tillman | Lyrics.
| Libby Titus | History.
| Toef "Empty Now" | Tablatures.
| Paul Treanor | Photos.
| Tom Treanor | Discography, photos.
| Scott Tribble | Creator of alt.music.the-band, newsgroup FAQ, discography.
| Comrade Trotsky | Photos, lyrics.
| Glenn Trueman | Discography.
| Bruce Tsiknas | Articles.
| Pasi Tuominen | Discography, articles.
| Jim Tullio | Lyrics.
| Are Tysland | Sound sampling, video sampling, web design, pictures, HTML coding.
| Linus Törnqvist | Discography.
| Einar Uggerud | Discography.
| Siva Vaidhyanathan | Lyrics.
| Brian Vasconi | Photos.
| Peter Viney | Articles, history, discography, videography, photos.
| Edward Voci | Photos.
| Lukas W. | Audio files.
| John Waechter | Discography.
| Joe Wajgel | Discography.
| Richard Wall | Audio clips, photos.
| Fredrik Wandrup | Articles.
| Dror Warschawski | Articles.
| Jay Wardlaw | Discography.
| Bob Wardlaw | Lyrics.
| Hideki Watanabe | Pictures, discography.
| Keith Weinstein | Pictures.
| Dave Wells | Pictures.
| Jack Weston | Pictures.
| Bob Wigo | Pictures.
| Mark Wilkins | Pictures.
| Ragtime Willie | Lyrics.
| Laurin Willis | The Band tape archive.
| David Wilson | Articles.
| Scott Winkler | Lyrics, photos.
| Katherine Wirick | Sound samples.
| Kevin G. Wise | Pictures.
| Michael J. Wiseman | Pictures.
| Tim Witte | Pictures.
| David Michael Wolfe | Lyrics.
| Thom Wolke | Pictures.
| Tony Wolkowski | Discography.
| Susan B. Wood | Pictures.
| Timothy Wood | Memorabilia, articles.
| Roger Woods | Pictures.
| Ian Woodward | Discography.
| Bob Wyman | Articles.
| Jun Yamaya | Discography.
| Andy Young | Discography.
| Charlie Young | Photos.
| Molly Zaloudek | Lyrics.
| Cobi Zevenhoven | Photos.
| Dave Zuck | Photos, articles.
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