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The Band Guestbook, December 1999Below are the entries in the Band guestbook from December 11 1999.Rick Danko died on the morning of December 10. The guestbook traffic was very heavy in this period. Some entries were lost or truncated due to server overload.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 23:58:55 CET 1999 from dialin38.hin.oa.net ( Tim WardFrom: Nova Scotia, Canada
Thanx for sharing your vision and talent Rick. YOU ARE MISSED!!!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 23:51:29 CET 1999 from cdr5-15.accesscable.net ( TimFrom: nova scotia, canadaand the sun won't shine anymore......i'll miss you rick, you were truly a master. touring to the end without ever compromising your style or integrity, you not only sipped the wine, you downed it! rest well.
the warm comments on this gb have been very comforting to
me. thanks.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 23:50:21 CET 1999 from icache-3.doit.wisc.edu ( Tim(SUNDOWN)CorcoranFrom: Madison, Wisconsin. *AMERICA'S TWILIGHTLANDANKO*Home page
I'm overwhelmed by all this,,,and I'm sure that Rick is smile'n and his family and friends are too!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 23:22:46 CET 1999 from spider-we072.proxy.aol.com ( Dana Kyle StokesFrom: Nederland , COTo Rick Dankos family and band members Levon and Garth. I was saddened and heartbroke to hear of Ricks passing. Some of my best memories of my life and music were with you all. Like when Rick and I were sitting in his hotel room playing songs and he told me to change keys to a George Jones song so I could sing it better. To all you guys for letting me sit in at the Fox Theater in Boulder a couple of years ago. To you Levon for all the great stories and lessons I learned from you on our long ride from Denver to Telluride almost twenty years ago. God bless you Rick for all those great songs and singin` you sang like an angel, and I know you`re up in heaven with Richard singin` those great harmonies once again. God speed and be with you Rick I love you brother.
Dana Kyle Stokes
Posted on Sat Dec 11 23:14:45 CET 1999 from 62.morristown-08-09rs.nj.dial-access.att.net ( Lissa Block
My husband and I are both great fans of the Band and their music. Our mutually appreciation of the Band is one of the things that brought us together. It was with great sorrow that we heard about Rick's passing last night. We've been real lucky in that we've seen the group twice over the last couple of years. The memories of seeing the group on stage, with Levon banging the drums, Garth working his myriad of instrustments, and Rick swaying and stepping out the beat will be ones that we will have forever. Rick- we'll miss you -
Posted on Sat Dec 11 23:10:30 CET 1999 from spider-th034.proxy.aol.com ( PhilFrom: England
Tho I never saw Rick in concert, his music lives on with me via all the wonderful songs recorded with Robbie and co. We will miss you Rick,....Thanks
Posted on Sat Dec 11 23:10:00 CET 1999 from mp-119-220.daxnet.no ( Ole Jens HovdaFrom: Norway
I'm shocked.This is a tragedy.I send my thoughts to Rick's family and his friends.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 23:08:34 CET 1999 from acay019125162.acay.com.au ( PatricFrom: Down South In New South WalesMy deepest condolences to Rick's family and friends. I never knew Rick personally but have been a fan and admirer of his since my youth.His musical achievements and career will be documented by much more eloquent people than I so I'd like to relate a side of Rick that I percieved through his life.Rick to me had a soul that never grew old, even as he went through middle age his persona was always one of freshness and youth.This was brought home to me when I attended a concert by The Band in Sydney in 1988. That night the line-up included Terry Cagle, Blondie Chaplin, Garth of course, no Richard, no Robbie, no Levon. Rick was alone as the leader in the spotlight and he just blew me away. After all the Band classics he sang a song I hadn't heard before and havent heard since, it was called "Always Look On The Sunny Side Of Life" that song stuck in my mind till this day, it summed up Ricks spirit and attitude to this world so well..Rick, thank you for all you gave.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 23:09:12 CET 1999 from proxy-423.public.paix.webtv.net ( CODYFrom: FLA
we all just got alot older.."if i should
fail..on ths fearful trail..surrounded
and..alone and still persued...if i
don't prevail..if you get this
mail..know the last thing that i think of
will be you"
Posted on Sat Dec 11 23:08:17 CET 1999 from ( Jake R.From: Ol' Virginny
I could go on and on about what Rick Danko's music means to me. He was one of a kind, a voice that made me want to sing out. I will always remember him singing from the heart, eyes closed, giving us everything he had to give. Rick tied the whole thing together.He was a generous musician,an asset to every group of which he was a part.He was the king of harmony. The neighborhood has lost a brother, but his music lives on.Thank you Rick.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 23:07:57 CET 1999 from pc-24-215-24-72.mountaincable.net ( Steve RomanukFrom: Caledonia, Ontario
As we sit here with heavy hearts we wish to express to the
Danko families and members of The Band our deepest condolences. Ricks music got us thru both good times and
bad and will he will always be remembered.
Until the time that we can sip the wine, together.
God Speed Rick......
Posted on Sat Dec 11 22:54:55 CET 1999 from alb1-as5200-26-26.termserv.net ( Diamond Lil
Funeral arrangements for Rick have been completed by his family, and at their request, will be private. There will however be a memorial service open to anyone who'd like to attend, at The Bearsville Theatre on Wednesday December 15 at 2pm. Thank You.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 22:54:29 CET 1999 from proxy-423.public.paix.webtv.net ( CODYFrom: Fla.
i have been dreading coming here for
this occasion.i just had to take the
picture down of mr. danko and i..our
arms over each others shoulders..the
smiles ..only brought me tears..mr.
danko was so much more than a
musician..the years of joy he brought us
as fans can never be repaid.my heart and
prayers are with the danko
family..eli..your dad has come
home..richard your brother is with
you..and my prayers are also with
us..the fans..the music only dies when
the last..one..stops hearing...you are a
child of heaven now rick..run free..i
will never forget you...with much
love..peace to all
Posted on Sat Dec 11 22:53:14 CET 1999 from spider-wg062.proxy.aol.com ( Melissa RalstonFrom: Poughkeepsie originally, Connecticut now
I have been a fan for many years and was deeply saddened by Rick's death. I have met Rick two times and both times he was extremely gracious, autographing cds for me and friends. We tried to catch Rick with or without The band. His voice will never be replaced. I brought friends to a show at the town crier and it was their first show. When I called to tell them they were grateful they had experienced a show of his but again sad that it was the only time they had seen him. I feel fortunate to have caught him so many times. I will miss him. All our prayers go out to Rick, his family and friends.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 22:50:28 CET 1999 from userl451.uk.uudial.com ( John Paul RoganFrom: Glasgow (Scotland)
Although I have never had the opportunity to see The Band live, the quality of music still comes across. I have only heard of the sad death of Rick and not only was he a talented musician, he was an inspiration to me as well as to a lot of others.....
Rest In Peace and may your memory live on forever.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 22:49:39 CET 1999 from ( KatieFrom: Michigan
Rick's voice in particular and The Band in general are synonomous with my youth. Earth's loss is Heaven's gain; rest easy there, Rick. As long as your music is alive you'll never be forgotten. Condolences to the Danko family.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 22:35:41 CET 1999 from spider-wn032.proxy.aol.com ( mary krugerFrom: W.Va.
as a fan since 1971,this is a sad day.have all the albums,and listen to them often.rick will be missed very much in this house.may the music be remembered as some of the best ever recorded.take care,gary kruger
Posted on Sat Dec 11 22:29:07 CET 1999 from ahml92.ahml.lib.il.us ( Jeff MontwickiFrom: Des Plaines, IL
Good Lord, I was hopin' that it wasn't true. I only saw The Band on 2 occassions; once, at Wolf Trap in Vienna, VA and at New Year's Eve 96/97 at the Keswick Theater in Glenside, PA. When I started played guitar at open mic nights in PA, it was the songs by The Band that Rick sang that I performed, Stage Fright, It Makes No Difference, et al. I find myself forced to agree with the comments of Jay Larkin; this IS the saddest day in music since Jerry Garcia's passing. The world is a poorer place for his absence. Too soon gone, too soon gone. I feel like a lost a kindly jolly uncle. It just hurts real bad is all I know. My sincere condolences to Rick's family and to Levon and Garth. Thank you for some truly immortal, timeless music while you were in mortal form, Rick. And know that you are missed.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 22:27:38 CET 1999 from spider-tq023.proxy.aol.com ( tom and marianne izzoFrom: waterrbury ct
We can't talk now...Later, RIP Rick the best to you and yours All our love......Tom and Marrianne Izzo (tears)
Posted on Sat Dec 11 22:23:08 CET 1999 from a-fm3-48.tin.it ( Marco ValentiniFrom: Italy
I was really shocked this morning when I read about the death of Ricky Danko. His contribution to the music of this century is inestimable. I like to figure him playing bass up above in the clouds with Richard Manuel on the keyboards:
the music of the "fallen angels".
May he rest in peace.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 22:20:05 CET 1999 from hou161-66.sfsu.edu ( DavidFrom: San Francisco
The Band broughtabout a revelation in my life. Here's to a man whose voice and muscianship inspires nothing but love and hope. We love you Rick.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 22:18:21 CET 1999 from user-33qta8n.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USA
We are all very fortunate to have experienced the truth and magic of the Band. Part of coming to know ourselves, I suppose, by discovering the stories they told. And another one of those voices is now stilled. We have the recordings and the memories, thanks in particularly to the boys themselves who walked through life with humility and humanity. But the presence of Rick Danko, here just to help the neighborhood as he once said, now belongs to the ages. My condolences to the Danko family and all of Rick's people.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 22:09:55 CET 1999 from 01-vald-057.dial.optilinkcomm.net ( Jon D. ParrisFrom: The nearest faraway place
When you awake, you will remember everything.
Rest in Peace,
Posted on Sat Dec 11 22:04:14 CET 1999 from moore.ti.telenor.net ( Arne Jan HansenFrom: Norway
Posted on Sat Dec 11 22:04:22 CET 1999 from proxy04.wxs.nl ( Jos BrulsFrom: Holland
I discovered The Band's music rather late, but nevertheless I was amazed and thrilled by it. It was a shock to read about Rick's death. His music will live on and give inspiration to many of us.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 21:40:26 CET 1999 from ip-209-23-1-65.modem.capital.net ( CristinaFrom: NY
I'm only 15, but i've been listening to the Band for about three years, Rick was always my favorite!! What a shock... i was really not expecting this. I was crying so much when i found out. We love you Rick,
love always cristina
Posted on Sat Dec 11 21:27:44 CET 1999 from port561-17.worldpath.net ( J.K.ConstantineFrom: New Hampshire USA
Rick Danko and the Band, helped make the"soundtrack" of my life so rich, and so sweet.
He could make me smile and he could make me cry, in other words he had the rare gift to make us "feel"!
I'll miss that gift, miss Rick
"Too soon gone...too soon gone"
Rest in peace music man.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 21:24:59 CET 1999 from ( Ben
It's very strange that just yesterday I was listening to "Rock of Ages," reminding myself just how much I like the Band. This morning I woke up and read the news of Rick Danko's passing. Deepest sympathies to the Band, as well as Danko's friends and families. He will be missed by many!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 21:17:16 CET 1999 from spider-wk083.proxy.aol.com ( steveFrom: fort collins, colorado
It's weird--I was just listening to Big Pink this week and thinking how nice it would be if Richard was still around, and how much Rick contributed to the Band. I heard the news on a local radio station--the announcer started off with "Sad news from Woodstock, New York," which sent chills up my spine, and I just couldn't believe it. I hope, Rick, that you're up there with Richard sharing those high lonesome harmonies you're known for. Too soon gone......I feel like I lost a friend.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 21:15:41 CET 1999 from spider-tm034.proxy.aol.com ( Manette Cramer
"I Love you so much and its all I can do to keep from telling you that I never felt so alone before."
I will miss you Rick! When I ws 15 and following you down Tinker Street and you got in your old black antique car with Richard. I had such a crush on you. What memories.. smoking my first weed with you guys in the Big Pink with all those crazy wires all over the floor. You guys were gentlemen and great musicians. You will always be in my heart forever."Don't leave me alone in the twilight, cause twilight is the loneliest time of day"
Love Manette
Posted on Sat Dec 11 21:17:03 CET 1999 from a2.gborocollege.edu ( richardFrom: north carolina
Sorry you had to go Rick.
But I know that where you're playing tonight
looks just like your Living Room.
God love you, and thanks.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 21:14:43 CET 1999 from host-209-214-129-222.jax.bellsouth.net ( Tony Yeatropoulos
My sincerest and deepest sympathies to the Danko family, fellow band members, and all their loved ones. Rick has
been an inspiration to me since I was a very young man.
Other than the Beatles, The Band was the first album I ever bought. We shall all cherish his memory, and all that he gave us, forever. Tony Y.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 21:07:52 CET 1999 from vp205-185.worldonline.nl ( Amber KleveringaFrom: Amsterdam, Holland
- Tears, tears and more tears -
I am deeply moved by the passing of such an amazing person,
who without a doubt has captured a piece of many-a people's heart.
Had the priviledge of meeting Rick Danko in 1993, in a Dutch town called Den Bosch. This was a dream come true for me. Talking about music and stuff, with my idol. How sweet life can be.
My genuine condolences to his kin and close ones!
'T ga je goed Rick!!!
Veel Liefs - Amber.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 21:06:12 CET 1999 from spider-wi082.proxy.aol.com ( kevin craigFrom: long ksland ny
Posted on Sat Dec 11 21:04:06 CET 1999 from spider-tr081.proxy.aol.com ( Jim LinwoodFrom: London
"But you know that we shall meet again".
Thanks for everything and condolences to your family and friends.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 20:59:21 CET 1999 from spider-wj023.proxy.aol.com ( KarenFrom: Jersey City, NJ
Rick, be at peace. Here's to an eternity of music, guitars, and a stage for you to sing on forever.
May God bless and keep you always, gentle soul. I'm glad you're finally free. We love you.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 20:56:06 CET 1999 from d1.as0.spfd.oh.voyager.net ( Dan Conley
I first heard The Band when Big Pink was released. I was hooked! Their second album stands as one of the greatest recordings of all time. Thanks, Rick, for all the years of enjoyment. My sympathies to the Danko family at this time of loss. My thoughts are with you. Rick will be sorely missed.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 20:41:06 CET 1999 from abd826fc.ipt.aol.com ( JoelleFrom: Berkeley, CaliforniaHome page
I am 17 years old and The Band has meant so much to me since
before I can remember. Their American roots style pierced
me straight to the heart. They were soulful, authentic, &
were SO damn talented. It was a heartbreaking loss to lose
Richard, and now we've lost Rick. May they both rest peacefully
in heaven, in a blissful jam session with all the greats.
I love you Rick, You were a true genius in music.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 20:49:48 CET 1999 from pppa67-dalecity15-4r412.saturn.bbn.com ( DaveFrom: Virginia
"It makes no difference, how far I go, like a scare the hurt will always show"
We love you Rick. Let the music live on!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 20:48:03 CET 1999 from cacheflow.bright.net ( Jay LarkinFrom: Marysville, Ohio
The saddest day since Jerry Garcia passed away. I was fortunate to shake Rick's hand at a show in Columbus, Ohio. For such a musical legend, he was as down to earth as anybody I've ever met. Thanks for the music Rick! Peace.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 20:42:28 CET 1999 from ts006d18.lon-co.concentric.net ( Garrett
...Rick Danko's music will always be an inspiration to me. He had such a unique voice. I love the music of The Band and was shocked to hear of this loss...
Posted on Sat Dec 11 20:39:11 CET 1999 from spider-we022.proxy.aol.com ( Jonathan WadmanFrom: Portland Or
Rick, thanks for sharing your music with the world. We are all a little richer for it.
To the Danko family, my heart goes out to you.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 20:35:14 CET 1999 from r83aap007495.crm.cable.rcn.com ( Bill GordonFrom: Carmel NYHome page
I met Rick when he played with his trio in South Station in Boston. It was a lunchtime show so I snuck out of work with my bass and took the T (subway) to the show. It was fantastic. I sang harmonies from my seat (I sang too loud) I remember Rick looking over and smiling. Afterwards I talked with him and asked him what he was doing for the rest of the day. He said he had a old car in a storage house just south of Boston and he was going to take a ride. He was a great guy and I'm gonna miss him. I missed the Towne Crier shows and that is a regret. Just a humble word of advice... If you have the chance to see performers that you love, see them as soon as you can. I took it for granted and figured I catch the next show...
My deepest sympathies go out to his family and friends.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 20:34:21 CET 1999 from cvg-028-246.cinci.rr.com ( zuke
NPR Danko Obit
Posted on Sat Dec 11 20:33:22 CET 1999 from abd7b2c2.ipt.aol.com ( Rich PatchFrom: Connecticut
Thank you Rick.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 20:05:20 CET 1999 from ghomech1.eng.ohio-state.edu ( suresh moorthyFrom: india
shook hands with rick, a couple of yrs back
in columbus.."sooraysh, u really from inida,
its a pleasure to meet u" he said, at which point
i tried blurting out "u telling me rick"..
thanks for the music rick...
Posted on Sat Dec 11 19:59:56 CET 1999 from ( PAUL HANNAHFrom: PERTH, ONTARIO.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 19:59:25 CET 1999 from ( Pete RivardFrom: Hastings, MN
Rick Danko has hung up his rock 'n roll shoes. Today, if it weren't true before, The Band is history. I feel like today is truly the first day of winter. The trees are bare, the sky is grey, and though we haven't seen any snow yet, today it's cold and cheerless, outside and inside. The only comfort I feel is that he was taken (hopefully) gently in his sleep, a courtesy richly deserved. Thank you, Rick Danko. Good bye, Rick Danko.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 19:47:01 CET 1999 from tcr4-2.keene.monad.net ( james e. bemis IIFrom: keene
I saw the Band in the early 90's. it was one of the best shows i've ever seen. Right after that show, I became a huge fan. Last night, I heard of Rick's passing on MTV. I'm very sad that someone who brought me so much joy is no longer with us. I pass my thoughts and prays to his family & friends. Keep the music flowing.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 19:37:43 CET 1999 from hermes.ldd.net ( D F "Ruester RowlandFrom: Kentucky
Rick was one of the finest
voices ever..."It Makes no
Difference" gave me cold
chills every time I heard him
sing it...Rest in Peace, Rick
Posted on Sat Dec 11 19:37:13 CET 1999 from 161.new-york-66-67rs.ny.dial-access.att.net ( Scott AldrichFrom: Brooklyn, NY
I am so saddened to hear of the loss of Rick Danko.
I never met Rick, but I heard he was a great guy. His singing and bass
playing with the Band have had an enormous impact on my life.
