The Band Christmas Quiz 2010
The following was posted at The Band web site on December 8th 2010:
Wishing for a
rare promo copy of Garth Hudson's wonderful 2001 solo album
The Sea to the North
for Christmas?
Your wish may come true if you know the answer to the following questions:
Here's our favorite keyboard master on two outro's from the same release:
Album? Artist? Tracks?
(Difficult? Check these hints!)
[Details about how to answer the quiz deleted]
We received loads of replies over the next weeks, but very few
of these had the correct answer:
Album: Cowboy Angel (2005)
Artist: Last Train South
Tracks: "You Ain't Got Me" and "Don't Let The Blues Get To Know You"
A little
C-program using random numbers, written by yours truly, was used to select one of the contestans with the
correct answer.
And the lucky winner of a
rare promo copy The Sea to the North
is (drum roll):
Erich Isopp
Thanks to all the contestants for participating, we'll be back next year with a new quiz and
a new price!
And a big thank-you to Jonathan Katz for creating this year's quiz.
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