The Band: Articles
Below are some articles about The Band available from this site and other places
on the net. The articles are listed
alphabetically by author name. There is also
a list of articles sorted by topic.
More articles on The Band are available from Rock's Backpages.
See also David Besterman's extensive
index to magazine articles and books about The Band.
Articles by Author
- "Adam2":
- "Stage Fright / How to Become Clairvoyant"
From The Band guestbook, April 2011
- Alexander, Gary:
- "Rising Sun Sage"
About Rick Danko, from the Woodstock Journal, August, 1997.
- "Rick Danko, 1942-1999"
From the Woodstock Journal, December, 1999.
- Alexander, Jeff:
- "Burrito Deluxe"
Burrito Deluxe with Garth Hudson in Nashville, September 2004.
- Andersen, Eric:
- "My Dear Amigo, Rick"
Goodbye Letter to Rick Danko, December 12, 1999
- Andreassen, Johnny:
- "Hudson/ Fjeld/ Andersen/ Andersen, Norway, May 2001"
Review from a Norwegian newspaper of a concert with Garth Hudson, Jonas Fjeld, Eric Andersen and
Sari Andersen.
- Atkinson, Todd:
- "Levon's Midnight Ramble"
Review of a January 2004 concert at Levon Helm's "barn", with his band Uncle Remus and the Whole Show.
- Baer, Joshua :
- "The Band - The Robbie Robertson Interview"
From Musician, 1982. Extensive interview, also with comments from Helm and Danko, a Band bio and discography.
- Bally, Ron:
- "The Band Plays On"
This article about the current state of the Band appeared in the
Tucson Weekly, June 1996.
- Barnett, Chris:
- "In Celebration of Angels"
About the 1980 art exhibition where Garth Hudson wrote the music that became known as
Our Lady Queen of the Angels.
- Baron, Josh:
- "Playin' in The Band with Robbie Robertson"
2006 interview.
- Batten, Jack:
- "The Band Comes Home"
One of five selected articles that appeared in Canadian newspapers the days before and after The Band's concert
at the Massey Hall in Toronto, Saturday January 17th, 1970
- "Perfect Band Concert Made Time Stand Still"
One of five selected articles that appeared in Canadian newspapers the days before and after The Band's concert
at the Massey Hall in Toronto, Saturday January 17th, 1970
- Betley, Adam:
- "The Midnight Ramble - January 21, 2012"
- Bernstein, Carl:
- "The Band"
Ecstatic 1969 gig review from the Washington Post.
- Blackburn, Doug:
- "The Beat Goes On"
Article/intervew from January 2000, about Levon Helm's new blues band. Levon also talks about
his health problems over the last years.
- Blue, Buddy:
- "Burrito Grande"
2004 Garth Hudson interview/bio.
- Blunt, Emily:
- "Levon Helm & the Barn Burners"
Review of a 2000 concert.
- Boucher, Caroline:
- "The Band -- Or When The Booing Ended"
Originally published in Disc and Music Echo in the UK, 29 May 1971.
- Bowman, Rob and Tamarkin, Jeff:
- "Life is a Carnival/Postscript"
Appearing at this site as the multipart history of the Band. Originally from
two articles that appeared in
record collectors magazine in July 1991. Reprinted with permission from the
authors and Goldmine magazine.
- Brennan, Pat:
- "Crossing the Great Divide"
Review of the 1997 The Band bootleg Crossing the Great Divide.
- "Watkins Glen"
About the origin of The Band's Live at Watkins Glen album.
- Brown, Douglas:
- "Catch A Cannonball"
2003 review of the 2nd edition of Barney Hoskyn's Band bio Across the Great
- Brown, Peter Stone:
- "The Other Side - Richard Manuel"
Artist and writer Brown's 1986 article about Manuel was written on the night he found out about Richard's death.
- "Rick Danko"
Article from Usenet, written Dec 10, 1999, the day Rick Danko died.
- "Revisiting The Band"
About the 2000 re-issues of The Band albums
Music from Big Pink,
The Band,
Stage Fright and
- "The Last Waltz revisited"
About the 2000 re-issue of The Last Waltz movie.
- "Levon in Philly"
February 2008 review.
- Byers, Tom:
- "Must be some way to repay you"
About Richard Manuel, from a local e-zine in his home town, Stratford. Contains directions to Richard's grave.
- Caillouet, Linda:
- "Arkansas runs deep in Levon"
Interview/review from the Arkansas Gazette, May, 2005.
- "Anna Lee -- famous and yet obscure"
About the "real Anna Lee" in "The Weight, from the Arkansas Gazette, May, 2005.
- Caffin, Carol:
- "Rick Danko - Authorized Biography"
The official and authorized Rick Danko bio. by his long-time publicist.
- "Eric Andersen talks about Rick Danko, Festival Express, and DFA"
BandBites #1, the first in a serious of Band-related interviews, from 2007.