In interviews and films he seemed so incredibly connected to the passion
of American music, though he was Canadian. I'll always love the vision of
him playing a scratchy, soulful, Appalachian violin and grunt/singing "Old
Time Religion" from The Last Waltz. Or his earthy, punchy, loping bass line
in "Yazoo Street Scandal". Or his yearning vocals to "Stage Fright". Jesus,
I'm gonna cry. I love all those guys, but somehow he and Richard Manuel had
that skin of vulnerability that made them so particularly soulful. Richard
had his wit as a mask, and Rick his pretty boy,cocksure looks. Somehow it's
not surprising that those two guys were the first to leave us, they seemed
the most fragile. My heart goes out to Rick's family and friends, to Garth,
Levon and Robbie. We'll all miss him.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 19:30:58 CET 1999 from ( JasonFrom: Ridgefield, CT
Thank you Rick for the wonderful shows in the town of Pawling, NY. Those shows have meant a great deal to me for the music and the times I was able to spend with my father sharing some of the most true music around. I will truely miss your approach to music and the great pleasure it brought to your fans. I feel truely lucky having been able to meet a man of such musical talent and good nature. Even though when I pull into the town of Pawling I will feel a certain void I know the music will forever echo.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 19:30:24 CET 1999 from spider-tq011.proxy.aol.com ( Chris SalcedoFrom: Newark, De
I've been listening to the music of the Band for about fifteen years, now. While I only got to see them perform twice, each of those shows provided me with enough memories and good feelings to last a lifetime. I felt priveliged to share in the obvious joy that the members of The Band felt in creating their music, and in sharing that music with the rest of us. Thank you, guys, and thank you Rick, for providing me with part of the soundtrack to my life.
"The flame still burns..."
Posted on Sat Dec 11 19:16:42 CET 1999 from dialupe159.ne.uswest.net ( Jeff JohnsonFrom: Omaha, NE USA
I wish I could think of more to say about Rick's passing
but I can think of is
Hope you and Richie are enjoying yourselves as mings to last a lifetime. I felt priveliged to share in the obvious joy that the members of The Band felt in creating their music, and in sharing that music with the rest of us. Thank you, guys, and thank you Rick, for providing me with part of the soundtrack to my life.
"The flame still burns..."
Posted on Sat Dec 11 19:16:42 CET 1999 from dialupe159.ne.uswest.net ( Jeff JohnsonFrom: Omaha, NE USA
I wish I could think of more to say about Rick's passing
but I can think of is
Hope you and Richie are enjoying yourselves as much now as
you did before.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 19:16:42 CET 1999 from proxy1-external.hnsn1.on.home.com ( JIm MontgomeryFrom: Brampton, Ontario
Like the music and sounds, thanks Rick for the memories the music instills.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 19:14:57 CET 1999 from spider-tm042.proxy.aol.com ( Mark WentworthFrom: London Ontario CanadaThe sad,sad news of Rick's death comes to me at a already very painful time in my life. I find myself asking what will life throw at us/me next? I spent yesterday in mourning just as if I had lost a brother (which we all have-really)I live within an hours radius of the birthplace of all members of the Band (Turkey Scratch residents excepted).As a result I am never far from someone who has an old Band memory that they are willing to share. I also have a few to share (which one is the question) I visit Richard's grave site on a regular basis when I need to. It is a very special spiritual place for me!I can be found playing guitar in Stratford and telling Richard stories (particularily whenever I have just seen a Band show)Now perhaps I will also have to go to Crazy Chester's resting place (although I wish it didn't have to be this way) I remember one of the first times I met Rick. The Band were playing Centenial Hall here in London. I was a wayward local musician so when The Band came to town I went to hang around the backdoor of the venue (as I didn't have a ticket) I ended up meeting Rick's cousin from down Chatham way because he was waiting for Rick to appear.He was surprised to find a younger person like myself was still very much interested in the Band. He told me about days of going to stay with Rick and the boys in upstate N.Y. in the sixties. Eventually Rick did pull up in his Towncar With New York plates. Rick was very pleased to see his long lost cousin. He asked if his cousin had tickets for the show to which he said they did but quickily said that myself and my two friends did not. Without hesitation Rick said to me no problem there are three tickets at will-call under the name Danko. I thanked Rick for his kindness.After the show I left a thank-you note on Rick's cousins car (who I never saw again).
This truely is only one of many stories that I have that are Band related but I will let others have their time as we all share in our time of grief. I extend my deepest warm thoughts to the Danko family (both immediate and otherwise) P.S. Levon if you see this (and I hope you do!!) please,please take care of yourself - of course you are your own person able to make your own decisions but when I see you I fear for your future! Try to make decisions that are the best for your health. Remember that you bring much joy into a lot of people's lives and we love you brother!!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 19:12:56 CET 1999 from dialup- ( David
From around 1985-1993 the Band gave the most exciting live shows I've ever witnessed. Whether in NYC or the Berkshires, with or without Billy Preston, or even Ringo, they just rocked! We'll miss you Rick, the world will be just a little more out of kilter without you.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 19:09:46 CET 1999 from 216-164-222-167.s421.tnt4.nyw.ny.dialup.rcn.com ( GuyFrom: Rockaway, NY
You've been a musical inspiration throughout the years Rick.
It's weird......I pulled out the sheets for "It makes no difference"
out of hundreds the other day to play on the piano.
My wife Karen said, "that's such a great song".....
You've given us much.......miss you,
Posted on Sat Dec 11 19:06:58 CET 1999 from dialin-205.poughkeepsie.bestweb.net ( GeneFrom: a very sad place
I wish we could all get together and have a toast to
Posted on Sat Dec 11 19:04:02 CET 1999 from cr858866-a.bloor1.on.wave.home.com ( Angel FemiaFrom: TorontoHome page
The Street Kids of Toroonto are very sorry for many reasons that Rick has left this world. Please accept our condolances and we pray that all the friends and family will heal and find the strength, love and endurance to go on in his name and honour the great work Rick has done in the many years of his life. We are most sad as Rick has been one of our most treasured icons as he came from our roots. We will all miss him greatly. Love Angel and all the Street Kids of Toronto and Canada. Our prayers and love to all.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 18:58:48 CET 1999 from pool-209-138-214-63.dlls.grid.net ( Dexy
Great voice, great musician, nice guy. So sad. Thanks for the outstanding last interview and other articles, Jan.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 18:35:18 CET 1999 from 1cust133.tnt2.atl2.da.uu.net ( Bobby DowellFrom: beentheredoneit
Rick! you will be missed I remember the last time I spoke to you at the Jimmy Buffett concert in Cleveland it seems so long ago this day as I'm saddened to here the news you like a brother to me as you were to so many my thoughts and prayers are with your family! I love you MAN!thanks for everything....
Posted on Sat Dec 11 18:33:42 CET 1999 from icache-3.doit.wisc.edu ( Tim(sundown)CorcoranFrom: Madison Wi. *AMERICA'S TWILIGHTLANDANKO*Home page
Gee,,,I keep finding myself coming back to see this guestbook,,I don't know why,,maybe cuz I think I'll wake up and this will all be just a bad dream...
Posted on Sat Dec 11 18:31:09 CET 1999 from client-55-215.natinst.com ( W. K. StrattonFrom: Austin, Texas
I spent last night listening to Rick's vocals on "Wheel's on Fire" and "Stage Fright" and his stellar singing on the Watkins Glen album, as well as his classic first album. What a sad evening. Two weeks ago we lost the legendary Texas musician Doug Sahm, who also had associations with Rick and The Band. It's been a downer time for those of us with powerful interests in roots-based music. Adios Doug, adios Rick. You guys left the American musical landscape a better place.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 18:30:17 CET 1999 from 1cust240.tnt1.bristol.wi.da.uu.net ( Doug
My apologies for posting that show review so many times earlier this morning. I still can't see any of them. I didn't know I was repeating.
Very sorry for clogging things up. No more...I promise.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 18:26:38 CET 1999 from x08-024.tokyo.highway.ne.jp ( ShujiFrom: Tokyo
Thanks Rick. You gave me a lot of happiness.
We will keep alive your soul.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 18:17:40 CET 1999 from ppp6213.qc.bellglobal.com ( Gilles CormierFrom: quebec
Thanks Rick__ Anyway__ We remember you well from TLE LAST WALTZ movie__ You were great to watch__ specially when you talk with Scorsese__ and wanna "sip the wine""__ May you sip it in heavens and share it with all those great ones that you loved and that are gone__ Say Hello to Richard!__ Frankie Lee alias Gilles Cormier
Posted on Sat Dec 11 18:13:29 CET 1999 from spider-wl064.proxy.aol.com ( m.c. kinnieryFrom: nj
I saw Rick a number of times in the 90's, most memorably at a very rough bar in Clifton, NJ, about a year ago. There were a few of us die-hard fans, surrounded by hard drinkers who had no idea who he was: at first. Accompanied by Professor Louie, within 30 minutes he had that tough crowd spellbound. He played "When You Awake" at my request, and afterwards, when I went up to tell him how his music always made me cry, he kissed my hand. An unforgettable guy, who made unforgettable music. Thank you, Rick.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 18:04:12 CET 1999 from pop-zh-12-1-dialup-151.freesurf.ch ( G. BirdFrom: Geneva, Switzerland
A very sad day. My condolences to the Danko family. He will be greatly missed, but has left us with some beautiful music that will last a long long time.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 17:54:24 CET 1999 from dynamic199.as32.snfcca01.pacific.verio.net ( MarkFrom: San Rafael,CA
I was very saddened last night when I got a phone call telling me of Rick's death. I saw the Band the first time at the Forum in Inglewood with Bob Dylan in about 74 or 75. Saw them later at Frost Ampatheater at Stanford University in 100 degree heat. The last time I heard them play was at the Fillmore in S.F. in 97. I was amazed that they were still playing with an incredible amount of energy. It was a great show. Thanks for all the music.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 17:52:00 CET 1999 from icache-3.doit.wisc.edu ( Tom (tie-dye) KotenbergFrom: Madison, WisconsinHome page
As a long time fan of The Band. I am very sadened by Ricks
sudden passing. I was very lucky to see him perform last weekend
at the Cubby Bear North in Chicago,(What a great performence it was), with my best briend Tim Sundog. The
photos and autographs have a very heartfelt meaning now more
than ever. As he signed my deseased brothers origanal copy of
Music from Big Pink 'Tom live long', Rick Danko. Wow, what a
freeky feeling it gives me now. Well, I know how much he will be
missed by all of us fans, as well as his family and close friends. Peace be with you
and all of us now Rick! And may the four winds blow you
safely home... Peace Love n Light... Tom
Posted on Sat Dec 11 17:48:20 CET 1999 from jax10-212.leading.net ( JC BradfordFrom: Tunbridge VTBack in 67 or 68 I was riding along with my sister down the Connecticut Turnpike. We had always sung and harmonized as kids in the car and were screwing around doing the same that day. She started singing Long Black Veil which I knew as a folksong but nothing beyond. We got done singing and she said "When did you hear it....I said hear what....The new album by The Band.....I said who are you talking about. She said "That's spooky....real spooky...I just yesterday heard this album and we just did one of the songs note for note...lacking the third part.....you are going to love them".... Luckily I lived the last thirty years in Vermont and saw them repeatedly. Burlington VT they walked out on stage, hit the first chord of Mystery Train and the biggest shooting star I have ever seen in my life crosses the stage above their heads. It was magic Saw them in Mass at a ski resort one summer in the mid Eighties. It was during one of their real screwed up periods and they had a double for each of them on stage so they didn't get lost musically. Garth playing with his elbows...just making noise....laughing at the audience for clapping. Sad Sad Sad Then I saw Rick in South Royalton Vermont in a tiny tiny bar...maybe 50 people... stood five feet away. He came out with "The Snake" on harp....absolutely blew the whole place away...did Stage Fright with The Snake playing the organ solo on four harmonicas at once....didn't miss a note...I was in shock...Of course I am standing close with enough with enough Margaritas in me to float a small boat... and was singing all the third parts that they didn't get being a duo....he kept smiling down at me....when the gig is over I go to shake his hand. He beat me to it...he approaches me and said" Man you hit every note" I was embarrassed and said" Sorry...I'm drunk...hope I didn't fuck up the show for you..I know how hard it is to sing when someone is singing in you ear.....he said "Are you kidding? I was thinking the whole second set of how to get you a mic, you were great"...I still consider it the best compliment I have ever received...I left on a cloud.
Now I can't stop misting up....it's like I lost my best friend...you read all the stuff that is written in the guest book and you see that I am one of thousands that was touched by him personally....he has always gone out of his way to make all of us feel like we really are someone...he would have come to dinner if I had the balls to invite him. What a man...........
Posted on Sat Dec 11 17:49:04 CET 1999 from cz-cblk-150-12-195.cyberzone.net ( PattyFrom: ConnecticutWhen I arrived home yesterday afternoon my husband told me the news of Rick's death. It has honestly taken me this long to be able to compose my thoughts and write of my feelings. Like many of you, the saddness is overwhelming. Last June (98) I had this URGENT desire to see Rick Danko. Although I had seen him a number of times over the years, it had been a while since I had seen him last. My husband went to the internet and found out that Rick would be playing in Amagansett, Long Island at The Stephen Talk House. We were able to work out the details, we would take a Ferry to Long Island, we booked a hotel room, and had reserved tickets for the show. We were on our way. Our hotel was about 25 minutes from where the show was. It was about 1:00 in the afternoon by the time we checked into our room and I declared that we needed to head out to Amagansett. My husband brouth it to my attention that it was still early, the show wasn't for another 7 hours.... I really had this pressing feeling that I need to get to this show. So we headed out. We found tThe Talk House and picked up our tickets. The only problem was that we still had six hours till the show. We grabbed a bite to eat and drove around a bit, but for the most part we just waited out front. (I have a very understanding husband)! Again I had felt this urgencey to see this show. I had vision of thousands of people coming into town (after all this was Rick Danko) and I was a fraid that somehow I wasn't going to get in. The TalkHouse is small and very informal. The stage is only about a foot high so you are just about at the same level as the performer. I'm thinking it holds 100 -150 people although I could be wrong on that. It's a great place for a concert. Around 6:00pm they opened the patio area out back. I was almost there! Then Rick arrived, they needed to set up and do a sound check and we caught part of it. Rick was wearing glasses and was heavier than he use to be, but when he smiles that smile, you know it's him. And oh that voice......He leaves and we are able to go in. Our table is right at the stage, so we sit and wait some more. This is where things start to change. After leaving from the sound check, Rick is probably about 50 minutes late getting back for the show. To tell you the truth I am not quite sure what is going on with him. I wasn't sure if he was on something, or trying to get off of something. He was struggling - but he was Rick and I loved him and I was so greatful to be able to sit in the same room as him. "Makes No Difference" brought tears to my eyes, and he did a great version of "Blind Willie McTell". I have never seen anybody with so much heart!!!! I think the saddest thing about the show was that the people who didn't really know Rick, just didn't get it. When the show was over they announced that Rick would be back to talk and sign autographs. Many people left, I guess to them the show was over and they were on to the next event. I was amazed, didn't they realize what an opportunity they were missing. Didn't they realize that if nothing else , at the very least, they needed to thank this man for all that he has given us?! I waited. He signed my "Rick Danko" CD - he had some trouble with the pen and his hands were shaking a bit - but he was so gentle. He took my hand, looked me right in the eyes, smiled that smile, and thanked ME for coming. Imagine that! He thanked me. I didn't know if my heart was going to burst or break. I realized that I have taken up a lot of space so I will try to make this quick. When I left The Talk House that night I honestly believed the urgency I had to go and see Rick was that he wasn't going to be around much longer. I didn't think I would ever have the opportunity to see him again and I was even more humbled for the chance that I had not only to see him, but to meet him. I was so bothered by this that when I got home I wrote him a letter. (I don't know if he ever recieved it, but I really did mail it). The letter told of my love and respect for him and his music but also went into my concern for him. Maybe it was time for him to put "first things first" and take care of himself. I told him that there were already a list of people that were "Too soon gone" please don't join them. The reason I even mention the letter is because I am still amazed at how deeply this man has affected me. I guess that was the beauty of Rick, to love the music you had to love the man! I did get to see Rick 2 more times. Awhile after the Long Island show we saw him at the Iron Horse in Mass. He was fantasic! He looked and sounded great, he did "Blue River" and even made a comment about planning on being around for a long time. I believed him. Then a couple of months ago I saw him in Providence, he was incredible!!! He opened with "Book faded Brown". The concert was held outside on the waterfront. I rember as I sat there I as thinking that life doesn't get much better than this. I would like to mention that all three times that I saw Rick recently he was accompanied by Aaron Hurwitz or "Professor Louie" as Rick would refer to him. Aaron is an unbelievable musician. Not only did he compliment Rick's performance, he also provided a stability to the show. So Aaron if you're out there, thanks. Rick is one of those guys that will alwaysa be forever young, unfortunitly he is "Too soon gone."
Posted on Sat Dec 11 17:46:50 CET 1999 from ( Mark CloudFrom: CaliforniaHome page
Truly the end of an era. Rick Danko and the Band have produced some of the more enduring music of the 20th century; including, and perhaps even particularly, the releases in the '90s (solo and together)! My sincere condolences to his family and friends. The music will certainly live on.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 17:41:02 CET 1999 from as2-dial223.lnng.mi.voyager.net ( Joel KuiperI'm very sorry to hear of Rick Danko's passing. The Band has had a major impact on my life (and my ears!) I wasn't even born when the Band's first two monumental albums were recorded. When i was introduced to the group, i was floored by the emotion they projected though the music. It was real, i could feel it.
Even though i was a late-blooming fan, i had the chance to see the 90's incorporation of the Band 4 times. They still played with that same emotion and feeling, showing music knows no age or time. The first time i saw them was at the Tastefest in Detroit in 94, a free outdoor show. It was a great show, the crowd was dancing, the Band in fine form. I took my my 2 year old godson to the show, it was his first concert. He loved it. After the gig, we ran into Rick, he was a very warm individual. He took time to stop and say hello and he gave my godson one of his picks. He still has it. I can only hope his generation finds the same joy in the music of this truly great band. THE Band. We will truly miss you Rick. Thank you. It DOES Make a Difference.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 17:40:57 CET 1999 from prisb104-27.splitrock.net ( Jim
Many years ago I moved back to my hometown after an eight year absence. My wife and I had a party with some old and new friends and I put "Rock of Ages" on the stereo. Several people immediately said, "This is one of my favorite albums!" We had a blast that night, forming bonds that have endured to this day. I've felt this music deeply for years; "Unfaithful Servant" is one of my favorite songs of all time. Sad that Rick is gone.
