[CD cover]
[Liner notes]
[Promotional CD]
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[CD booklet back cover]
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[European CD]
"Jubilation finally and decisively reaffirms and expands The Band's sound and
--Roy Kasten
"A damn fine album that proves that The Band is
still alive, still original, and still masters of good old time Americana Music."
--"Tiny Montgomery"
"The ringing sounds from guitar, bass, dobro & mandolin strings echo out from the
wooden sound boxes to mix with drums, accordians & harmonicas. Every once & a
while someone picks up a horn to add a lonesome wail to the sound. From the back,
Eric lets loose a few notes on his electric guitar ..."
--David Powell's
The Band's studio album Jubilation was recorded in
Levon Helm's Woodstock barn in the spring of 1998, and released by
River North Records on September 15th the same year. It
includes songs written by Rick Danko, Levon Helm, Garth Hudson, Bobby Charles,
John Hiatt (also guesting), and Allen Toussaint, and has Eric Clapton playing slide guitar
on the song "Last Train To Memphis."
For more about this wonderful album, see these reviews:
See also the Jubilation promotional video.
In January 2003, Intersound Records re-released Jubilation in their
Original Artist Hit List budget CD series.
Jubilation was also released as a
limited-edition colored vinyl LP.
The LP is a little different from the CD in packaging, and the back of the cover has the printed autographs from the members.
The International Music Group AG (TIM) in Germany released Jubilation in Europe in
April 2003, as part of the "Noble-Price" series on their Documents label,
with new cover art.
With comments by Jubilation producer Aaron Hurwitz.
Book Faded Brown (P.Jost)
Rick was playing 'Book Faded Brown' even before we started working on High On The Hog.
He recorded a very electric version, more as a solo project, during some sessions in Chicago. It
came up when the Band wanted to do more personal songs.
Don't Wait (K.Doherty, L.Helm & The Band)
I work with a group from Ireland, Four Men and a Dog, and their heroes are Hank Williams,
Bob Dylan and the Band. 'Don't Wait' was on a demo tape of songs Kevin Doherty, the lead
singer and songwriter, wanted to record for a solo album. Levon knew he could fall right on it
and we played it with him on acoustic guitar, me on accordion and Randy on drums. We had
to ask Kevin if he would let the song go, but he was thrilled to have it become a Band song.
Last Train To Memphis (L Helm, B.Charles & The Band)
Bobby Charles, who wrote 'See You Later, Alligator' and 'Walkin' To New Orleans,' used to
live in Woodstock and hung around with the Band. He sent 'Last Train to Memphis' to Levon,
who added some verses and gave it a real party feel. It's as much about Beale Street and the
Cotton Festival as it is about Elvis.
High Cotton (T.Pacheco, R.Danko & L.Helm)
Rick wrote 'High Cotton' with Tom Pacheco, who has been very helpful from the start of this
project. He got the title from Levon's book, and the whole concept of the song was to reflect
the good times in the South when the cotton was ready to be harvested. The guy in the song,
C.W., is a good friend of Levon's from Arkansas.
Kentucky Downpour (L.Helm & The Band, M.Grebb)
Lee started writing 'Kentucky Downpour' with Marty Grebb on the set of 'Fire Down Below,'
the Steven Seagal movie, but never quite got it finished. When we started recording Jubilation
he wrote the bridge and a melody, and everybody else helped out, including Levon’s
daughter, Amy, who sang background vocals. We recorded this tune a number of times to get
it to really swing.
Bound By Love (J.Hiatt)
We listen to a lot of tapes, and this was on a tape of about 25 John Hiatt songs. He's been a
friend a long time, and we felt this song would work well acoustically. Everyone's background
vocals really gives this song the right down home feel.
White Cadillac (Ode To Ronnie Hawkins) (R.Ciarlante, J.Weider & L.Helm)
This is about how the guys used to sell places out in 1965 as The Hawks, during their
rockabilly days. Yonge Street in Toronto was the big hangout, and I think there was a circuit
starting in Arkansas, where Ronnie Hawkins and Lee were from, up through Chicago, Detroit
and into Canada, where they picked up the other members of the Band. Ronnie came down to
hear the record, and he loved it.
If I Should Fail (T.Pacheco & R.Danko)
Once again, Tom Pacheco was there 100 percent helping us out. Rick changed a few lyrics
and Jim Weider gave us a lot of strong melody lines to open up the song. It's kind of a
battlefield anthem, but I also think the song is about the kind of desperation everyone feels at
times, when they're really alone.
Spirit of The Dance (J.Weider, R.Ciarlante, R.Danko & L.Helm)
I think of 'Spirit of the Dance' as being an extension of 'Life is a Carnival,' because it is a bit of
a departure for the Band with all the percussion. There's some new rhythms going on there,
along with some good feelings and meanings.
You See Me (Blind Fool's Love) (A.Toussaint)
Mike Dunn, the Crowmatix bass player brought in this Allen Toussaint song, and we just
started playing it to check out the studio, to get a good drum sound. I think the party feel
carried over to 'Memphis,' which we recorded soon after. We tracked it pretty easily, since it
was a song that was already laid out. Garth's sax work is great.
French Girls (G.Hudson)
We were thinking about the 30th anniversary of Big Pink and how to reprise 'Genetic
Method,' which is what the intro to 'Chest Fever' is called. Garth played the synthesizers and
tenor and alto saxes like a Duke Ellington section, so there's a nice harmony. Then he added
the accordion melodies and a few other tricks.
The Band
- Rick Danko, vocals / guitar / bass
- Levon Helm, vocals / drums / mandolin / french harp / acoustic guitar / percussion
- Garth Hudson, saxophones / accordion / organ / piano / synthesizers / percussion
- Randy Ciarlante, vocals / drums / percussion
- Jim Weider, dobro guitar / electric guitar / mandolin / acoustic guitar
- Richard Bell, piano / keyboards / accordion
- Tom "Bones" Malone, sax / trumpet / trombone
- Eric Clapton, guitar
- John Hiatt, vocals / guitar
- Amy Helm, vocals
- Mike "Little Elmo" Dunn, bass
- Jimmy Eppard, guitars / mandolin
- Aaron Hurwitz, producer / engineer / mixer / vocals / accordion / organ / piano
- Kevin Doherty, vocals
- Tom Pacheco, guitar
- Marty Grebb, vocals / keyboards
- Bobby Charles, vocals / percussion
- Maud Hudson, vocals
- Marie Spinosa, vocals / percussion
- Thomas R.Leavens, executive producer
- Scott Petito, digital engineering
- Paul Antonelli, post production engineer
- Bob Ludwig, mastering
- George Colin, cover art
- Conni Treantafeles, art direction
- Valerie Behling, photography / art direction
- George J. Lembesis, photography
- Gilbert Ross, photography
The Band - Jubilation - 1998 - River North Records CD 51416 1420 2
Liner notes by Greil Marcus
Limited-edition colored vinyl LP released in September 1998.
Promotional CD: River North Records 51416 1418 2PR (1998)
European CD: Documents/TIM 221416-205 (April 2003)
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