- "Playing in The Band: Jim Weider Talks About The Old Days and His New Music"
BandBites #2, from 2007.
- "Steve Forbert Talks about Wild as the Wind
(and the verse that didn't make it into the song)"
BandBites #3, from 2007.
- "Eric Bazilian Talks About The Band, The Infamous Sony Deal, 'Atlantic City,' and Largo"
BandBites #4, from 2007.
- "Ronnie Hawkins Talks About 'The Boys' -- Then and Now"
BandBites #5, from 2007.
- "Goin' Electric: Mickey Jones Talks About Dylan's 1966 World Tour and His (Mostly Fond) Memories of The Band"
BandBites #6, from 2007.
- "D.A. Pennebaker Looks Back"
BandBites #7, from 2007.
- "A Conversation with Jonas Fjeld"
BandBites #8, from 2007.
- "An Interview with Jonathan Taplin"
BandBites #9, from 2007
- "David Fishof talks about The Band, the Ringo Starr tour, and the Columbia Records deal"
BandBites #10, from 2007
- "An Interview with Colin Linden"
BandBites #11, from 2007
- "A Brief Chat with Jorma Kaukonen"
BandBites "outtake"
- "A Chat with Terry Danko"
BandBites #12, from 2008
- "John and Bill Scheele Talk About The Band..."
BandBites #13, from 2008
- "Remembering Rick -- Today and Always"
Rick Danko tribute from 2007.
- "Terry Danko"
Bio about Rick Danko's brother, from 2007.
- "The Flame Still Burns: A Dedication to Rick"
Written 10 years after Rick left us.
- Calbillo, Adela:
- "Go Out Yonder"
Three young Banddandys meet through the Internet, and embark on a
pilgrimage that takes them from Big Pink to Richard Manuel's grave.
- Cannon, Geoffrey:
- "The BAND"
A review of a concert by The Band in Paris, summer of '71. From Melody Maker.
- Caraway, Steve:
- "Rick Danko - Robbie Robertson"
1976 interview/guitar talk with Rick and Robbie, from the December '76 issue of
Guitar Player magazine.
- Charlesworth, Chris:
- "Danko-solo, but not alone"
Article from Melody Maker, October 2, 1976.
- Charone, Barbara:
- "Eric Clapton: Farther On Up The Road"
1976 Clapton interview from Sounds magazine, mentioning The Band and Richard Manuel.
- Childs, Andy:
- "The Band: Islands"
1977 album review from ZigZag.
- CheckOut.com staff writer:
- "The Fiery Ecstasy of Being in The Band"
Rick Danko memorial from an Internet music store.
- Clinton, Ryan:
- "The Smithsonian of American Rock & Roll"
- Cober-Lake, Justin:
- "The Band: A Musical History"
2005 Band bio. and review of the box set A Musical History.
- Cochran, Robert:
- "Long on Nerve"
October 2002 interview with Ronnie Hawkins, published in 2006.
- Cocks, Jay:
- "Down to Old Dixie and Back"
This article about The Band was the cover story in Time magazine, Jan 12, 1970.
- "The Half-Breed Rides Again"
1987 article from Time about Robbie's first solo album.
- Connelly, Rick:
- "Last Thoughts on Rick Danko"
In memory of Rick Danko. From Renaissance Online Magazine, January 2000.
- Considine, J.D.:
- "Robbie Robertson"
Interview promoting the 2005 The Band box set.
- Corcoran, Michael:
- "Dylan and Band debuted in Austin"
From the Austin American Statesman, September 2005.
- Cordtz, Kay:
- "Levon Helm's Midnight Ramble"
2005 review from Blues Revue magazine.
- "Reading, Writing & Rhythm"
2006 article about Levon's commitment to local young musicians.
- "The Midnight Ramble Lives On"
2007 review from Blues Wax magazine.
- "Dirt Farmer"
Review of Levon's 2007 solo album.
- Cowles, Chris:
- "Rick Danko and Friends"
1988 review of a concert in Boston with Danko, Sredni Vollmer, Buddy Cage and others. From Relix magazine.
- Cullingham, James:
- "Woodstock on Wheels"
About the infamous 1970 Festival Express Tour
- DeCurtis, Anthony:
- "The Band Is Gone, the Waltz Plays On"
From the New York Times, April 2002.
- Dansby, Andrew:
- "The first great American
rock group"
About the 2005 box set A Musical History, from the Houston Chronicle,
September 2005.
- Demaria, Paolo:
- "Where Do We Go From Here?"
Three young Banddandys meet through the Internet, and embark on a
pilgrimage that takes them from Big Pink to Richard Manuel's grave.
- Denberg, Jody:
- "Interview with Robbie Robertson"
From KGSR FM Radio Austin, May 2002.