So long to my other side.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 17:38:54 CET 1999 from ppp102-197.pppcal.vsnl.net.in ( Pratap GuptaFrom: Calcutta, India
Thanks for the music - rest in peace
Posted on Sat Dec 11 17:37:38 CET 1999 from 1cust179.tnt23.atl2.da.uu.net ( George CarboneFrom: FloridaI woke up this morning with a tear in my eye. I only heard the Band once in concert at Suffolk Community College. It was the most thrilling concert I have ever attended. I am a professional bass player. Rick, you were my idol. You played with such passion and soul. I will miss your singing, songwriting and bass playing. My love and condolences go out to the Danko family, friends and fans. We have truly lost a gentle soul. I am so thankful to my brother Timmy who insisted that I attend a concert that he was playing with Rick at the Bottom Line in NYC in March of this year. He plays with the 'Kings in Disquise'. Rick play with the professor and he played the guitar. He opened up with 'Book Faded Brown' which I fell immediately in love with. The second part of the show Rick was joined by the 'Kings'. I can't remember hearing such energy and joy coming from his older compositions. I'll never forget the look on his face. It was pure joy, and he had the biggest grin on his face. The love he radiated to the audience was overwhelming. I was extremely grateful for the opportunity to meet him, shake his hand, get a bear hug and a signed copy of Jubilation.
God Rest your soul Rick. I miss you. Damn why do the good die young!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 17:33:19 CET 1999 from d212-151-32-198.swipnet.se ( Arne PerssonFrom: Sweden
Goodbye Rick,
Posted on Sat Dec 11 17:31:30 CET 1999 from spider-te032.proxy.aol.com ( Rick SinclairFrom: Suffern, N.Y.
Condolences to the Danko family. I was fortunate
to see The Band perform 3 times- at the original Woodstock, at the Syracuse War Memorial (1970?)
and at their last Carnegie Hall performance. My favorite
was their Syracuse performance. They played on a huge
carpet. After each song they all switched instruments.
I'll always remember the Band for their original sound
and their musicianship. I think a fitting tribute for Rick
would be if all his musical friends could perform at
Carnegie Hall.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 17:22:49 CET 1999 from ksgy5ds07.stm.mesh.ad.jp ( TAKEAKI
I miss you. I have never forget you.
Thank you Rick.and GOOD BYE!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 17:18:39 CET 1999 from spider-te061.proxy.aol.com ( Andrew MacGowan, IIIFrom: Rochester, NY
Thanks for the many wonderful memories, Rick. I first saw The Band perform at Watkins Glen, July 28, 1973 (and the soundcheck the evening before), and a number of other shows in the 70’s and 80’s. One of the great voices of our time -- Rick sang with true conviction, which was why he was a great singer. And his playing -- for me, one of the most satisfying bassists around. May your work not be forgotten. God bless you, Rick
Posted on Sat Dec 11 17:18:12 CET 1999 from ksgy5ds07.stm.mesh.ad.jp ( TAKEAKI
I miss you. I have never forget you. Thank you Rick!!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 17:08:12 CET 1999 from schltns.demon.nl ( ObituaryFrom: NRC Handelsblad 11-12-1999NRC Handelsblad, Dutch quality newspaper, mentions Rick's death on the frontpage today and publishes an obituary on page 9, written by Sjoerd de Jong. "Boyish veteran" The pop industry produces stars as chickens-for-one-day, but there was a time when it was driven by genuine musicians. Rick Danko, who died in his sleep yesterday, was such a musician. As a bass guitar player, singer and songwriter he played a prominent part in the legendary group The Band that woke up the American popscene from it's psychedelic slumber, and got reputed as Bob Dylan's backing group. Alongside guitar player Robbie Robertson the Canadian Danko pressed his imprint on The Band with ominous songs like "This Wheel's On Fire" (with Bob Dylan) and with his high-pitched voice, pairing enthusiasm with hardly restrained panic. The earthly, lively sound of the group was a revelation for a generation of American and European musicians who lost themselves, following the Beatles' tracks, in overflowed virtuosity or hallucinating experiments. In the midst of the 70s the Band members were cult-heroes and much wanted session players in the Californian music scene. The group had their apotheosis two years later with "The Last Waltz", a farewell concert full of stars and glamour that has been considered as the musical ending of the 70s. In Martin Scorcese's documentary of the same name we see Danko, moved, sobbing by a fragment of "Rick Danko" (1977), the difficult start of a solo carreer that never kindled. The chilly 80s drove the Band members back to each other, albeit without Robbie Robertson. But the glory of a comeback with "stock-exchange-quotation" was not given to these veterans: as from 1983 they performed again in the circle of backstreet bars where they once had started. A few years ago Danko gave a one-man-show in the "Melkweg" in Amsterdam. Accompanying himself on the guitar he vainly tried to make it all sound bigger than the sum of its parts. What remained was the boyish tone of his voice, with that combination of enrapture and bewilderment that was characteristic of him. Written by Sjoerd de Jong, NRC Handelsblad, The Netherlands I thought you should know how Rick is recalled in the Netherlands. Please ignore some incorrect facts, it respects Rick the way he was. Ragtime.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:59:55 CET 1999 from ( CAKE
Thank you for your music,RICK. so long & forever. by CAKE
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:54:08 CET 1999 from spider-wj061.proxy.aol.com ( Frank M.From: NYC and Greater Woodstock area........Dear Rick: I spent great amounts of time as a young kid growing up in those Catskills where all the great Band and Basement Tapes music was written. I'm sure the beauty, and "vibe" of the mountains also inspired Dylan to write some of his greatest tunes. But, we all know that your music came from a much deeper place than mere surroundings.I have my memories of you....deep,indelible pictures of you on stage bringing me great joy when I heard your voice. I remember you in '74, playing the late show at The Garden with Dylan and The Band. I was 17 and in high school. The show was the most exciting event I ever witnessed up to that point in my life. You were wearing a black suit jacket and pants like the rest of The Band.You were pounding out your bass, and "singing like a bird." as you left the stage, you said: "See you next year." I got so excited because I thought you all would do it again the following year. A naive kid I was. I remember seeing you and Levon at Folk City in the early 1980's. You played guitar that night....you were so good....it was this time of year...with the frost on the tree. There were the shows at The Lone Star Cafe on 14th St. You played two shows with the Band minus Robbie. I said hello to Richard that night.I chatted with Levon before the show. It was Richard's last NYC appearance. He was gone several months later. Then there was Watkins Glen....... The great show about 5 years ago at The Bearsville Theater when The Band played the entire new album they just released. You were the rock they attached themselves too. The bass rock with the sweet voice. Many, many shows over the years. The outdoor show several summers ago with the cute lady on electric violin in Woodstock.... The last time I saw you was at The Joyous Lake, two Labor Days ago. You played with Garth, and Professor Louie. I was up and dancing "The Shape I'm In." I grabbed a young, pretty girl and danced with her....I got in trouble with my girlfriend. You were singing, and laughing because a lady was dancing wildly... right in front of you.We were all happy because of you......I'll always remember that memory of you singing and laughing in the joy of the music. Isn't that what your music was all about? The love, joy, fun, beauty, sex,the pain,The Road,The Show, The Band....it was all in that snapshot of you laughing, dancing, and singing "The Shape I'm In" that night in Woodstock. I loved your soul Rick......Thank you for it......goodbye.....
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:50:44 CET 1999 from hnvlb104-22.splitrock.net ( Tony KnightenFrom: Gurley Alabama
My condolences to Ricks family & the rest of the Band. Like Jupiter Hollow your music had a way of taking me out to a different year.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:51:44 CET 1999 from ppp-40.alta-1.globalone.no ( Paul SollieFrom: Norway
Rick, you will live forever in our hearts.
Thank you for the music.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:51:31 CET 1999 from 144.phoenix-01-02rs.az.dial-access.att.net ( Luis LoucksHome page
Forever in my heart. Thank you 'old friend.
I'll miss you daily.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:48:30 CET 1999 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Ken AidekmanFrom: NJHome page Thursday nite I drove into New York City to see a benefit show and was looking for CDs for the trip. I plucked Jubilation and three others from the shelf. On the ride home I listened to Jubilation, repeating my favorite tracks (Rick's) and singing along. There is music on that album that is as sweet and melancholy as anything ever put out by the Band. Rick played a show in the fall of last year for my charity with a number of other performers. It was the first and only time I met him but he left a lasting impression. He was friendly and upbeat and anxious to please despite his physical state and the exertion it took to get around and play. Before his set he sat in the dressing room where my 10 year old daughter was laying down, quietly trying to fall asleep. He said he wanted to play her a lullabye so he sang and played Book Painted Brown to her and she went out like a light. By the time he came out the crowd had dwindled to about 150 people in a large dancehall and his first few solo acoustic numbers were tentative and pleasantly done if not major crowd pleasers . My friends from a local NJ band took the stage behind him to accompany him on some old Band numbers. They had never played together before. They did a couple of old standards and the place just went nuts. People were dancing and singing along and having a wonderful time. It was one of the greatest musical experiences I ever had. Sent me back 25 years within an hour. Rick was enjoying himself, swaying side to side, kind of like a great big dancing bear. He was impressed with the other musicians and very gracious to acknowledge each one and give them an opportunity to solo. As the choruses went on he turned around in a circle, pointing with his guitar each to show off for the rock star and the audience. Weeks later he contacted my friends and asked them join him on some solo gigs in the area. When I saw them play together again Rick was adamant about complimenting them and promoting their name in front of the crowd. I never "knew" him, to speak of, but from the very short time I spent near him I was struck by his humility and decency in a business which rewards neither.
Thank you Rick for showing the better side of humanity to us. You touched our lives and we won't forget you.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:48:15 CET 1999 from cras58p163.navix.net ( Scott AndersonFrom: NebraskaHome page
The first time I heard the Band was on a recording of "It Makes No Difference". I was going through a divorce at the time and the voice of Rick Danko on that song made life bearable for me. I will miss his voice. It only got better with time
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:47:35 CET 1999 from spider-tm062.proxy.aol.com ( Bobby G.From: Minnesota
Let us not bow our heads for we won't be complainin';
Life has been good to us all, even when that sky is rainin'.
To take it like a grain of salt, is all I can do, it's no one's fault, makes no diff'rence if we fade away, it's just as it was, it's much to cold for me to stay.
Goodbye to that country home, so long lady I have known,
farewell to my other side, I'd best just take it in stride.
Unfaithful Servant, you'll learn to find your place;
I can see it in your smile, and yes I can see it in your face.
The memories will linger on, the good old days, they're all gone.
Lonesome servant, can't you see, we're still one and the same,
just you and me. ----
Goodbye Rick.. I loved you.. Thank you for sharing your music with me.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:43:42 CET 1999 from spider-wk074.proxy.aol.com ( MikeFrom: Cleveland, OHI only saw the Band once, opening for the Dead 7/9/95, Garcia's last show. Rick was scheduled to play Cleveland 12/1 (anyone go?). I regret missing this opportunity.
I was saddened to read about Rick's passing. In my younger days I found myself wailing along with Stage Fright and It Makes No Difference quite often. He had one of those voices that would make you cry yet also make you laugh.
May he rest in peace.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:38:45 CET 1999 from ( TomFrom: Galesburg, Il
Thanks Rick for letting us see how much you enjoyed your music and for giving that give to us , your fans. It must truly have been an honor to be a BIG part of the BEST musicians around. You will be much missed by all who knew you and knew of you, but then you left quite a legacy of music behind to help us remember. Thanks again and my condolences to family and close friends. Peace, Tommy
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:37:48 CET 1999 from vydns.vynpc.com ( Skip ZalneraitisFrom: Brattleboro, Vermont
As an ensemble and as individuals artists and personalities, The Band has had an immense impact on my life.
Thank You for That.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:33:03 CET 1999 from max-2-zenn-46.bcn.net ( John BenedictFrom: Asley Falls, MAHome page
I had a few great Opportunities to see Rick Danko play. I think he was one of the best of all time. He had a great sound.The world will miss you
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:26:26 CET 1999 from slwol55p60.ozemail.com.au ( zimmyFrom: Australia
Sleep well old friend. Sincere condolences to Rick's family and to Garth, Levon and Robbie who must be pretty sad right now as well.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:23:07 CET 1999 from a-pd17-63.tin.it ( GuidoFrom: Italy
Thank you Danko for all you have done.
See you.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:17:19 CET 1999 from dfoch.demon.co.uk ( DirkFrom: London
Thank you for giving us unforgettable music.
May you rest in peace.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:16:36 CET 1999 from p443-24.ppp.get2net.dk ( Søren JohansenFrom: Copenhagen, DenmarkI just heard the tragic news today of the passing of Rick Danko. I just can't express how sorry this makes me feel. In all the time I've listened to The Band's excellent music to me Rick Danko has stood out from the rest of the band. Obiously not because he wrote all the good songs, but because he probably was one of the most gifted bass-players around. I'd rate him anytime up there with Paul McCartney for his pure and groundbreaking style. Also he appeared to the most relaxed, down to earth and easy going one of The Band. He always seemed to me as being an incredibly nice person who'd sit down and share a beer and a thought with you anytime.
I know I'm going to miss him and the thought of him very much. He had a brilliant voice - I wonder if I'll be able to listen to It Makes No Difference anymore. He made a lot of difference. His passing will probably spell the end of The Band, which in turn will mean the end of a muscial era and an astonishing musical legacy. The thought is practically unbearable.
May you rest in peace, Rick. You will be sorely missed all over the world.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:11:36 CET 1999 from nas-75-233.boston.navinet.net ( Rob & Sue LegerFrom: New Hampshire
We just enjoyed watching the video "The Last Waltz" on the
night of December 4th, amazed that the concert was so many
years ago. That concert was one of the best ever recorded.
We talked about buying "The Basement Tapes" on CD, because
our old record is so worn out now. And then just yesterday
came the news about Rick. We would like to send our
condolences to his family and friends. He was a great
musician, and wll over the world.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 16:11:36 CET 1999 from nas-75-233.boston.navinet.net ( Rob & Sue LegerFrom: New Hampshire
We just enjoyed watching the video "The Last Waltz" on the
night of December 4th, amazed that the concert was so many
years ago. That concert was one of the best ever recorded.
We talked about buying "The Basement Tapes" on CD, because
our old record is so worn out now. And then just yesterday
came the news about Rick. We would like to send our
condolences to his family and friends. He was a great
musician, and will truly be missed. Well, off to buy
"The Basement Tapes" to play today in his memory.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 15:59:25 CET 1999 from dialup85-166.telenet.net ( DanielleFrom: Upstate New York
P.S. For those of you who read reports that Rick's birthday was December 9th, the press is WRONG (as usual) Rick's birthday is December 29th.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 15:56:05 CET 1999 from libref-28.lib.uakron.edu ( Joe LaRose
It took courage to open up and sing like Rick did. So aching, so vulnerable, so individualistic. His vocals were unforgettable. Thanks, Rick, for enriching my life.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 15:56:23 CET 1999 from udppp40.buffnet.net ( Will H.From: Lancaster, NY
I'm drifting away -
Down a long, dark highway -
Posted on Sat Dec 11 15:56:12 CET 1999 from host212-140-18-73.btinternet.com ( alan daviesFrom: Wales UK
Goodbye Rick, Rest in peace.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 15:41:31 CET 1999 from spider-wl053.proxy.aol.com ( Michael R. Drayne
Thanks and Goodbye, Rick.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 15:38:37 CET 1999 from spider-wk034.proxy.aol.com ( AMEFrom: NYC
God Bless You And Yours Mr. Danko. On May 16, 1993 on The Great Lawn in Central Park, NYC, I watched as usual of all the many times I saw The Band perform, in awe......After the show, the NYC police were kind enough to let me jump a small fence to get backstage. With a small, hand-drawn poster I had bought from a sweet Grateful Dead head boy, of skeletons and magical places, (WALSTIB), on one side, blank on the other, I was at the foot of the steps as Rick was comming off the stage. "Mr. Danko, Mr. Danko, would you mind, please?" I offered him pen and poster as his larger-than-life smile overtook me. He said "You could call me Rick, of course I will" He signed it "Ame, Love & Luck, All The Best", his signature and a peaceful, smiling face he drew under his name. It has been framed and always on my wall for years now.....a treasure from a brilliant star. It Makes No Difference.....When I Paint My Masterpiece......Always and Forever in my heart You Are.......My prayers to your family and friends.....Godspeed.......Ame
Posted on Sat Dec 11 15:32:01 CET 1999 from dutky75.ymg.urban.ne.jp ( T.SadaFrom: JAPAN
I'm so sad. I don't want wave hand say good-by.
you just only go out to a park in the sun.
I don't foget you. never,ever.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 15:26:14 CET 1999 from cr998270-a.cambr1.on.wave.home.com ( Keith TobeyFrom: Cambridge
I live an hour up Hwy 24 from where Rick Danko grew up in Simcoe, Ontario and for that matter I'm not far from where Richard rests in Stratford. I started listening to The Band when I was about 15 which is wierd 'cause they sure weren't singing the themes of teenhood. It was the incredible musicality and I was so proud that most of them grew from the same fertile musical soil that I did. I took up guitar thinking that my ultimate goal would be to sing When You Awake. Thirty years later I still sing Band tunes. Robbie had three voices to write for and he gave Rick some of the most passionate songs. I would sing a Band song and my friend Mel would say you sound like your crying. I'd say I'm trying to sound like Danko. I saw Rick bopping with the Band in white pants during the mega tour with CSNY in "74 in Toronto. 30 years later I saw him at a Roadhouse in Kitchener bopping with the Band looking a lot different but still singing with that same joy and passion.
A superlative musician and a wonderful person ! Passing on too soon. Thanks for the music! I love ya, man! My condolances to his family. And condolances to all of you who feel the same as me.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 15:21:11 CET 1999 from spc-isp-mtl-58-4-726.sprint.ca ( Mark CruiseFrom: Ottawa
I'm sorry. What a voice. If heaven exists, Rick and Richard are smiling there. Thanks Rick. The voices of angels just got sweeter.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 15:18:58 CET 1999 from spider-wi063.proxy.aol.com ( Bill Maruca
We have lost another legend. I had the pleaseure of meeting Rick three times over the years and he was always a true gentleman and an unpretentious, enthusiastic musician. I got to see The Band at Levon's short-lived club last New Years Eve, hoping for a sort of second Last Waltz since many guest stars were rumored. Sadly, it turns out that the NYE show would be my real Last Waltz with these excellent musicians, and probably one of their final performances (several more in February were cancelled and I don't believe they ever performed together again after 1/1 or 1/2/99). He will be missed.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 15:14:55 CET 1999 from spider-wi043.proxy.aol.com ( ToddFrom: P.A.
