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Bertrand Bouard: The Band

The first book in French about The Band was published in March 2020 by (French publisher) Le Mot Et Le Rest. It is written by Bertrand Bouard (born in 1977 in Val d'Oise), a music journalist and author known from prominent French magazines such as Rock&Folk and L'Express. Bouard also published a praised Lynyrd Skynyrd bio in 2017.

The author told us in 2020 that our web site "was a very rich and valuable source for the writing [of The Band]". We are also properly credited in this book (which we're not exactly used to...).

There are several presentations and reviews of Bouard's book out there, but everything seems to be in French. Like this one:

The Band

“Personne n’a jamais réussi à obtenir un son pareil, mélangeant autant de facettes de la musique américaine – le Sud, le Canada, le Sud-Ouest – combinées à des influences du mon entier.” On peut imaginer que quand un artiste à l’oreille sophistiquée comme Scorcese parle de votre groupe en ces termes choisis, on est au top of the world, célèbre et inoubliable. Et pourtant, qui, parmi les plus jeunes connaît encore le groupe le plus mythique des années 70? The Band, puisque c’est bien sûr de lui qu’il s’agit, groupe sacré par Bob Dylan, premier titre de gloire éternelle, qui fut aussi le sujet du, peut-être, plus beau film rock de l’histoire The Last Waltz dudit Scorcese, tiens donc. […] Bouard, déroule sobrement un récit parfaitement documenté et équilibré, sans parti pris ou aveuglement de fan et qui réussira sans aucun doute l’édification des foules honteusement ignorantes de ce monument d’Americana. The Book à lire.

--Agnès Léglise, Rock&Folk magazine, April 2020

Translation (automated by Google)

"No one has ever managed to achieve such a sound, mixing so many facets of American music - the South, Canada, the Southwest - combined with influences from around the world." One can imagine that when an artist with a sophisticated ear like Scorcese speaks of your group in these chosen terms, we are at the top of the world, famous and unforgettable. And yet, who among the youngest still knows the most legendary group of the 70s? The Band, since it is of course what it is about, a group crowned by Bob Dylan, the first title of eternal glory, which was also the subject of, perhaps, the most beautiful rock film in history The Last Waltz of the said Scorcese. […] Bouard, soberly unrolls a perfectly documented and balanced story, without bias or fan blindness and which will undoubtedly succeed in building the shamefully ignorant crowds of this monument of Americana. The Book to read.

Bertrand Bouard - The Band - 218 pages - Le Mot Et Le Reste - 2020 - ISBN 978-2361392161

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