- Dixon, Nancy:
- "Rick Danko 2nd Annual Tribute Concert"
Review of the Danko tribute in Simcoe, Ontario, August 2007.
- Doerschuk, Bob:
- "Garth Hudson - Legendary Organist with '60s Supergroup The Band"
From Keyboard Magazine, 1983.
- "Rick Danko - The Last Interview"
All-Music Guide interview with Rick, 3 days before his death.
- Donabie, John:
- "The Sea to the North"
Review of Garth Hudson's 2001 solo album.
- Dougherty, Steve:
- "A Haunting Suicide Silences the Sweet Soulful Voice of The Band's Richard Manuel"
From People, March 1986.
- Durkee, Cutler:
- "Levon Helm's Rock Lead to a Role"
1980 article about Levon's role in Coal Miner's Daughter.
- Eck, Michael:
- "Helm's Delta Blues Delights"
Review of a concert with Levon Helm and the Barnburnes, in Albany, NY, January 15th, 2000.
- Eder, Bruce:
- "A Brief History of the Band"
At this site, originally from the
Internet All-Music Guide
- Edge, Al:
- "The Sum of the Parts"
From The Band guestbook, March 2011
- "The Band's Gift; Dixie and Beyond"
From The Band guestbook, April 2011
- Emblidge, David:
- "Down Home with The Band: Country-Western Music and Rock"
Academic analysis of The Band's music, from 1976.
- Farber, Philip H.:
- "Big Foot Delivers Hot Rockin' Electric Blues"
Review of Jim Weider's solo album Big Foot from
Hudson Valley Music, March 1998.
- Feins, John:
- "Jubilation - The Band & A Way of Life"
Interview with Rick Danko, from the January 1999 issue of the
National Academy of Songwriters newsletter.
- "Jim Weider and Randy Ciarlante"
Interview with Weider and Ciarlante, from the January 1999 issue of the
National Academy of Songwriters newsletter.
- Fier, Amanda:
- "The Band answers all questions Monday night"
Review of The Band's concert at the C.Y. Stephens Auditorium, April 22, 1996, in Ames, Iowa. Published in
The Iowa State Daily,
Wednesday, April 24, 1996.
- Fikes, Marianna:
- "The Eternal Mysteries of The Band"
...in hopes of eliminating every last one.
- Flanagan, Bill:
- "The Return of Robbie Robertson"
From Musician magazine, September 1987.
- "Rick Danko on The Band - New Albums, Old Wounds"
From Musician magazine, December 1993.
- Flans, Robyn:
- "Levon Helm"
1984 interview with Levon Helm in Modern Drummer.
- Fletcher, George A.:
- "10 answers to 9 questions"
July 2001 interview with Garth Hudson from Rhythm & News Magazine.
- Fowler, Pete:
- "The Band - Big Sound from Big Pink"
From Radio One's Story of Pop, UK, 1973.
- Fricke, David:
- "Rick Danko, 1942 - 1999"
From Rolling Stone magazine , 01/20/2000.
- Gabites, Lee:
- "A Conversation with Levon Helm"
Interview from October 1996, from the Band Fanzine in England.
- "Boogie to Woodstock with Jim Weider"
1997 interview with the Band's guitarist, from the Band fanzine
- "Randy Ciarlante on The Band, The Woodstock All Stars & The Crowmatix"
1997 interview with the Band's "new" drummer, from the Band fanzine
- "An Appreciation of John Simon's Solo Career"
About the music of the "sixth member of The Band."
- "The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth"
An interview with John Simon.
- Galli, Raffaele:
- "Garth Hudson"
Interview from Buscadero magazine, January 2005.
- Gladstone, Howard:
- "The Robbie Robertson Interview"
1969 interview from Rolling Stone.
- Gehr, Richard:
- "Band on the Rerun"
From My Generation Magazine, February 2001. Includes a nice painting of The Band.
- Gill, Andy:
- "Dylan and The Band - Obviously Five Believe\rs"
From a 2000 issue of Q Magazine.
- "Back To The Land"
From a 2000 issue of Mojo Magazine.
- Gilmore, Mikal:
- "Rick Danko's wink as good as a nod"
From Rolling Stone magazine, December 1977.
- Girouard, Bob:
- "Levon Helm -- The Classic Drummer Interview"
Modern Drummer, August 2008. PDF-file.
- Glahn, Bill:
- "Guitars Kissing & The Contemporary Fix"
Review of a 2CD bootleg from the famous Dylan/Hawks concert on May 17, 1966. At the
Live! Music Review web site.
- Gleason, Ralph J.:
- "The Band at Winterland"
Rolling Stone review of The Band's first concerts in San Fransisco, 1969.
- "Rock of Ages: A crackling, mind-blowing moment preserved"
Review of Rock of Ages, published in Rolling Stone magazine, October 12 1972.