I recently got the chance to see Rick Danko ,Garth Hudson , and Professer Louie at The Tin Angel in Philly, and what an evening. Rick was very gracious to the audience and he put on one hellava show. After the show I got the chance to go backstage and chat with him and Garth for a few minutes, and they were so very kind to me. Rick took time out for his fans. You dont find that much any more. I have to say that it was an experience ill never foreget..May your music live in the hearts of all your fans, I'll miss you ........... Rest in Peace.........
"May God Bless And keep You Always, May Your Song Always Be Sung , May You Stay ....Forever Young"
Posted on Sat Dec 11 15:08:43 CET 1999 from spider-tn044.proxy.aol.com ( SteveFrom: Townsend, MA
I am sorry to hear of the passing of a spirited musician like Rick Danko. I was enraptured by the sound of The Band; I very much enjoyed hearing Rick sing and play bass. He truly looked like he enjoyed playing music with his friends.
I know Rick had a difficult time dealing with certain issues in the last few years or so, but I will always think of his smiling face while he played with his mates in The Band and I will remember the breakthrough "Americana" music that he helped create.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 15:03:16 CET 1999 from modem-c-84.dialins.utoledo.edu ( tom bardenFrom: Toledo, Ohio
What a beautiful voice and such sweet fingers. Your music won't stop here, though; as Bob says "Death is Not the End."
Posted on Sat Dec 11 14:56:59 CET 1999 from d34-56.dt.myna.com ( RickFrom: Toronto
First Richard, now Rick - both "Too soon gone"
Two of the best voices in music.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 14:54:54 CET 1999 from 45.ojus-08-09rs.fl.dial-access.att.net ( Russell Levine
Posted on Sat Dec 11 14:53:46 CET 1999 from spider-tf083.proxy.aol.com ( WilliamFrom: NC
If there's a rock-n-roll heaven......
Rick, Richard; May you find peace at last.
Thanks so much for what you left here with us.
We will cherish the sweet voices.
Foward motion
Posted on Sat Dec 11 14:51:50 CET 1999 from spider-tm074.proxy.aol.com ( Ted Harris
It's a sad day to learn of Rick's passing. His voice was so distinctive. No one else can do Stagefright like him. I mourn the loss of a true icon of my generation. Godspeed, Rick, you will live in our hearts
Posted on Sat Dec 11 14:49:19 CET 1999 from ( Jim HuntingtonFrom: Granville, N.Y.
Thanks for the memories mr. Danko!!! May God Bless...
Posted on Sat Dec 11 14:45:27 CET 1999 from port-19.yutopia.or.jp ( oouchiFrom: Akita, JapanHome page
I miss you. You're always on my mind.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 14:37:19 CET 1999 from p103.amax7.dialup.hou1.flash.net ( Kenny DavisFrom: Houston, Texas
The first time I saw the Band was on January 26, 1974. They opened for, and played with, Bob Dylan. I've seen hundreds of bands play in my lifetime, but seldom have I been so blown away by the musicianship and presence of a group of people as I was by the Band. Anybody taking the time to read this knows what I'm talking about. The Band had it.
I got to see them several times more over the years, and never once suffered a disappointment. They were, and remain, a timeless group whose music will live on long after most of their contemporaries have faded from memory.
I love you, Rick. I miss you already.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 14:32:08 CET 1999 from proxy-513.public.rwc.webtv.net ( george lyneFrom: new jersey
i first saw the hawks in somers point,nj
in the summer of 1964--i last saw the
band november of 1999 in philadelphia
over 50 times in 35 years--not nearly
enough--Rick Danko rest in peace---long
live the Band.....
Posted on Sat Dec 11 14:29:22 CET 1999 from cache-2.spg.va.webcache.rcn.net ( jj
Arrested for Heroin smuggling a few months ago and now "dies in his sleeps" - nobody in the entertainment business can say: Hey! drugs are stupid and we musicians must be stupid too if the only thing we can do with our millions is to get high. Let's be politically correct
Posted on Sat Dec 11 14:24:07 CET 1999 from kntnusr5-a49.conc.tds.net ( Steve ElliottFrom: Knoxville, TN
I cannot describe the sorrow I feel at this moment. I do have your music Rick and so you will be with me until I join you on that endless highway.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 14:20:35 CET 1999 from spider-tk041.proxy.aol.com ( Joe FreyFrom: albany
I remember when John Lennon died, Bruce Springsteen was scheduled to give a show the next night. He was debating as to whether to cancel the show. He elected to go on. I recall reading that at the beginning of the show he said "If it wasn't for John Lennon, we(I?) wouldn't be here tonight." Well, if it wasn't for Rick and The Band, a lot of what I feel is beautiful and magical about life, wouldn't have happened. He always said that he "didn't want to save the world, but just wanted to help the neighborhood." Well Rick, unlike politicians, you more than kept your word and the neighborhood you helped is where we all live. You made a difference.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 14:08:51 CET 1999 from proxy-617.public.rwc.webtv.net (
gr8fuldaveFrom: Scranton, PAHome page
I only heard three hours ago at work.
I'm still in shock. To think I'd just
wished him a Happy Birthday just two
days ago. How sad. "But for the price this poor boy paid,
He gets to sing just like a bird..."
Posted on Sat Dec 11 13:58:34 CET 1999 from proxy-343.public.rwc.webtv.net ( DanaFrom: wyomingGodspeed, Mr. Rick Danko, Godspeed. You made the music of my life, and I am forever grateful. Sincere, heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Rick. His passing leaves a tremendous hole in many hearts. God bless
Posted on Sat Dec 11 13:56:59 CET 1999 from proxy.shiny.it ( Massimo PrimiFrom: Italy
Rick, may you rest in peace. We miss you.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 13:53:07 CET 1999 from crown16.modem.crown.net ( Dave BestermanFrom: Valparaiso, IndianaThe news of Rick's death is a terrible shock. Goodbye, Rick and may God grant peace to your family, and also to your many friends and fans the world over.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 13:48:41 CET 1999 from ( Mario MazziolFrom: Venice ITALY
grazie Rick per la musica che ci hai dato con e senza Bob Dylan, riposa in pace.
Mario Mazziol
Posted on Sat Dec 11 13:42:13 CET 1999 from nyor1ts3.ny.us.prserv.net ( Bill D.From: Long Island, NYAlthough I never really knew Rick, other than several casual exchanges either before or after shows, I always connected with him in a way that felt like he was a an old close friend. I can always conjure up that image in my head of him playing on stage with that trademark bounce and contagious smile. The last time my wife and I saw Rick perform live was back in July at the Bearsville Theatre. We were attending the Winterhawk bluegrass festival about an hour away and decided to make the trek on a Saurday night after a long day of music. It was obvious that Rick wasn't in the best of health but that spirit still shone through and he was able to touch our hearts one last time. I'm glad we decided to make that one last journey to Woodstock. In many ways I have been preparing for this day for years as it has been apparent for years that he was on the long decline. To his credit though I have seen Rick time and again rise to the occasion and bring us warmth and happiness with his music, smile and always humorous words.It seemed to me that Rick was battling his own demons but it was also clear that he was a kind and caring soul. I'm sure that many would agree, there was always that glimmer of hope (as selfish as it may have been) that we would get to see the old Band (minus Richard of course) do it one more time.
That dream died early Friday and it's tough for this person to swallow. My thoughts and prayers go out to Rick's family and close friends as I can only imagine the loss they feel. Although the words "and the sun doesn't shine anymore...." keep playing in my head I know that in time his memory and music will once again bring that warm, comforting, and happy feeling that they always have. Goodbye my friend, and thanks for a lifetimes' worth of great music.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 13:39:49 CET 1999 from h078.p049.iij4u.or.jp ( Yashio Nakajima
Long live Rick, great voice and outstanding bass playing.
The picture that you were kindly taken with me at the Lone
Star Cafe in New York in 1980 is my great memory.
I will listen to your voice all night tonight. So long.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 13:33:03 CET 1999 from abd73ee3.ipt.aol.com ( Mike SelkFrom: Bronx, NY
I just heard the terrible news of Rick Danko's untimely
passing. I was privileged to see the Band play at Jones
Beach in 1994, and for me (both as a bassist and as a music
fan), Rick was the focus of the show. His musical energy
and enthusiasm touched everyone who saw him play.
My heartfelt sympathies to Rick's family and friends.
Wherever Rick and Richard are now, you can bet they're
putting one hell of a band together - that is, at least to
bide the time until Levon, Garth and Robbie cross over.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 13:08:31 CET 1999 from ( LUCA ROVINIFrom: Pisa, Italy
Only few days ago Doug Sahm's death.Now Rick....i haven't any words.In few days music have lost two of the greatest musicians of all the times.I've seen Rick Danko play some years ago in Sesto Calende with Eric Andersen.....great emotion to hear that voice .....the man who used to sing "It makes no difference" was in front of my eyes.....my heart was beating...Now i cry one of the best musicians i've ever heard! That man was sincere and his music will live forever in my heart. That night in Sesto Calende i've seen even another great musician, Townes Van Zandt.....i hope that Townes, Doug and Rick now can play in heaven for all the angels.....we'll play their music on earth....Thanks Man for all the beautiful dreams and emotions.....May you rest in peace!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 13:01:01 CET 1999 from ti34a27-0032.dialup.online.no ( Jeff Wasserman
Too soon gone ... Rick, I'm devasted by your passing and can't find words to describe the loss ... my deepest condolances to Elisabeth, Justin, Levon, Garth, Aaron, Randy, Jim and Richard B. + +
It was an honor to have known and spent time with you ... Knowingly or not, you changed my life profoundly.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 13:00:33 CET 1999 from spider-th033.proxy.aol.com ( Eric
What a beautiful voice, he could "sing like a bird." I'll miss him.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 12:52:42 CET 1999 from 1cust76.tnt1.bristol.wi.da.uu.net (
DougI’ve read many of the touching posts here and certainly add my heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Rick and echo that he, and the music he was part of, is very meaningful to me. I’m also in the unique position of having been at his last show last Saturday and having more than a mental image of it (picture at the left is from that night, near the end of the show….) I woke up here at 2:30 in the morning thinking I ought to re-create that show for all those who are obviously touched but didn’t have the opportunity to be there. It’s not all pretty, but it was what it was like 12/4/99 as Rick Danko took the stage for the last time….. I knew when I bought tickets that it may be one of those experiences where a great artist is playing his heart out to an embarrassingly small crowd and it was. The Cubbie Bear North, in Lincolnshire IL. just recently opened after being some country/western bar or something. Basically there was a stage at the side of one of the dining rooms. I bought tickets weeks ago when I heard about the show but, as it turned out didn’t even need them. It was not much of an event for the people working at the venue. We went a little early to eat dinner (just in case there was a big crowd…..) and ate a few tables from the stage. As the 9:00 show time approached I imagine they were taking tickets at the door if you offered one but it was very relaxed and no one ever even asked us for them. I’ll be hanging on to those for awhile. We drifted up to the balcony and sat center stage. When it was 9:00 there was only a handful of people there. Nick Tremulous came out to open the show finally sometime after 10:00. When Rick took the stage at 11:40, there probably were between 50 and 75 people there who had actually come to see the show. A couple of the tables were removed from in front of the stage for people to dance. When Rick came out my wife and I were shocked that he had gained so much weight. He ambled over to a stool and sat with an acoustic guitar, accompanied by Julian on keyboard, and played a song I can’t place right not “have you ever wondered why, there’s a rainbow in the sky…” “the way of the world is upsidedown….” The second song was “Twilight”, again, just the two of them. I wouldn’t describe his voice as strong but certainly emotional. A bit of a rushed version of the song, closing his eyes hitting the ‘oohoooh’s’. It sounded great. While I could have gone on listening to the acoustic show by all means, he then called for “Nick and the boys” to join him onstage. Rick stayed on the acoustic guitar and they immediately broke into “Stagefright”. While it was only the third song and I’m sure the lights were warm, Rick was already glistening with sweat. For the number of times he’s played that song though he still seemed to enjoy running through it. Boppin’ a bit between verses. Him struggling to hit the high notes just made it all the more powerful of a song. After enthusiastic applause from the small crowd he started slowly strumming “Blind Willie McTell”. This slowed him down a bit after having a ‘rushed’ feeling getting through the first 3 songs. Next up Professor Louie did a couple of songs. First ‘Let the Four Winds Blow’. Rick sang backup vocals and strummed happily on the acoustic guitar. He really couldn’t look happier as the band jammed and he nodded to each to take a solo. Louie then did “Things Won’t be the Same”. Again, Rick singing backup vocals. Then Rick said “I got a song I would like to do. Levon, Levon couldn’t be here tonight, he normally sings this song, we have some cds and some t-shirts from our new record ‘Live at Breeze Hill.’ It’s available here. And I take this…if you sing along with this song I can take it home and play it for Levon…and bring it back next year…perhaps…and you can buy the same cd…well, we’ll just do it….” He then strummed the opening cords and the band started “The Weight”. Another song that found Rick trying to direct a band he obviously hadn’t played with many times. They came to a break in the song and he looked worried that the band wasn’t going to pick it up for the last verse and waved his arm as if to remind them ‘you know, we’re not done here….’ And smiled broadly when they all came back in right on beat and it was obvious his worrying was all for naught. Next up was Crazy Mamma. Then It Makes No Difference. He looked tired and slightly out of breath at this point but gave it one hell of a heartfelt rendition, as you would expect. He played his biggest guitar solo of the night. After enthusiastic applause from the crowd, people started calling out names of a few songs and Rick turned back and looked out and said “All right, you name ‘em and we’ll play ‘em!” then gave the familiar chuckle. Next song started out with “Ten years ago, on a cold dark night…..” He closed the set a way too short 50 minutes into it with “The Shape I’m In”. Rick then showed a bit of what shape he was in as he strolled over to edge of the stage and was helped by two people to take the two steps down. We cheered our hearts out trying to get him back on stage. I was afraid it wasn’t going to happen. It was probably between 5 and 10 minutes before he came ambling back up on stage and stood, rather than take the stool again, for his last song. He started to sing “Ten years ago…” then realized and said ‘oh we already did that…’ laughed and changed on a dime to “She reads the leaves and she leads the life that she learned so well from the old ones….” As he swung his arm up and down trying to get the drummer to start a beat with him. That was the single song of the encore. When he was done he said: “Listen, thank you very, very much. I’m going to change my…get into a dry t-shirt…I’ll meet after the song….the cds… and uh, I’ll see you there….we’ll take 15 min. to catch my breath and we’ll see you…” He then mumbled something unintelligible about a “Rick Danko cd”. The crowd was at this point not clapping as much as a few people were pleading for one more. He talked to a few band members and then as he turned to walk off the stage smiled and waved at the audience with the towel in his hand and motioned for someone to come over and help him off the stage.
That was it. Less than an hour total. I looked around and many people had, sadly, already left. We walked downstairs and looked for a table of cds and couldn’t find any. We waited several minutes and there didn’t seem to be a line of people or anything waiting for him. The people that were still there were leaving. I remember thinking as I walked to my car how it must be uncomfortable for him to come out after the show and find no one there……. Boy, how I now wished I had stayed………….
Posted on Sat Dec 11 12:50:46 CET 1999 from spider-wi071.proxy.aol.com ( JimFrom: Melbourne, Australia
Rick your music made the lows of my life high. You made Saturday nights very special and I have shared your music with my family and friends. I hope this knowledge eases the sorrow of your family, and my condolences are with them.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 12:47:59 CET 1999 from spider-wd073.proxy.aol.com ( Tim StoutFrom: Portland, ORHome page
Rick Danko.
The man. The music. The legend.
The world lost a magical human being.
Rest in peace and say hello to Richard for all of us.
My best wishes to the friends and family of Rick.
God bless.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 12:38:57 CET 1999 from pmgpt2s20.digiscape.com ( Phillip KehoeFrom: Bay St Louis Ms
I never got to meet Rick, but feel like I have lost a cousin of the music and the times. Bless him and all of his extended family.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 12:04:13 CET 1999 from du106-249.ppp.algonet.se ( Meadowlark2
Sincere condolences to the Danko family.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 11:39:28 CET 1999 from cf3k-3.paradise.net.nz ( RodFrom: NZ
I read the papers, I heard the news, oh boy .....
Posted on Sat Dec 11 11:36:24 CET 1999 from schltns.demon.nl ( RagtimeKey songs for Rick: "When You Awake" "Once Upon A Time" No need to tell me there are many many more... Listening to them this rainy, cloudy, sad sad morning.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 11:35:23 CET 1999 from d212-151-53-18.swipnet.se ( Peo EinarssonFrom: Sweden
Thanks for sharing your music and talant, Rick.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 11:17:08 CET 1999 from proxy01ca.so-net.ne.jp ( Masato SatoFrom: Japan
Peace in heaven, Rick.
We'll never forget you.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 10:59:32 CET 1999 from obp20-159.teleway.ne.jp ( Naoki IwasakiFrom: Osaka, Japan
I can't beleive. I will miss you, Rick. You will be always on my mind.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 10:26:58 CET 1999 from a-co4-61.tin.it ( cico casartelliFrom: italy
ok, it's early in the morning and i readt of danko's death. nothing to say but just thanks for everything, dear rick. i love your music and the way you were.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 10:20:56 CET 1999 from a050200.ap.plala.or.jp ( Mizuyo IchiharaFrom: Osaka,JAPAN
I was so shocked to read the sad news about Rick's sudden passing away in the newspaper just a moment ago. I am too upset to say anymore.....
Posted on Sat Dec 11 09:35:08 CET 1999 from spider-wi054.proxy.aol.com ( HenryFrom: Sonoma county Ca.
I love The Band! Always have, always will. I read the guestbook daily. I`m devasted and in shock to read of Rick Danko`s death here. I`m very lucky to have listened to his music for almost 30 years and seen him perform over a dozen times. Thank you Rick for all the pleasure you`ve brought me. My deepest sympathy to Rick`s family and friends. Say hi to Richard for us. Long Live THE BAND.......
Posted on Sat Dec 11 09:01:51 CET 1999 from spider-wl053.proxy.aol.com ( Garret FitzgeraldFrom: Ole Virginie....
Rick, I love you and I miss you and I am heartbroken by your passing today...Your music and your life have been an inspiration to me and I hope some day and in some way i can pay you back...good luck to you on your new journey....
Posted on Sat Dec 11 08:50:43 CET 1999 from iowrock.demon.co.uk ( Mike PlumbleyFrom: Isle of WightHome page Sad day to hear Rik Danko's left the building but the not the age. Rik Danko came to my Island in 1969 and left his mark. A while back a friend told me that Rik Danko was playing a small New York State back bar to fifty people while up the road the Woodstock Festival was being replayed for the cameras. I think those 50 knew exactly where the music is to be found, the rest were chasing an advert for levi jeans.
