Planet Waves Liner Notes
The liner notes from Planet Waves
was posted to the newsgroup rec.music.dylan
in January 1996, by
John R. Weikart.
They are typed as close as possible to
what is written in somebody's hand printing (Bob's?) on the back of the
original record jacket. Line breaks are preserved. In some
cases it was hard to tell whether certain letters were capitalized. All
spellings, right or wrong, are from the jacket, that includes the
misspellings of "Buddha" and "echoes".
This text is copyrighted, please do not copy or redistribute.
Back to the Starting
Point! The Kickoff, Hebrew
Letters on the wall, Victor Hugo's
house in Paris, NYC in early
autumn, leaves flying in the park, the
clock strikes Eight. Bong - I dropped a
double brandy & tried to recall the events...
beer halls & pin balls, polka bands, barbwire
& thrashing clowns, objects, headwinds &
Snowstorms, family outings with strangers -
Furious gals with garters & Smeared Lips
on bar stools that stank from sweating
pussy - doing the Hula - perfect,
priests in OVERhauls, glassy eyed,
Insomnia! Space guys off duty with
big dicks & ducktails All wired up &
voting for Eisenhower, waving flags &
jumping off of fire engines, getting
killed on motorcycles whatever -
We sensed each other beneath
the mask, pitched a tent in the
Street & joined the traveling circus,
Love at first sight! History
became a Lie! The sideshow took
over - what a sight...the thresh-
hold of the Modern Bomb,
Temples of the Pawhee, the
Cowboy Saint, the Arapahoe,
snapshots of - Apache poets
searching thru the ruins for a
glimpse of Buddah - I lit out
for parts unknown. found Jacob's
Ladder up Against An adobe wall &
bought A serpent from a passing Angel -
Yeah the ole days Are gone
forever And the new ones Aint far behind, the
Laughter is fading away, echos of a star,
of Energy Vampires in the Gone World going
Wild! Drinking the blood of innocewnt people,
Innocent Lambs! The Wretched of the Earth,
My brothers of the flood, Cities of the flesh -
Milwaukee, Ann Arbor, Chicago, Bismarck, South
Dakota, Duluth! Duluth - where Baudelaire Lived
& Goya cashed in his Chips, where Joshua brought
the house down! From there, it was straight up - a Little
jolt of Mexico, and some good LUCK, a
Little power over the Grave, some
more brandy & the teeth of
a Lion & a compass
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