Playing It Makes No Difference up loud till my ears bleed. You were one of kind Rik Danko, thanks for making music that will hang in the air around here for years to come.
Mike p.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 08:44:25 CET 1999 from cache-hki-5.inet.fi ( KalervoFrom: Riihimaki, Finland
It so sad... Most of my favorite voices leave this level too
soon...Richard, Tim and Jeff Buckley, Laura Nyro, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Sam Cooke and now Rick. Rest in peace, Rick,
you made my heart sing with your voice...
Posted on Sat Dec 11 08:37:43 CET 1999 from alb1-as5300-111-111.termserv.net ( SammyFrom: upstate n.y.
So saddened by your passing, been in a daze all day.
I'll never forget your show at the Turning Point.
This truly is THE LAST WALTZ. Rest in Peace
Posted on Sat Dec 11 08:32:29 CET 1999 from icache-3.doit.wisc.edu ( Tim(SUNDOWN)CorcoranFrom: Madison, Wisconsin. *AMERICA'S TWILIGHT*Home page I've read every one of these posts, all of them are heartfelt. I feel a great pain in my soul for the Danko Family. I feel a heavy pain in my heart to every regular guestbook person/s that visits this great web site of Jan's. To Jan,,,I can't and won't try to imagine the hurt you must be going through. I'm freak'n out here cuz I'm watching The Bands THE AUTHORIZED VIDEO BIOGRAPHY, and The Bands EPK, that Bill Paige sent me when Jubilation came out. I just saw Rick eight days ago with Aaron in Chicago, and was over joyed when driving home in the thick fog, knowing that I had just had one of the most exciting and warm talks with the great Rick Danko. I've been in a cloud ever since last Friday, and then I come home today after work and checking my e-mail and got a letter from Carmen, and then one from Mike,"Rick passed away" I couldn't read cuz of the lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. This last Tuesday I sent my sister a signed book *Across The Great Divide* with Rick's autograph, and a guitar pick that Rick gave me, plus a copy of *LIVE ON BREEZE HILL*, plus every photo I took at his show on Dec 3rd,,,well, it was a double wamie, sadly my sister received it in the mail today. She opened it and to say the lease was more than happy and playing 'Twilight', then she hear the news of Ricks passing an hour and a half later when mom came back from the store and heard about it on the radio. It broke her heart as she was still listening to *Breeze Hill*. I wish I was in Vegas to comfort her. Rick was so happy to be back in Chicago, and I'm happy that God brought him there so I could see him once again. To my guestbook friends here,,,I'm so happy to have gotten to be with Rick last week, what a high it was, I had some smoke on me, but I didn't say 'Hey Rick,,do you want to go out back and light one up?!? I was scared cuz I thought it would show disrespect,,,now I kinda wished I had, cuz now it doesn't matter,,,does it'. I'd wished I'd had stayed a little longer and talked with Rick,,,but I didn't I left him alone,,, cuz I thought that maybe I was bothering him with to many questions(looking back now, he enjoyed talking with us),,, so I went to talk with Aaron for a bit, and now Rick is gone,,,right after my departed Dads brithday, and right after Ricks own brithday. Now I can't even remember that last thing I said to Rick,,, but I do know this,,,I had asked Aaron to please say goodbye to Rick for us as we left,,,cuz I didn't want to interupt Rick with the person that was talking with him, but now I wished I had, damn it! To Rick,,,Thank you for letting me hug you,,,thank you for shaking my hand,,,I didn't wash it for days! Thank you for being so forward in your honesty!
Rick,,,say hi to Jerry for us, and I'll make sure that Bobby signs the Grateful Dead/The Band ticket that you signed from the July 9th 1995 show like you asked. "When the leaves all turn brown, and when they fall to the ground,,,you will find a harmony', wait and see! "I'm look'n for a star bright,,,to shine down your light" Peace, Love and Light to you Rick*
Posted on Sat Dec 11 08:09:34 CET 1999 from proxy3.rdc1.ab.wave.home.com (
Shane McCraeFrom: Calgary, Alberta, CanadaHome page
God rest your soul Rick. I hope you knew what your work and talent did to inspire musicians throughout the world, but especially here in Canada. You made the world a better place for all of us in your much too brief time among us. Enjoy the jamming in Rock and Roll Heaven where the music just got a little sweeter.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 08:05:36 CET 1999 from 1cust232.tnt26.sfo3.da.uu.net ( Robert Paul SiderineFrom: San Francisco Bay Area
'You are worthy, dear brother Rick, of Everlasting Memory.' May Light perpetual shine upon you always...+ All my condolences to Rick's loved one's. You, and Rick, are in my prayers. I feel so sad...
Ex Animo,
(A fellow bassist and vocalist)
Posted on Sat Dec 11 08:00:24 CET 1999 from spider-tp082.proxy.aol.com ( K ForemanFrom: Atlanta, GA
I had been listening to the Band and Robbie Robertson all day before I heard the news. All I could think is that heaven's choir is a little more blessed tonight. His voice could be both ethereal and earthy. My prayers are with the family tonight. I'll miss the musician, you'll miss the man.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 08:01:08 CET 1999 from 1cust218.tnt2.redmond.wa.da.uu.net ( Valley LadFrom: Calabogie, Ontario, CANADA
My condolences to the family. Rick you will be sadly missed but your beautiful voice will sing on into eternity.
I guess I'll never get to ask you if the stories my father told me of priming tobbaco with you back in the day were true !
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:58:44 CET 1999 from 147.newark-41-42rs.nj.dial-access.att.net ( KevinFrom: NJ
"they say everything can be replaced..."
I'll have to argue that point after today. It really knocked me off my feet. I heard the news at work today and got a huge lump in my throat and my eyes welled with tears. I didn't expect to have that reaction, but sometimes you don't know what you have until its gone. The Band's music has been such a huge part of my life for a very long time. I spent the Sixties in diapers but was lucky enough to see the Band four years ago. It was such a thouroughly enjoyable, and made even more so by meeting everyone later backstage. There is a large void left today that will never again be filled. Rick, thanks for the music, thanks for the legacy. You will be missed.
"The clouds never hung so low before"
Aint' that the truth...........
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:56:56 CET 1999 from proxy-313.public.rwc.webtv.net ( Randy BolesFrom: Brownsville, CA
Goodbye, Rick, I'll miss you enormously. Say hello to Richard in Heaven for me.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:56:25 CET 1999 from spider-wm015.proxy.aol.com ( ScottFrom: the South
Goodbye Rick. Your voice lives on.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:52:28 CET 1999 from user-33qtiko.dialup.mindspring.com ( Crazy ChesterFrom: ol' Frisco
I am shattered...
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:49:53 CET 1999 from dial-120-217.dial.indiana.edu ( ChadFrom: Bloomington, IN
Goodbye Rick. Your voice has not left us. You still shine on. Thank you.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:48:43 CET 1999 from spider-te041.proxy.aol.com ( markFrom: queens, new york
rest in peace rick. your music lies in my soul. may god bless you and your family.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:45:57 CET 1999 from dialup85-132.telenet.net ( DanielleFrom: Upstae New York
On behalf of the Danko family, I would like to thank you all for your support, condolences and sympathy. We are all devastated and in shock over the loss. Uncle Rick, I love you and I miss you with all my heart and I still say you have the best voice in the business. We miss you!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:43:20 CET 1999 from ppp-206-170-68-118.irvn11.pacbell.net ( Sandy GoudieFrom: Irvine, CA
I was in my car running errands when the radio DJ announced Rick's death. It was the worst reason to want to put on The Band and hear their music. Tonite I'm playing the boxed set "Across The Great Divide" that my friend lent me, to teach me about
The Band. Thank you Scott. Few of us will touch the hearts of so many people in our lifetime, simply by doing what they love to do. Musicians are the soul of our species.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:42:11 CET 1999 from spider-wa051.proxy.aol.com ( Pedro
Sam Cooke, Otis Redding, John Lennon, Rick Danko... I hate early December.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:42:15 CET 1999 from isp2-203.uwdworld.net ( Jeffrey FranciscoFrom: Amsterdam, NYHome page
Just heard of Rick Danko's untimely death. Wanted to extend my condolences.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:33:42 CET 1999 from p10-cj18.cjnetworks.com ( Thomas HoftsFrom: KansasHome page Peace be with you Rick ol' buddy. While Rick didn't sing this song, it was the first that came to mind as I thought of his contributions and struggles in the journey of life:
"I see my light come shinin'
Released you are old friend. But not released from my mind and heart. You live on in the gifts of music you've left behind. Thank you.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:32:03 CET 1999 from spider-tj014.proxy.aol.com ( PorterFrom: Illinois
"Bessie Smith", "The Weight", "When You Awake", "Don't Do It", "Acadian Driftwood", "It Makes No Difference"...who among us wouldn't be proud to say we sang and played on those and dozens more? And to be such a beloved and cordial bloke, to boot? God bless and keep your eternal soul Rick, your did your family proud.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:31:28 CET 1999 from spider-ti073.proxy.aol.com ( Paul MasonFrom: Rhode Island
Driving to meet my wife for dinner after work I heard Noah Adams on NPR say "...and coming up, remembering Rick Danko." I played a bunch of dates with Rick back in the late 80's, and he sang a duet and some harmony on a record we made in '88. He stayed at my house once. As a lifelong fan of the Band it was a thrill just to meet him, let alone share a stage with him. He came to Providence for a solo show this summer, and he didn't look so well, so although a shock, this wasn't a big surprise. As a drummer, he gave a lesson about time and groove when I played with him. As a singer he'd tear your heart out. It was real, and there's not a lot of that left these days. God bless you, Rick.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:27:57 CET 1999 from spider-th082.proxy.aol.com ( Keith AndrewsFrom: Chicago
I was fortunate enough to have seen the post Robbie Band at the Park West in Chicago a few years ago. Both my girlfriend and I were deeply moved by Rick's yearning vocals that still ached with sweet sorrow. His voice was perhaps the most underated in the history of rock n roll.
Thanks for the music, Rick.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:25:18 CET 1999 from 216-164-250-177.s558.tnt3.atn.pa.dialup.rcn.com ( KrispyFrom: PAWell, the skies certainly were crying here in PA today. And I know my tears are falling and my heart hangs heavy today. Rick - Thank you for all the music and the memories. Rest in Peace.
My love and condolences go out to Elizabeth, Rick's family & friends and all of you (((Banddaddies))) here in the Guestbook
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:23:02 CET 1999 from alba02.areacom.it ( PaoloFrom: Italy
I just got the sad news, and if it can be said, in the most
possible best way (thanks Adela!).
now, after reading carefully all the words posted here,
there's not much i can add. the love everyobody showed here
says it all. just look at one of his pictures, if you've got
one... it's all in his eyes and in his smile.
to me he was one of my leading musical inspiration.
i had the privilege to know him personally and he witnessed
one of the best single moments of my whole life.
everybody knows what a bright and shining soul he was
and his music made us all feel a little better.
may your song always be sung, Rick... how does it feel
to sing with Richard again?
my thoughts to his family and to everyone who will miss him.
Now... The Very Last Waltz...
...Lights off!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:16:22 CET 1999 from spider-wa032.proxy.aol.com ( Karen HazelFrom: Jersey City, NJ
Rick, Your talents and gifts were many--thank you for sharing them with the world. Your voice brought me immeasurable joy and inspiration for years. Here's to an eternity of peace, guitars, music in the Heavens,and a stage for you to sing on forever. May God bless and keep you always, for you, to those of us who love you, are forever young.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:07:02 CET 1999 from proxy-634.public.rwc.webtv.net ( Scott
The love for Rick on this guestbook
moves me to tears. He has touched so
many souls with his gifts. Ricks music
is the most soul healing sound I have
ever heard. He will be missed. I can't
believe I will never see him in concert
again at "The Bottom Line" or "The
Turning Pt. The Band's music hooked me
around 1991. The first time I saw Rick
was at a benefit show with Garth in NYC
in 1993. That show grabbed my heart and
never let go. I met him that night in
the theatre lobby. I said "it's an honor
to meet you" and he replied back "it's
an honor to meet you". This may sound
silly, but it moved me because he was so
humble and down to earth.... Listen to
Rick sing "Blue River" on the first
Danko, Fjeld, Anderson cd. The voice of
an angel. It is the most heart warming
vocal I have ever heard. Truly a gift
from God.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 07:01:42 CET 1999 from 1cust5.tnt29.chi5.da.uu.net ( John Dobken
And the clouds never hung so low... Thanks for music and the
memories, Rick... You live on in both... Peace
Posted on Sat Dec 11 06:51:14 CET 1999 from ip109.pittsburgh5.pa.pub-ip.psi.net ( Jeff RitterFrom: pittsburgh
I am up here in my attic to grade papers for the end of the semester while my kids levon and madeline, and my wife kate sleep in their comfy beds.... and I think of rick and how many times it makes no difference comforted me, or stage fright helped me gain courage, all of these things and more, this wheels, babylon, everything he said on stage, how kind he was to fans, a musical junkie, fiddlin' in the last waltz. I think about how they had a perfect artistic collaboration, probably not perfect in every other way, but robbie and everyone getting the most out of each other, how did he write the lyrics that he knew rick could express so perfectly while levon makes the drums weep? I hope that someone out there gets that perfect artistic collaboration in this life... I hope my kids find music and musicians that mean as much to them as the band and rick does to me...
we met levon at newport one year and decided if we had a boy ever we would name him levon, we got alot of flack but its fits him so well, and rick, with his bouncy bass and grin...,man, I don't think I can much else tonight but write. This pageis incredible, it is so great to know that so many feel similarly, and not for a pop star or movie star who was cool, or ultra hip, but for someone who gave it all, had some problems, I am sure, but expressed himself for us and himself, and was genuine, probably all the time... his voice, his voice belies a love of music, a feeling for humanity and his grin!
bye rick d. - whenever I pick up a guitar I honor you and all the great ones.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 06:32:50 CET 1999 from 1cust237.tnt2.north-port.fl.da.uu.net ( Frank MiracolaFrom: Florida
I just returned home from a long trip back home (long Island, NY)to see my brother and family. As usual, we got through most of our favorite Band material piped thru his fabulous Bose system. The Band has been my (our) centerpiece for 30 years now and I feel as though another of my "family" has gone home. Peace to you Rick, in knowing how many loved you isn"t that what it's all about?? Condolenes to his family and friends. May he be in God's praise FOREVERMORE.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 06:29:18 CET 1999 from ( VickieFrom: Fla/Michigan originally
I feel BAD. I'll never forget that I (like a dummy) passed up a
chance to see Rick when he played a place (now closed) next to the
Chatham's/Great Scott!/Kroger's in Dearborn when I was in Michigan.
It wasn't that far to go...& I never did see him live! But the
music's an inspiration & I loved his voice....
So sorry you had to go, Rick.....& thanks too for the music....God Bless
ya wherever you are now.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 06:21:45 CET 1999 from staug2-020.fdn.com ( Bud HendershotFrom: St. Augustine, FL
Was driving to Daytona Beach to a company Christmas party tonight when I heard "This Wheel's On Fire"
on National Public Radio...Cut to Noah Adams: "Remembering Rick Danko in the next half hour of "All Things Considered".
Sad..sad - but thanks for the fine music, Rick...I know I'll miss it. I've had the pleasure of seeing the Band several times,
and just 2 years ago, Rick played her in St Augustine at The Milltop. I brought my wife and kids to see him, and a framed "Rick Danko" guitar pic
sits on my mantle. He dropped it at the show. Goodbye, Rick!! We will miss you.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 06:20:21 CET 1999 from spider-wn022.proxy.aol.com ( JillFrom: New Jersey
Today while decorating for a holiday gathering here tomorrow night I tuened on the radio for SOUND. Good old WFUV
Posted on Sat Dec 11 06:17:04 CET 1999 from cr518169-a.poco1.bc.wave.home.com ( Eric VanceFrom: Vancouver, BC
Safe passage, Rick. Your memory will live on through
the music.................
Eric Vance,
Vancouver, BC
Posted on Sat Dec 11 06:09:16 CET 1999 from camb0493.capecod.net ( Mike GratisFrom: Buzzards Bay, MAHome page
I was sitting at my computer listening to "Jubilation" and decided to check the web site, where I learned of Rick Danko's death. Words cannot properly convey the grief and loss I feel -- Very similar to the day John Lennon left us. The music community has lost one of its' best, and we should remember him as that. Thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends -- God Bless....
Posted on Sat Dec 11 06:03:36 CET 1999 from ppp53-205.pppcal.vsnl.net.in ( Rahul Guha RoyFrom: Calcutta,India
I am deeply shocked to know about Rick Danko's passing away
from our world.The Band have been so much a part of a little
community of musicians we have in the suburb of Salt Lake,Calcutta that within the last ten minutes(I passed on the tragic news)we've all been sitting in a state of shock.
It is also the first time we've come to your site and we find Rick gone.The Band both vocally and in the compositional sense inspired us like nothing else in western popular music with the exception of Jethro Tull.To
know that a key member of this group is no longer with us is
a painful reality.Thank you Rick,you played so well we are
sure your atma(soul in Hinduism) will find transcendence and
peace and you will drink nectar with the gods and charm the
One with your beautiful music.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:59:46 CET 1999 from spc-isp-lon-uas-08-57.sprint.ca ( Jim PernokisFrom: London,Ontario...c/o
Big Band fan from London :
Love you Rick...we'll miss you!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:52:43 CET 1999 from proxy1-external.blfld1.ct.home.com ( TracyGoodnight, Rick. May you rest peacefully in the twilight for you are too soon gone. May you be reunited with your son, Eli, and your parents who created you. God has opened up another space high above where you can join in a jam within the Great Gig In The Sky. My deepest condolences go out to Elizabeth and all of the Danko family.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:50:24 CET 1999 from dialin422.toronto.globalserve.net ( BrianFrom: Toronto, Ontario
Rick's voice and spirit touched me and will be a part of me forever. I was lucky enough to see him perform with and without the Band. My favourite time was at Toronto's famed Horshoe Tavern when I was able to hang and have a beer with him after the show. What a genuine good soul he was. He will be greatly missed by us all but his music lives on!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:49:41 CET 1999 from ( Ron SchellenbergFrom: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Canada
I'm saddened, by the sudden loss of a rock and roll great legend. As a bass player myself Rick Danko was an inspiration for me.
He will always be remembered and our thoughts go to the Band and his family.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:47:54 CET 1999 from spider-wk023.proxy.aol.com ( Wendy
To Elizabeth- Thank you for sharing him with us all of these years. May the angels wrap your heart with courage as you walk through these coming days. You shall meet again one fine day...Love to you and your family, Wendy
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:42:39 CET 1999 from spider-wo074.proxy.aol.com ( salFrom: new york
RIck- THanks for your beutiful, soulful, healing voice
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:38:57 CET 1999 from spider-wk034.proxy.aol.com ( Alan DismukesFrom: Oklahoma
To the Danko family my deepest sympathy. The night I met Rick in Tulsa will always be a highlight of my life. You gave all of us many fond memories that evening. Thank you Rick for the music, Brother. We will see you again one day.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:37:20 CET 1999 from pc74dn03.fcc.net ( Russ BeresFrom: Middletown
Just want to thank Rick and the boys for their resurgence over the last bunch of years.
As an aging rock'n'roller, I was losing faith and interest in the music scene. Then The Band returned. Seeing them at The Chance and their last minute replacement at the Philadelphia folk festival started my heart thumpin' and my feet pounding.
We'll all miss you Rick. God Bless.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:29:30 CET 1999 from pgp31.pond.net ( Todd DennisFrom: Eugene, OR
Growing up in the mid-hudson valley, it was hard not to be impacted by the music of the Band. Rick, your angelic voice will be missed. There's an empty place in my heart right now but I know you are released from this world and still singing. I'll always see your light come shining. Thank you for the magical music you gave us all.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:27:49 CET 1999 from spider-wj071.proxy.aol.com ( Jolene ObergFrom: Gresham, Oregon, USA
Musical Legacy...........Richard Danko
It is Twilight now, so, It Makes No Difference.
Too young, too, too sad for words. Miss you forever.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:19:13 CET 1999 from 42.new-york-11-12rs.ny.dial-access.att.net ( BrianFrom: Brooklyn, NY
God bless you, Rick. We will miss you!!!!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:15:07 CET 1999 from ct-1-sim-ppp19.kwic.com ( Duane W RutterFrom: Port Rowan
I just heard about Rick and I am so very sorry for the Danko family.For what it's worth:his influence will live on as long as I can play a note!God bless you and keep you all through this difficult time.
Duane Rutter & Family
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:14:51 CET 1999 from ts6-18t-7.idirect.com (
MoeFrom: Toronto (Parry Sound originally)Home page
Rick will always be known for the unique bass he played just as much as his singing and songwriting.
Another sad day in music history as one of the inovators of the 1970s sound is gone...
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:14:32 CET 1999 from spider-tj041.proxy.aol.com ( Ben PikeFrom: Cleveland Tx
When you awake... Rick Danko had a clear, lonely way with a Ballad that was all his own. I was thrilled to see him lots over the years, and even once back with the original line up. Best to Rick's friends and family, "Bound By" was a worthy farewell.... Thanks for it all.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:12:04 CET 1999 from 1cust84.tnt5.hackensack.nj.da.uu.net ( alFrom: new jersey
this is way to sad to believe
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:11:47 CET 1999 from 1cust253.tnt2.poughkeepsie.ny.da.uu.net ( M CahillFrom: Kingston,NY
Rick, I will always treasure the good times, from the
Carrier Dome to Uncle Willy's. May you rest in peace
with you son.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:07:58 CET 1999 from 209-122-231-199.s199.tnt4.sbo.ma.dialup.rcn.com ( zimboFrom: Brookline MA
There's a hole in my heart now that Rick is gone. His music will be with me forever. Thank you Rick
Posted on Sat Dec 11 05:02:50 CET 1999 from mctnts12c111.nbnet.nb.ca ( SteveFrom: Moncton, NB
What a wonderful world this is, and Rick is one of those who has helped to make it so. The Bands music has held up so well over the years..I still listen to them as much as ever. Thanks, Rick; and God bless.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:59:40 CET 1999 from proxy-353.public.rwc.webtv.net ( Just Wonderin'From: TexasIt's nice to know that Rick had been doing what he loved up to the last week of his life. I think he was in "High Cotton" in life. Condolences to all those who knew and loved him as well as to the fans.
His music will last forever.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:58:49 CET 1999 from spider-wm024.proxy.aol.com ( Dianemara
Rest In Peace Sweet Rick - You gave me twenty years of friendship. You gave me laughter and tears and your wisdom. I will miss you more than you could ever know. You are now with the angels and with Eli. I will love you always.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:53:17 CET 1999 from spider-wb052.proxy.aol.com ( Murray LathemFrom: Oshawa Ontario Canada
While i was driving home I heard about Rick's death. He had a voice of a soulful man....what a tragic loss...."the sun don't shine anymore..." Peace and love to the Danko family
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:52:01 CET 1999 from proxy4-external.nash1.tn.home.com ( carol gregoryFrom: Nashville
I have been a fan since I heard Big Pink. My husband and I
have books, films and most of The Band's records. I have
been lucky enough to see The Band twice in concert. And of
all that my favorite songs are the ones featuring Rick Danko's
haunting voice. Now that voice only rings out in a Heavenly
Choir. I hope to hear him sing there someday too.
God Bless and Keep Rick Danko!!
God Bless and keep his family as well.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:50:00 CET 1999 from ppp9339.on.bellglobal.com ( BoagFrom: Belleville, Ontario, CanadaThanks for the songs and the memories, Richard. Rick Danko was all about heart. The handsome man with the joyuous boyish grin could make me feel happy or sad with his voice and his bass or acoustic guitar like few others in this world. Though I wasn't really surprised at today's terrible news, I am sitting with a big lump in my throat tonight as I listen to his great legacy, that astounding voice which summoned up all of human emotion so explicitly yet so gracefully. I have been a huge Band and Danko fan for twenty of my thirty-six years(I once had a cat named Danko), and am so grateful that I was not only able to see Rick perform quite frequently over the years, but also fortunate enough to meet him on several occasions. He was always warm and welcoming, whether he was pretending he remembered me or actually did. I'll never forget meeting him for the very first time backstage at The Stratford Theatre in the fall of '85, where he and The reconstituted Band were performing a special benefit concert. He had instructed me to come by and say hello during a phone interview I had done with him the previous day from my home in Ottawa for a piece I was writing on the show for my student newspaper at Carleton University. Feeling a bit nervous about meeting a vocal hero of mine, Rick made me feel instantly at home with a big handshake and introductions to a couple of his "favourite ladies", his elderly aunt and grandmother, up for the show from his nearby hometown of Simcoe. He made sure myself and my five friends were received at the post-show reception and was just a great big sweetheart.
He did the same for me and another friend eight years later in Toronto and Ottawa on the Jericho tour.
Its strange as I turned down the chance to travel to Toronto tonight to see Rick's Canadian pals Colin Linden and Richard Bell play at the legendary Horseshoe Tavern, a show which Linden announced earlier today would turn into a tribute to his friend and favourite singer. I wish I had've gone as I don't have anyone here to share this sad evening with except for friends in Toronto and Nova Scotia who I hope to get in touch with tonight on the phone.
At some point I'll drive down to the local bar and raise a few to the memory of Rick Danko, who really did sing just like a bird - "woo, hoo, hooo, whooo, whooo."
That heavenly choir just got a whole lot sweeter.
Goodnight, goodbye and God bless Rick.
We're sure gonna miss ya 'round here.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:50:05 CET 1999 from spider-te043.proxy.aol.com ( AndrewFrom: PhiladelphiaIt's funny, I did not hear about this until about 7:00 PM EST. I spent the day with my kids and they monopolized the TV. When I finally got in the car to go to an appointment, I did not even turn on the radio, which is very unusual for me. It seems that I just did not want to hear the sad news about Rick. I got two chances to meet him, and as someone earlier said, my idiotic chatter was "fan like". However, he was very gracious to me and my guests, looking me in the eye as he shook my hand and saying thank you for enjoying the music. I can only imagine the loss that people must feel who knew him better and my heart goes out his family and friends. Rest well Rick.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:48:57 CET 1999 from 1cust95.tnt30.sfo3.da.uu.net ( leahhorsesFrom: San Francisco
Saw Rick singing in SpeakEasy sometime in 1970's (sitting a few feet away). His music has lived in the heart ever since. R.I.P.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:48:21 CET 1999 from newport44.aiconnect.com ( joeFrom: Newport, RI
We've never felt so alone ... rest in peace, Rick.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:43:47 CET 1999 from user-38ld5g8.dialup.mindspring.com ( ReadumandweepFrom: Atlanta
The Band has been a constant and soothing presence in my life since I first heard Big Pink. The Brown album may be the finest American rock music ever made. Their music brought comfort during some very troubled times in this country. Thank god for the Band and god bless Rick Danko. A piece of my heart hurts tonight.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:33:38 CET 1999 from jax8-141.leading.net ( J.C. BradfordFrom: Tunbridge VT
My favorite music....my favorite group....my favorite musician...no one touched me more. If I thought it would do any good I'd stand on the rock where Moses stood....Oh no...
RIP Big Guy
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:25:31 CET 1999 from 1cust30.tnt1.brownwood.tx.da.uu.net ( Bobby ColvinFrom: Brownwood, Texas
Ricks music will last forever as will the music of THE BAND.I just want to thank you for all the great tunes and wonderful memories.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:21:14 CET 1999 from alb4-as5200-16-208.termserv.net ( Diamond LilA few thank you's : To everyone who e-mailed me today. Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated. I promise to reply to all of you..but not tonight. To Jan..for that beautiful memory page of Rick..which brings tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart all at the same time. And to Rick...for your caring and generosity over the past 20 years, your unconditional friendship, your advice, your laughter, your life.... You'll never know how hard this is. But then, you never had to lose you... Rest in peace my friend. I love you.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:20:37 CET 1999 from spider-tf051.proxy.aol.com ( Laurin Willis
Rick's death was a staggering blow. The world lost a great deal more than a great musician with Rick's passing...we lost a class clown, a humorist, a gentle giant, and a man whom many considered a "good friend" simply because his music touched us. His talent extended far, far beyond the familiar recorded works (the Band, DFA, & solo efforts). I truly believe his brilliance was found in his live performance where his haunting rendition of "Long Black Veil" made "eternity" seem all too near, or his heartwrenched vocals of "It Makes No Difference" tearing at your sole, or his yearning for partner Richard Manuel as he sang the familiar strains of "I Shall Be Released".
Once again, "I Shall Be Released" will take on new meaning for our family of fans. Tears will be shed (I know that I certainly shall) and that's only healthy. My final prayer for all fans or Rick and fans of the Band is this...when we do sing "I Shall Be Released" in his memory, we must sing as he always said we did...
Like the Morman Tabernacle Choir.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:17:12 CET 1999 from dial-02-17-tnt-ms2.btvt.together.net ( Chris GermanFrom: Burlington, VT
I just got the news. It's funny-- just the other day I was listening to an old tape and thinking how cool it would be to see the Band again. So I posted to this chat room if anyone knew of some recent dates-- by the time my post came up everyone had signed off. Now I have my anwser. I will miss the Rick's music. It was my mom that got me into the Band. I think I'll probally have to give her a call.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:12:13 CET 1999 from 1cust25.tnt1.rochester.ny.da.uu.net ( travisFrom: rochester ny
Thank you for the wonderful memories.Your music will always play in my heart.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:10:10 CET 1999 from fctnts13d103.nbnet.nb.ca ( David RocheFrom: Newfoundland,Canada
I've had the day from hell - trying to figure a way to get together with my wife over Christmas, as we've been apart for over a year due to US/Canadian immigration b.s.
And now I find out Rick Danko is dead. Good god, this is such a bad day - one of my favorite voices in music (next to Richard Manuel) - gone...
Goodbye Rick..
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:07:53 CET 1999 from dial-12.r11.nchgpt.infoave.net ( Steve CooperFrom: North Carolina
First Doug Sahm, now Rick. It's hard accept that two such powerful musical forces as these have been silenced. Rick's voice, at once sad and dancing, was like no other. So long, Rick, and thanks.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:32:28 CET 1999 from acorn-c-26.oakmont.nb.net ( mike "ko"From: pittsburgh
As Don McLean once said, "It's the day the music died".
Best wishes to the Danko family. Will miss you always Rick.
I will listen to "The Band" for the rest of my life.
I will be up all night watching the video of "The Last Waltz"
over and over and over!
PS Say Hi to Richard.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:06:08 CET 1999 from spider-wd013.proxy.aol.com ( Steven GodfreyFrom: Pineville, Louisiana
In memoriam to Rick Danko: I can only think to say thanks to Rick for being such a strong part of some of THE most beautiful sounds I've ever heard, keep that wheel of fire turnin' with your carefree & tender approach to the world with all those blessed folks in residence up there.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:04:38 CET 1999 from user-33qtk0q.dialup.mindspring.com ( John FulperFrom: Bay Area CA
RIP Rick-
Your voice held the Band together and I always have the Java Blues every morning. I've been on the bus since the Last Waltz was playing at the Corenent in Chicago. Thanks for everything and especially for "Tonight's the Night"
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:01:05 CET 1999 from 216.newark-13-14rs.nj.dial-access.att.net ( MikeFrom: NJ
Thank You Rick for years of fun and music.We'll miss you!!!!
My prayers go out to the rest of "THE BAND"
Posted on Sat Dec 11 04:00:03 CET 1999 from on-tor-blr-a58-02-539.idirect.com ( Rick KFrom: Toronto
Sincerest condolences to you at this time of loss . . . The mystery train pulls out one more time.
Rick walked into a lounge in the Stampeder Inn in Calgary, 1984, while I was nursing a brew. I said something like "Hey Rick, great to see you guys back at it" or something equally lame and fan-like . . . he immediately joined me, introduced Elizabeth and ordered another round like we were old-time old-time, with catching up to do the most important thing in the world just then, never mind tonight's show. So we talked music and rodeos and about Norway and where to get a good pair of cowboy boots and how the sun rising outta Saskatchewan made for an unbelievable sunrise. Took all of five seconds to get past that fan thing, and right to the meat of being folks. To me, at least, it seems he lived like he sang - always true, from the heart.
So Richard, chalk up the bow, now you've someone to sing harmony, and kibbitz away the long nights with while you paint another glorious sunrise Sask-a-wan Crimson'n'Indigo. . .
Robbie, Levon - please . . . seek out each other, make peace, make music, make things alright. Not for us, we don't even have to hear, don't even haveta know . . . just get to the meat of it, one more time - for Rick and Richard, if nothing else.
That train never stops, y'know, just keeps circlin' 'round and 'round . . .
God bless and guide us . . .
Fan Rick in Toronto
"Dileas gu Brath"
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:54:55 CET 1999 from 92.los-angeles-11-12rs.ca.dial-access.att.net ( ......I feel blessed to have been able to enjoy your music for so many years......I promise that you and your music will live on in my home for many years to come... May we all find comfort together......Love.......
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:51:34 CET 1999 from slip-32-100-243-55.ma.us.prserv.net ( MichaelFrom: Marshfield, Massachusetts
I've seen Rick and friends many times over the years, the last being this past March in a little club in my town. As Rick walked in and past the table I was sitting at, I said hi Ricky. He turned with a grin and a wink and gave me a big thumbs up. Rick played an acoustic set that night with Professor Louie, nothing I hadn't heard before but just classic Rick Danko music.
"A river it can flow forever; it doesn't lose its sense of time; they said I'd know it when I crossed it; I still can't see the other side;
Is this hell or heavan; or just a hand that chimes; tryin to share one destination; that we just reach at a different time".........Rest in Peace Rick
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:47:34 CET 1999 from 40189.webjogger.net ( Russell FrehlingFrom: Red Hook, NY
From a Dylan/Hawks concert in the mid-sixties to The Band and beyond, up through a performance in Kingston, NY maybe two months ago, I've never heard anyone deliver that sense of the sheer thrill and joy of music-making more than Rick Danko. Thanks for putting it out there. My condolances to his friends - he must have been a good one.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:46:38 CET 1999 from spider-wg043.proxy.aol.com ( tony a.From: bucks,pa.
when your arms are empty got no where to go, come on down and catch the show, you'll see saints and sinners, losers and winners, all kind of people you might wanna know, once you get it, you can't forget it, THE BAND , the world's greatest rock and roll show.
rest in peace RICK. i'll cherrish my autographs.
tony a. from bucks pa.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:46:11 CET 1999 from quest180.quest-net.com ( Ralph S. MolinarioFrom: Randolph, Vt.
I was saddened today by the news about the death of Rick Danko. I've seen him perform several times here in Vermont, and have been listening to his melodic voice for as long as his great carrear began with the Band.
My sympathy goes out to his family and friends.
Rick, you will be greatly missed.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:42:28 CET 1999 from ip109.toronto26.dialup.canada.psi.net ( TimFrom: Hamilton CanadaHome page
Ricky Danko taught us how to howl, wail, jump bail, and
stay out of jail. His music lives on forever...
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:41:54 CET 1999 from 1cust206.tnt1.redlands.ca.da.uu.net ( Dan BloodFrom: CA
I am stunned. While watching L.A.'s channel 2 news tonight at five I catch a brief clip of Rick singing The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down from the Last Waltz, but I didn't quite hear what was being said. What could it be? I suspected the worst and called to my wife, "I think Rick Danko died." She and I saw him in LA about two or three years ago. When channel 2 came back they showed The Band on Ed Sullivan, Woodstock and again The Last Waltz. It was really special. Rick, your 15 minutes of fame is over, you and your songs are now immortal. Good-bye.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:41:11 CET 1999 from pix142166197016.nbtel.net ( Trevor BrooksFrom: Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
My condolences to the family and friends of Rick Danko.
Thank you for all that you gave and may you rest in peace.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:39:37 CET 1999 from cheetah.bluep.com ( Jill HowlandFrom: Missouri
I haven't heard the news here in Melbourne Australia yet, but thank god for good Banddandies (thanks ADELA) who called to let me know the news. What can I do besides express my heartbrokenness, and thankfulness for the memories of that time I had with such a great guy. Now those stupid photos of us mean even so much more. Thanks for the memories, Rick... your music changed my life, and that's no kiddin'.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:38:44 CET 1999 from spider-wn021.proxy.aol.com ( Kim HillFrom: Rockford Il.
If your mem'ry serves you well,/we were goin' to meet again and wait./So I'm going to unpack all my things and sit before it gets to late,/ No man alive will come to you with another tale to tell ,/But you know that we shall meet again If your mem'ry serves you well,/ This wheel's on fire,/ Rolling down the road, / Best notify my next of kin, /This wheel shall explode,
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:36:28 CET 1999 from p15-max9.chc.ihug.co.nz ( Bill MortlockFrom: New Zealand
As a fan of The Band going back thirty years when my younger sister brought home a copy of the brown album I am deeply shocked to here that Rick Danko has passed away. My thoughts go out to his family and all his friends particularly Levon and Garth. I am just going to listen to " It Makes No Differece". Rick,you sure made a differece to my life thanks for enriching it with your wonderful music.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:33:45 CET 1999 from pool-207-205-219-147.pbgh.grid.net ( Robert Campbell
1970 and seeing The Band in the Stanley Theather,the music and the show sowed the seeds of the music of my life from then on.Does thank you say enough? My prayers to the Danko family
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:31:48 CET 1999 from d31-98.hcvlny.optonline.net ( J.CroceFrom: The Brokerage
To the family, friends and longtime supporters of Rick Danko, my sincere condolences on the loss of a good man. I had the pleasure of seeing him up close on several occasions and know how much he meant to someone very special. I'm very sorry.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:27:56 CET 1999 from spider-wi061.proxy.aol.com ( SeanFrom: Melbourne, Australia
I never got the chance to see you play live, but your recordings were inspiring. Your music will never be forgotten.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:25:23 CET 1999 from proxy3-external.etntwn1.nj.home.com ( Norman AshFrom: Long Branch, NJ
Sorry to hear about Rick's death. Your music has always been important to me. take care.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:23:48 CET 1999 from pppa25-resaleclearwaterb1-3r7024.saturn.bbn.com ( Dear Friends of RickHome pageCanoe.ca has an article on Rick's passing. The address is below, or you can click on the "Home page" above, and it'll take you directly to it. Rick, you'll be sorely missed.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:22:26 CET 1999 from ppp-207-214-220-81.snfc21.pacbell.net ( Linda B.From: San Francisco
Wow. The man was the greatest singer of all time, and I have been saying this for years. There was no one else who could convey such complex emotion through such seemingly simple vocalizing. His voice said, all at once, "I am scared, I am lonely, I am sad, I am joyous, I am horny, I am satisfied, and I am in need." I can't think of anyone else with that gift, and anyone else who was so underappreciated for his vocal gift. My husband called me today to tell me, and I was surprised at the tears that came to my eyes. He touched my life, and I will always be grateful that he sang all those songs to me.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:17:49 CET 1999 from palwebproxy2.core.hp.com ( Rick A.From: San JoseI did not meet Rick, but I will always remember the last time I saw him and Richard, Garth, Levon, Robbie and all of thier friends at Winterland 23 years ago. What a privilege. But I had already loved the Band from several years earlier. I will always remember the sweet, off-kilter voice singing out of my little AM radio, "Crazy Chester caught me..." that introduced me to their music. I remember one of my first LP buys as a teenager with little money, where that voice sang, "You're going to walk that endless highway..." Then later, on one of my next hard-earned purchases, I heard this: "doo-duh duh duh duh doo-duh-doo-de-do, doo-duh duh duh doo-da-do" as soon as I dropped the needle on my new Rock of Ages LP. Still in high school, I took my girlfriend to see the Band for the first time at a Day on the Green with CSNY, Joe Walsh and Jesse Colin Young, and even now I can still see (from a hundred yards away) the singer singing, "See the man with the stage fright, just standing up there giving all his might..." Then she moved, but we never really broke up -- and that's when the voice told me, "It makes no difference where I turn, I can't get over you and the flame still burns." It did, and so did the song and its voice. When I was lucky enough to get to go the Last Waltz, and Rick sang It Makes No Difference, I wept right there on the floor of Winterland. And now after hosting the company of family at our house on Thanksgiving, there's that voice floating above the din on Book Faded Brown. Thank you for sharing your gifts Rick, and I won't forget you. My deepest condolences to your family and all whose lives you impacted so greatly. "But just like the gambler says Read 'em and weep." Again.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:17:32 CET 1999 from spider-tl073.proxy.aol.com ( Russell Levine
I'll see you later Rick. Say hi to your son for me.
Peace....I miss you buddy
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:12:27 CET 1999 from spider-tm084.proxy.aol.com ( David POFrom: my mother and father
I am deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Rick Danko today. Hopefully his spirit and his music will carry on his legacy forever. Peace and love always, PO(David)
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:09:22 CET 1999 from atmax-9-33.enter.net ( Greg HancockFrom: Pennsylvania
While a student at Penn State in the 70's, I used to jam along with the Band's many fine albums -I would crank up the volume, plug in the bass or guitar, imagine being up on stage with them. I was always drawn to Rick's unique bass lines and the heart and sould in his voice. I once had the chance to shake his hand as he was leaving the stage at The Stanhope House in NJ, told him that he was a great influence on me, and he stopped, looked me and the eyes and said, "thanks".
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:08:54 CET 1999 from adsl-63-194-89-133.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net ( Jay HippsFrom: Benicia, CA
It's always hardest on the ones left behind, but we have our memories and lots and lots of recordings of Rick's wonderful music. May he rest in joy (and peace).
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:07:35 CET 1999 from ct-3-sim-ppp18.kwic.com ( The Mayo'sFrom: Simcoe, Ontario
We are all so sad today in our household to hear of Rick's passing. Our hearts go out to Rick's family, and his brothers Maurice (Junior), Terry, and Dennis. Gosh you guys are all so talented and blessed. Your Mom and Dad were so proud of all of you boys, I miss those trips to your parents home with my father-in-law, your Uncle Bill. Say hi to Dad from all of us Rick, and I hope you two are laughing and enjoying a cold one right now.
I am so glad I finally got to take Judy and my kids to see you at Woodstock, Ontario a few years ago, and again in Kitchener after all the years. And when you played Judy's favorite song and dedicated to all of your relatives in the audience that night, it was so extra special cuz it was you Rick (in person) and it was her best Birthday present on that magic and memorable day.
We will cherish all the video collections we have on The Band, and continue to watch them like we always do, but our hearts will ache and the tears flow when we see that playful, fun loving kid on the screen.
Our hearts go out to Levon, Garth, and the rest of the current Band memebers. I will miss the music you boys kept pumping out, cuz it never leaves you.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:06:18 CET 1999 from dyn208-28-60-26.cha.mnsi.net ( Ron and Dawne MudfordFrom: Chatham, Ontario, Canada
Rick was our first cousin, our "Next of Kin". We will miss him dearly. Just spoke to his brother Junior in Simcoe, Ontario. Although he doesn't have a computer, we told him of all of the messages of condolence on this site and will make sure he gets a print out of all of them.
Thanks for all of the love. We will all miss him.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 03:03:46 CET 1999 from ppp-207-214-188-109.anhm01.pacbell.net ( Scott
Every time I get choked up and the tears well up in my eyes, the music takes it away. It's always been that way with me and the Band's music, not just today. Although today, I need it the most. A lifetime of inspiration. Thank you, Rick.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:58:59 CET 1999 from ppp-207-214-188-109.anhm01.pacbell.net ( Scott SechmanFrom: Anaheim, CA
Regarding the messages here: "Just like the gambler says....read'em and weep.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:56:02 CET 1999 from 209-130-140-249.nas2.mon.gblx.net ( LarsFrom: Upstate NY
"Good night, sweet prince; And flights of angels sing thee
to thy rest."
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:55:57 CET 1999 from spider-tr011.proxy.aol.com ( Robert KilloughFrom: St.Petersburg, Fl.
My deepest condolences to the family and friends of Rick Danko...the world of music is diminished by his passing.
I'll dig out my "The Band " VHS, and drop a salty tear in my beer tonight. R.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:51:47 CET 1999 from spider-to053.proxy.aol.com ( peteFrom: buffalo
cheers to a kind soul, to the best falsetto in rock history,
to the effort and soul he gave with every performance... he'd chill with the common fan after a show, laugh at himself and talk of the simplicity of the world. He took us away for a spell. thanks rick, you're a legend. "when you awake you will....."
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:48:54 CET 1999 from user-33qtpo5.dialup.mindspring.com ( N. Cassandra KenfieldFrom: DenverHome page
I got in my car to go home and heard that Rick was dead. Worst news I have heard in many days.
Rest in peace...you took part of my youth with you!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:47:43 CET 1999 from 98aec270.ipt.aol.com ( marc danielFrom: new mexico
i'm so fucking mad - and crying like a baby. considering i've never met the man, he touched a part of me along with all the great men in my life who fucking leave too soon. i followed you from a distance and you entered my heart. damn you too. i guess i jammed with you without you knowing it. thanks for the music.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:46:44 CET 1999 from 1cust159.tnt2.monroe.la.da.uu.net ( Doug KlineFrom: Monroe, LA.
"Crazy Chester" we'll miss you.
To the Danko family: Nothing happens in God's world by mistake. May you all heal in time.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:45:57 CET 1999 from spider-to053.proxy.aol.com ( Todd
He was always the heart and soul of the Band. That angelic voice will live forever. What an incredible loss. A sad day indeed. Rest in Peace, Rick
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:45:20 CET 1999 from spider-wc033.proxy.aol.com ( Ian CohenFrom: New York City
I can't believe it...so young...so sad to hear this...so sad...why do the best things always disappear?
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:44:18 CET 1999 from 32.oklahoma-city-03-04rs16rt.ok.dial-access.att.net ( Okie TomFrom: Oklahoma
There is some music that lasts and lasts and never grows old. The music you and your friends have made remains special. Thanks Rick for providing that and more. May sweet peace find all of Rick's family and friends everywhere
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:41:50 CET 1999 from 207-172-169-43.s43.as1.plb.nj.dialup.rcn.com ( Mike PlunkettFrom: N.J.
Jan- I know it's a lot to ask but perhaps you could gather some of the more eloquent entries here and forward them to Rick's family. I've logged on 8 or 9 times today and I was moved each time by the sincere love for the man. Thanks.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:41:17 CET 1999 from 209-130-186-76.as5300-7.roc.gblx.net ( Dave HopkinsFrom: Rochester NY
Farewell to Rick Danko. And farewell to The Band. You have given so much...and your music has stayed Forever Young.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:39:41 CET 1999 from prxy1.nwbl.wi.voyager.net ( JD DankoFrom: Wisconsin, USA
While I never had the pleasure of meeting my namesake, I have certainly enjoyed the many pleasures of his timeless body of work. God rest you, Rick, and may Eli be there to meet you on the other side.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:39:53 CET 1999 from pppb7-resalecincinnati1-3r1020.saturn.bbn.com ( FinaticFrom: Cincinnati, OhioHome page
I just heard the sad news of Ricks passing. I guess the jam session with him and Richard Manuel has started.
I consider my first "rock concert" experience to be seeing The Last Waltz aired on Showtime back in 1979 and I was forever hooked on the music.
Thanks to The Band for starting me off on a musical journey that continues to define my life. Rest in peace Rick.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:39:01 CET 1999 from spider-wg033.proxy.aol.com ( Jim TullyFrom: Brockton, MA
I don't know what to say, i guess i'm devestated....i knew it would end some day i guess i just hoped it wouldn't be this this soon....Rick wherever you are...your music will live in my heart and the hearts of many....forever...
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:38:04 CET 1999 from theroux.reninet.com ( Rick Levin
Thanks Rick.
I saw the Band for the first time in Feb 1970.
They had recently released the second album and they
had just been on the cover of Time magazine.
Those guys....wow. That album is still my favorite
album of all time.
But still, my favorite Rick vocal has to be, "makes
no difference"
What a beautiful, emotive voice.
I will miss you Rick, you brought a lot of beauty
to this world.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:37:28 CET 1999 from as5300p22.nvnet.org ( Joe CostantinoFrom: Northvale, N.J.
from The Hole in the Wall to A Day In the Garden and everything in between, a snowy night at A's , The Great Lawn,The Turning Point, All those times at the Lone Star, The Balloon Festival, Carnagie(still waiting for #3),The Capitol,...............you always could make me cry......thank you Rick
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:30:46 CET 1999 from async85-per-isp-1.nas.one.net.au ( MichaelFrom: Australia
My condolances to all the Danko and Band family tree's, I have been soaking in their well of soul stirring tunes for only about five years, and in that time they've made such a big impact on my life. Only two months back i was interviewing Mercury rev who said they were in a months time about to go in and work with Rick on his new solo album, does anyone know if this project got off the ground?
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:36:50 CET 1999 from ppp-206-170-6-76.rdcy01.pacbell.net ( Seth
You are a true original. You once sang It Makes No Difference...Well Rick, you made a difference in my life and for that I will always be grateful. May God be with you and your family. Love.
Seth Schalet
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:32:29 CET 1999 from spider-wl084.proxy.aol.com ( Pete BFrom: NJ
Thank you for the music.....it will last forever.....RIP Mr. Danko
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:31:50 CET 1999 from dhcp-166-198.cc.gettysburg.edu ( TimFrom: CT
I had the unique privilege of meeting Rick Danko, and could immediately tell he was something special. He will definitely be missed.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:29:12 CET 1999 from ppp8995.on.bellglobal.com ( BruceFrom: Toronto
Thanks Rick, the ride was kinda up and down, I never did get off tho.Good luck mate.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:25:09 CET 1999 from spider-we044.proxy.aol.com ( CherylFrom: New Mexico
The news of Rick's passing has saddened me so.
I'll be paying my respect to this genius the only way I can... by playing his music all weekend (and forever).
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:24:49 CET 1999 from spider-wk033.proxy.aol.com ( DennisFrom: Beautiful Downtown West Saugerties, New York
...as one of the t-shirt guys ('n gals) from Woodstock '94 until the last, Last Waltz in McClean, Virginia in May of '97, I've got a couple of stories.
But for tonight, from Wanda 'n myself, Thank- You and may God Bless.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:23:44 CET 1999 from 1cust9.tnt1.broken-arrow.ok.da.uu.net ( Doug Christopher MorrisFrom: The Great State of Oklahoma
...and the band played on.
In this world of contrived, machine-driven, music-industry
produced tripe, by so-called (more like self proclaimed)
artists, it makes me laugh out loud that groups such as
The Band are still refered to with such reverence. I am not
being condescending with this statement! Far from it!
The Band helped redefine the music that we all love. And
for that I want to say thanks!
Thank you for all the great songs. Thank you for all of the
great shows. And thank you for all of the great memories.
My sincerest condolences to the Danko family, and to all
who knew him well. We shall miss him.
So, let us all go out tonight and have a good drink, with
good friends, and sing a good Band song!
We'll see you on the other side, brother!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:22:02 CET 1999 from ti34a66-0065.dialup.online.no ( jh
Let's hope the site survives this night. I am deeply
touched by the amount of traffic .. and too drunk and
sad to do any more technical work tonight. If the
server kneels, then please be patient.
Lil ...
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:20:53 CET 1999 from i48-23-13.pdx.du.teleport.com ( Jonathan AyersFrom: Portland, OR
I am in shock at this loss and crying inside. The last time I saw Rick was the last time I saw Jerry (his last show). Rick and his innocent voice and creative fretless will never be forgotten here and forever be missed.
A change is gonna come...
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:15:47 CET 1999 from a2a01732.direct.bconnected.net ( Zulu LeppardFrom: planet Earth
Daniel Daniel and the sacred harp,
dancing through the clover,
Daniel Daniel would you mind,
If I look it over!
We'll sure miss you Rick.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:14:16 CET 1999 from proxy-423.public.paix.webtv.net ( FRED RUDOFSKYFrom: NY
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:13:50 CET 1999 from ts6-ap02.bmts.com ( heather birchallFrom: Collingwood
My husband Ian and I were so very sad to hear today that Rick Denko had died. It's incredible to think how young 56 feels to us today, when we realize that we were mere babies when we first heard his voice. The Band has been part of our lives since we were teenagers. From Big Pink to Last Waltz to our kids stealing our old "albums." ("Where IS that one?"). On a related topic: a question for Canadian Band fans: When my mum was involved with the Red Cross in the late 60s, she was head of the National Women's Committee or something and had a meeting at some hotel in Toronto. I was helping her host it. One of the women from the Maritimes was the mother of a son who was in a "famous" group called The Band. At the time I had not yet heard of them. ("Sure, Mum. Famous?") Years later, of course, I was tantalized by the fact that I had served hors d'oeuvres to a mother of some musical genius. Any ideas who this might have been? I'd love to write her.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:11:22 CET 1999 from node12.bushc.dslspeed.ienet.com ( S. CleallFrom: Santa Monica
I shook Ricky's big ol' pudgy had at the Black Mountain Music Festival a year ago October. I told him how much his music had affected my life, and he kind of grunted and gazed at me in that disoriented way he was famous for, like a lost gazelle. I thought he shoulda laid off the snacks given his girth, but... well, We will all miss Ricky. I still cry when Martin Scorcese asks him in the Last Waltz what he's gonna do next, and he gets that scared look. Also when he makes the "Ooo ooo ooo" noise in the "fly like a bird" part of "Stagefright," and when he crackles on that high note of "it's all I can doo-o!" in the Last Waltz version of "It makes no difference."
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:07:54 CET 1999 from ( CourtneyFrom: Birmingham, AL
"No man alive will come to you with another tale to tell/
but you know that we shall meet again if your memory served you well..."
I think back on all those years and all that music and I wonder how we are to replace such vanishing splendor and the answer is, of course, that we cannot. From the Heart of Dixie, profound condolences to Rick's family, his Band and his community of friends.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:05:23 CET 1999 from phsc140-s.dhcp.csuchico.edu ( John LaPadoFrom: Chico CA
Was there ever a more human voice? I don't think so.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 02:00:34 CET 1999 from spider-wc064.proxy.aol.com ( AlFrom: Chicago
Life Was A Carnival. may he rest in peace.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:59:35 CET 1999 from 207-172-196-66.s66.tnt1.hck.nj.dialup.rcn.com ( CruncherFrom: Edgewater, NJ
Saw Dylan's first coffee house appearance in NYC in the late 50's, Saw Dylan at Carnigie Hall Hoot when as a walk on guest introduced by Pete Seeger, herd Dylan as "Blind Boy Grunt" on an old Folkways album of "SingOut" songs. But for sheer pleasure think Rick and The Band can't be beat. We'll all miss him and the chance of hearing new material.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:58:06 CET 1999 from dialin-184.carmel.bestweb.net ( Mike LyonsFrom: Cold Spring, New York
My family and I are shocked and saddened by the recent news. Our hearts go out to the Danko family, and friends. Rick was truly a great guy who loved to be out there with the people. Meeting and talking with him was a dream come true. We love you Rick. The Lyons Family
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:57:20 CET 1999 from proxy-626.public.rwc.webtv.net ( Jim PhilpotFrom: Georgia, USA
"And you know that we shall meet again Thank you Rick, for everything
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:56:13 CET 1999 from tyrcache.tyler.net ( Rod V.From: Houston, Texas
For Rick,... Thank you for your influence & inspiration, you've taught many where music really comes
from,.. the heart. You were loved and will be missed. Sincerely, Rod V.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:52:41 CET 1999 from proxy3.rdc1.ab.wave.home.com ( julian reedFrom: calgary, alberta
five or six years ago when the Band played in Calgary, Rick
took the time to sign a c.d. for me. I have always treasured
it. From now on when I look at it, I will look at it somewhat
differently. Thanks for all of the beautiful music Rick! You
will never be forgotten!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:51:44 CET 1999 from phn-az12-08.ix.netcom.com ( Doug GulsvigFrom: Tempe, Arizona
To all those reading...lets make a toast and "Sip the Wine" in honor of Rick Danko. His voice will forever whisper in my soul.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:50:30 CET 1999 from pm3-7-10.midcoast.com ( Rick W.From: Rockland, MaineHome page
From one Rick to another:
You're singing tunes 'up on' (the ultimate) 'cripple creek'.
Your music will live on forever..
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:48:44 CET 1999 from h0050041953cf.ne.mediaone.net ( DR. UGGFrom: QUINCY MA.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:45:24 CET 1999 from vdp032.ath01.cas.hol.gr ( a fan in GreeceFrom: Athens
To the family and friends of Rick Danko: My thoughts are with you tonight. God bless you and keep you well. I've been a fan since I was 15 (22 years ago). I saw The Band in London a few years ago and chatted to Lee outside after the show. Rick was not well and it upset me so much I went home and wrote a poem about him. I am heartbroken for your loss. Good bye Ricky, always knew you were meant to be an angel. Your sweet voice will be missed.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:44:29 CET 1999 from ssi1d1.dial.uniserve.ca ( Herb BurnettFrom: Salt Spring Island, BC
Music in the air,
I hear it everywhere...
My prayers are for the family...
The music is everywhere, just keep making the music folks... Rick did...
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:41:08 CET 1999 from proxy2.a2000.nl ( jan (the Lazyman)van DoornFrom: Amsterdam the Netherlands
Rick danko was one of my first inspiration for singing a song on stage
and now the band Lazy Sunday Dream i'm playing in got a lot of inspiration by the Band,
Bob Dylan and Neil Young.
I saw the band for the first time on the television in the Last Walz and
it was Rick Danko who made me sith down and watch with my mouth open.
It Makes No Difference who you are rest in peace Rick Danko
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:35:01 CET 1999 from spider-we033.proxy.aol.com ( Paul Briggs
I join the list of those saddened by the passing of Rick Danko. Like many of you, I met Rick, and was pleased to share a smoke with him. He was gracious, friendly, and a truly interesting man to meet, especially since it was right after a show. Rick signed a book for me, added a wonderfully funny inscription, and confirmed all the good opinions i had of him. God got Himself a helluva bass player...rest in peace Rick.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:33:35 CET 1999 from spider-wa023.proxy.aol.com ( TURBOFrom: PA
You were a great man, made great music. I was your pilot in the late 60's and your on your own now. We will forever miss you, & remember your through your outstanding music. Good by to a great man
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:32:59 CET 1999 from spider-to055.proxy.aol.com ( AdamFrom: Kingston NY
Thank you for so many great years ...
"May you heart always be joyful,
May your song always be sung,
May you stay forever young" !!! Bob Dylan
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:32:01 CET 1999 from modemcable113.81-200-24.mtl.mc.videotron.net ( Dave MosherFrom: Montreal
"Big Pink" thrilled..."The Band" expanded horizons, the music always showed intelligence, humour, worldliness and charm.
And Rick Danko was a key player in the recipe. We'll miss you terribly, because there's nothing as wonerful happening in
music anymore.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:31:20 CET 1999 from hh1110104.direcpc.com ( Christian KieferFrom: Colfax, CaliforniaHome page
What can one say about Rick Danko...
Damn, man. We'll miss you.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:23:16 CET 1999 from gatekeeper.salestech.com ( hobbitt97
I followed the band around in the mid 80s. In the early 80s I saw Rick and Roger McGuinn(Byrds)play at a folk festival at SUNY Buffalo. I also saw the Band play 2 years later at the main campus. After college I saw the band at every oppurtunity. One night I was in Long Island at My Mothers place smokin a jay in the parking lot with some friends prior to the Band playing. A person tapped me on the shoulder and asked me for a hit...It was Rick. I started talking with him and talked about where I had seen him play and the band play. I asked him a couple of questions about the last waltz and he was very cordial. My friends that had never seen the band before asked me who he was and I told them. They thought I actually knew him. We talked for a while and then he went in for the concert. It was a great concert...the last time I saw Richard Manuel play. After the concert I was hanging out with my friends in the parking lot again and Rick came up to ask me what I thought of the concert. I told him "great as usual". He asked if I wanted to meet the rest of the group and personally took me on the tour bus. He introduced me around. It was one of the most memorable nights of my life.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:17:53 CET 1999 from pool-209-138-228-032-troy.grid.net ( Tim SluiterFrom: Michigan
I feel like a beautiful old building was torn down. Rick was always an important part of the Band's sound. They don't build em' like they used to.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:16:53 CET 1999 from spider-wm081.proxy.aol.com ( Don PugatchFrom: Roswell, Ga
I want to share with everyone, the impact Rick has had on all of us. The following are excepts from an message from our son. What a Sad Day!!! I can't beleive that a gret man such as Rick could be taken from us. I can still remember when we met him and Levon on the Band Tour Bus. I can still remember the first time you sat me down and said not listen to the and you played me "It Makes No Difference" I remember going to see just Rick at the Variety Playhouse in Atlanta and how lonely the stage was. Well, now the stage is empty and there is nobdy who can replace Rick, just like no one can replace Richard. I was his Birthday yesterday. I hope it was his best. I have found that he did make a diffence and it is sunny out and its' not raining on my door. The only rain is the tears from my eyes rolling down my cheeks from disbelief and shock. Yes Rick, you did make a difference, and the impact you had on all peoples of all ages was your gift, we will never forget you.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:13:20 CET 1999 from 1cust176.tnt1.princess-anne.va.da.uu.net ( JEFF SNYDERFrom: Virginia Beach
The last time I saw Rick perform was about 8 yrs. ago, in a little bar in D.C. - he played solo, and knocked everybody out (the only thing I missed was his unique bass playing)- oh,what a voice! what a loss....
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:04:24 CET 1999 from spider-wl074.proxy.aol.com ( Russ & PattyFrom: Copley, OH
Like Ray and Amy, we had the privilege of seeing Rick in Cleveland, OH on Dec. 1. While it was a wonderful show, Rick closed with an acappella "Rivers of Babylon," which now seems all too prophetic. God bless and will never forget!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:03:14 CET 1999 from user38.libpubinc.com ( trudy ringFrom: los angeles
I had the pleasure of seeing Rick perform at McCabe's Guitar Shop in Santa Monica, Calif., in 1997. It was an intimate concert and a wonderful experience. Also saw him with the full Band in Chicago in 1994, and with Levon in Ringo Starr's all-star revue, lord knows how many years ago. Rick made some wonderful music, and his voice was really something special. "They say everything can be replaced," but not that voice. I feel like I've lost a friend. So glad we have his recordings.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:03:06 CET 1999 from 56k-la-00-12.dial.qnet.com ( Dave the Phone GuyFrom: Lee Vining, Ca.
Thanks for all the years of great great music. This is so hard to take, except for all the happy times seeing you perform. We love you sooooooo much. God bless Rick Danko, from Dave and Yolanda Hinson.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 01:00:45 CET 1999 from p370.as1.exs.dublin.eircom.net ( John ConnorsFrom: Dublin, Ireland
I saw Rick Danko play with the Band and also on his own here in Dublin with my friend Ernie. It blew me away before they even came out onstage to think that I was finally going to have the chance to see the Band after all the years of listening to the music at home. It pains me to see that he's dead now, its a short time, Y'know? I can remember the gig in the Olympia like it was yesterday.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:59:43 CET 1999 from polaris-fw1.nspco.com ( Dave ZFrom: a very sad place
God Bless the Danko family in their time of need...
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:58:49 CET 1999 from chrome.one.net.au ( ClareFrom: Australia
I was listening to The Last Waltz on the way home from picking up my sister, singing along at the top of my lungs until she got fed up and changed the CD. I got home, and within 10 minutes my best friend, and huge band fan, rang to tell me the news. Australians love Rick too, I hope every one can find comfort in the music he left for us.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:54:11 CET 1999 from 207-172-200-173.s46.as2.xbv.nj.dialup.rcn.com ( Alan BatailleFrom: Basking Ridge, New Jersey
All of a sudden I feel a giant void left by Rick's passing. He was one of my favorite performers, and my favorite bass player. He put so much love and enthusiasm into his music. He had a very unique playing style. He left so much great music with us. I am really going to miss him.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:53:45 CET 1999 from 1cust170.tnt5.des-moines.ia.da.uu.net ( LarryFrom: Iowa
Man, this just kills my Christmas spirit for my company's holiday party tonight.
The Band-- the "brown" album-- was one of my first few LP purchases after I graduated from The Monkees and Paul Revere, and their music has stayed with me through what, 30 years now?
I was privileged to meet Rick and be a guest of The Band's at a couple shows during the "High on the Hog" tour, thanks to the efforts of my then-girlfriend. Heck, she and I would have never met if it hadn't been for our mutual love of The Band. I thought we were heading for marriage when we split, so it was more painful than the run-of-the-mill breakup. It was months before I could listen to The Band after that; I think I'd probably have tossed the CDs if it had been any other artist. Sure, I still think of her when I put on "Big Pink" and the rest, but the love of the music helps overcome the sadness of the other loss.
So long Rick, you'll be missed. (And I miss you too, Jill.)
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:44:46 CET 1999 from schltns.demon.nl ( Ragtime
Came home, just checked the guestbook, and saw all this.... Even if you've never met him personally, you feel the passing of a dear friend. A unique emotional voice and a great talent. My sincere condoleances to his loved ones. I hope knowing that so many people mourn for him will help them a little. The song has ended, but the memory lingers on...
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:43:30 CET 1999 from seacow8.mobile.gulf.net ( ricky longFrom: mobile,alabama
"He stood up there and gave it all his might"
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:42:34 CET 1999 from b1.becu.org ( Thomas Alan GambleFrom: Kent, WA
I am not real shocked, but I am severely saddened. Rick's angelic voice was The Band for me. It will not ever be the same again. I am happy for having seen him up close in concert a few years ago during the Jubilation tour. He could not stand very long even then. I am shaped like him, so I suppose I should do something about it. I want to enjoy hearing his voice on earth a few more years. God Loves you Rick, and so do I. Even though you professed that you did not think you could change the world, you sure helped out "around the neighborhood". Another prayer for Stan and Richard. I will meet you all in heaven.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:38:07 CET 1999 from 2cust87.tnt14.nyc3.da.uu.net ( JIM CANAVANFrom: THE BRONX
I just found out about the passing of Rick Danko. It almost knocked me out of my chair.I just wanted to thank my cousins Jimmy and Tony Boshell and also my sister Anne for turning me on to one of the greatest bands i will ever hear.Rick truely had one of the purist rock and roll voices in the history of music. I can see the headlines already "RICK DANKO & RICHARD MANUEL ROCK THE HEAVENS" Thank you for the "sound" you will never be forgotten....
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:39:16 CET 1999 from ( AmyFrom: Los Angeles
My boyfriend is a huge fan of the band (we even named our dog Danko). Ironically enough, we watched The Last Waltz last night (my first time) and he explained everything about it and it's significance to me. For my boyfriend's birthday I had bought a rare Band poster signed by Rick. Needless to say, we are both saddened by the news of his untimely death. He was one of the great musical talents of our time.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:33:53 CET 1999 from ppp112.nsoft.it ( Francesco CipressoFrom: Bassano del Grappa (VI) - ITALY
Rick, you've made the difference.
Thank you.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:30:14 CET 1999 from spider-wd032.proxy.aol.com ( Bashful BillFrom: Minoa, N.Y.
I'm reeling. I have seen Rick play with almost all versions of The Band and in several solo settings approx 60 times. I met him 4 times. One of my most precious memories was of Rick singing me "Chain Gang" on his bus after a show. I had lamented it not being played during the show. Garth and Randy were also present , also the harp player His name escapes me and Dr. Pepper and my wife Caron. He was gracious enough to play to ME!! I can't believe I will never seeor hear him in person again. He was so open and accessible. Rick and the Band's music have been my personal soundtrack for almost 30 years. This is truly a sad day for me, and I feel for his loved ones. Jan, and all the GB regulars, thanks for providing me a place to go to, again and again.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:30:30 CET 1999 from ppp3286.on.bellglobal.com ( LUKE WARM
You did it right, you left us wanting more, thank you Rick and may you rest in peace.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:29:56 CET 1999 from spider-wi021.proxy.aol.com ( Brice PerrinFrom: Lake Charles, Louisiana
the moon and sun are both so heavy, they're barely off the ground----may you make beautiful music in heaven with muddy, big bill, robert, bessie, and richard. make the angels dance. your music and the band will always live in my heart----Brice Perrin, Southwest Louisiana
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:27:21 CET 1999 from nyf-ny-cache1.icg.net ( John Lettiere
Rick is gone. But not forgotten. I will miss him.
And the sun don't shine anymore.
And the rains fall down on my door....It Makes No Difference. The BAND
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:26:30 CET 1999 from 07-126.001.popsite.net ( Bernie FarberFrom: Chicago, Woodstock Nation
sad sad sad the loss of Rick Danko
It's the singer, not the song...
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:24:21 CET 1999 from spider-te082.proxy.aol.com ( GypsewomanFrom: New York
Rick....20 years of friendship - I know you are with the Angels, Eli, Richard and everyone else who are Too Soon Gone - And you are finally at peace. I will miss you dearly. You are in my heart always.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:19:03 CET 1999 from pm456-30.dialip.mich.net ( twilight
Once upon a time - tomorrow never came. I saw Rick at the Ark on Tuesday night. I listened to Rock of Ages this whole week. I will always smile when I think of Rick.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:18:06 CET 1999 from id148.megapipe.net ( Ace
I'm so saddened by Rick's passing. I have always believed that the greatest vocal ever recorded was Rick's "It Makes No Difference".
Rest in peace.
Posted on Sat Dec CET 1999 from id148.megapipe.net ( Ace
I'm so saddened by Rick's passing. I have always believed that the greatest vocal ever recorded was Rick's "It Makes No Difference".
Rest in peace.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:14:22 CET 1999 from mp-217-240-3.daxnet.no ( Frode NylandFrom: Bergen, Norway
Some hours ago i logged on to let my son visit a children`s site he has been looking forward to for a while. My startpage is Jan`s Band-site. I could not believe what i read. The exploring of the children`s site really became a surrealistic experience.
Thoughts have been spinning with no control these last hours. Rick`s in there all the time. I never met him, though it was close a couple of times. But I feel a friend is gone.
It`s around midnight. Rick`s death is announced on Norwegian TV. He was a popular guy over here. Snow is resting on the branches outside the window. Like a Woodstock winterland?
Rest in peace, Rick, and thank you for your music!
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:16:07 CET 1999 from faculty-central103.csu.cted.net ( RickFrom: CT
the singer may die but the song will remain
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:12:51 CET 1999 from ( Ted HaycraftFrom: Evansville,IN
Oh my.....what a sad day...I just got the news about 30 minutes ago...Rick, not only being a great musician, was a wonderful human being! When I get some time I'm going to write about my personal experience I had with Rick in detail - he had me chasing Hot Air Balloons in my little Mazda across Louisville,KY one Saturday morning...truly an unique day for me. A really giving guy that I'll never forget! Now my TLW Booklet (the one that came with the vinyl version) is doubly sad...the two personal signatures on the cover are Richard's and Rick's...............
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:11:26 CET 1999 from unknown-31-193.vedderprice.com ( Nancy & EdFrom: Chicago, IL
We saw Rick Danko perform just last Friday night at the Cubby Bear in Chicago. He sang like an angel; he sounded better than ever. The performance was so beautiful we went back to see him again the next night at Cubby Bear North. Now we're glad that we did. Rick was the most open and gentle of musicians. Rick, we will miss you greatly.
With love, from Nancy & Ed.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:10:02 CET 1999 from man-190.dialup.zetnet.co.uk ( Doug CampbellFrom: Edinburgh, Scotland
With saddened heart I hear the news of Rick's passing. I think back a number of years to the Borderline in London, my one and only chance to see him perform, and I know I will treasure the night, knowing there will be no more like it.Rest in Peace, Rick and thanks for the music. It has made a difference to me.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:06:14 CET 1999 from ts3p0.vh.net ( Bobbi and Jeff
We saw the Band a few years ago at UPAC in Kingston NY. They played with Billy Preston and the whole show was wonderful. The new additions to the group were superb and the songs sounded incredibly full. If the music had aged, it was only in a good way. I think they were the best live band in the history of rock, a true ensemble. Rick Danko was a big part of that, with his song-writing, bass playing, singing, everything. It's a sad day for music lovers.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:05:26 CET 1999 from client-151-198-174-164.datamarktech.com ( BillFrom: NJ
My favorite memory of Rick is from a few years back when he drove down in a snow storm to play a solo gig at dink little bar in Bergenfield, NJ. The weather made him late, but he still had that boyish grin and enthusiasm, and he played to a packed room. We all harmonized with him on "Makes No Difference." It was a magical night. He was a sweet man. Rest in peace.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:01:22 CET 1999 from host-209-214-8-210.mia.bellsouth.net ( chris rehmFrom: perine, florida
I first saw Rick Danko at Watkins Glen N.Y. We were standing in a crowd of 6000,000 and there was a slight rain. The guy next to me just kept on saying "The Dead and the Allman's are just great bands. but I love THE BAND" I also saw The Band on their final tour in NYC. What a positive soul, always with a smile. He was the type of person that even if they were talking about something that wasn't positive, you would catch yourself smiling and make corrective measures. What a great epitaph. He made so many people so happy. Thank you Rick for your music and vibe. Rest in Pease
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:01:06 CET 1999 from yakimauser151.bossig.com ( STRATCAT
God bless you Rick.....My prayers are with you, your family and loved ones. See you in the next realm.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:00:40 CET 1999 from pool-209-138-61-90.dlls.grid.net ( patric shurdenFrom: norman, ok
I know I'm preachin' to the choir when I say that Rick was an amazing musician and songwriter. He never did take off his rock n roll shoes.
Posted on Sat Dec 11 00:00:17 CET 1999 from port36.owosso09.tir.com ( artful van wagonerFrom: michigan
Fare thee well old friend.......artful