- Glover, Tony:
- "A Wonderful New Group"
From Eye magazine, issue 7, November 1968.
- Goddard, Peter:
- "And The Band Plays On"
One of five selected articles that appeared in Canadian newspapers the days before and after The Band's concert
at the Massey Hall in Toronto, Saturday January 17th, 1970
- "It Was Subtle, But The Band Made It All Happen"
One of five selected articles that appeared in Canadian newspapers the days before and after The Band's concert
at the Massey Hall in Toronto, Saturday January 17th, 1970
- Goddard, John:
- "When Dylan Got Rocked"
From the Toronto Star, November 2000, about when Dylan teamed up with Levon
and the Hawks.
- Gold, Mick:
- "Bob Dylan and the Band: The Basement Tapes"
1975 review from Let It Rock.
- "The Band: A Tree With Roots"
1974 bio from Let It Rock.
- Goldberg, Michael:
- "Robbie Robertson"
1987 interview from Rolling Stone.
- Goldstein, Richard:
- "'Big Pink' Is Just a Home in Saugerties"
1968 review of Music from Big Pink from the New York Times.
- Gould, Mark T.:
- "The Faithful Servant"
In memory of Rick Danko. From Sound Waves magazine, January 2000.
- "Rick Danko - He Made a Difference"
From Sound Waves magazine, January 2000.
- "The Sea to the North"
Review of Garth Hudson's 2001 solo album.
- "Garth Hudson's Journey to "The Sea to the North"
2001Garth Hudson interview/ bio.
- "I Wanted to Be There, When "Garth" Started Playing"
About visiting Garth Hudson.
- "Jim Weider & Randy Ciarlante: The "Remedy" for Playing in The Band"
2002 interview from Sound Waves Magazine.
- "Levon Helm Sings!!"
From Sound Waves, August 2006.
- "Playing "Out" of The Band: Levon Helm Remains The Voice of America"
From Sound Waves, August 2009.
- Greenwald, Matthew:
- "R-E-S-P-E-C-T"
About Music from Big Pink. This article first appeared in "Record Collectors" (Japan) in the March 1998 issue.
- Grogan, Emmet:
- "The Band's Perfect Goodbye"
This article on The Last Waltz first appeared in Oui Magazine, 1976/77.
- Guarino, Mark:
- "Up On Cripple Creek -- A Legend Rediscovers His Voice"
About Levon Helm, from Paste magazine, November 2006.
- Haché, Trevor:
- "The Forgotten Legend"
About Rick Danko, from his hometown newspaper The Simcoe Reformer.
- Harris, Art (with Ben Fong-Torres):
- "Notes on the Last Waltz"
About the Last Waltz concert, from Rolling Stone, December 1976.
- Harris, Craig:
- "Rick Danko Rides On"
1992 interview from Dirty Linen magazine.
- Harris, John:
- "Mixing up the Medicine"
2003 interviews with Robbie and Levon from Mojo magazine.
- Hawkins, Ronnie:
- "Rick Danko"
Short article by The Hawk himself, written after Rick's death in
December 1999.
- Helm, Levon:
- "The Music"
Self-biographical article from Razor magazine, 2004.
- Hermes, Will:
- "Home Is Where the Fans Are"
New York Times review of Levon's Midnight Ramble, December 2005.
- Hilburn, Robert:
- "The Band's Final Gig?"
Review of the Last Waltz concert. This article appeared on Saturday November 27, 1976, in the Los Angeles Times, a day after The Last
Waltz was over.
- "For the Band Fans, the Long Wait is Finally Over"
Review of Northern Lights -- Southern Cross from the Los Angeles Times, December 1975.
- "Problem With Sound Mars Band's Efforts"
July 1970 concert review.
- Himes, Geoffrey:
- "High on the Hog"
Review from New Country Magazine, June 1996.
- Hislope, Robert:
- "Levon Helm and the Barn Burners Ignite the Van Dyck"
Concert review and interview from the
Concordiensis, the
student newspaper at Union College, Schenectady, New York, on May 3, 2001.
- Holland, Bill:
- "The Band"
Program notes for a Band tribute concert, 2005.
- Hollander, Brian:
- "A Vital Entity - Garth Hudson Looks Forward"
Article about Garth from the Woodstock Times, August 2001.
- "Genetically Speaking"
March 2003 interview with Garth Hudson, from The Wqoodstock Times.
- Homier-Roy, Rene:
- "Rock & Cool"
Article about Robbie Robertson a year after the release of his first solo album. Published in the Canadian magazine Via 1988.
- Hopkins, Dave:
- "The Band Remasters"
About the 2000 re-issues of The Band albums
Music from Big Pink,
The Band,
Stage Fright and
- "The Band Remasters, Volume II"
About the 2000 re-issues of The Band albums
Rock of Ages,
Moondog Matinee,
Northern Lights - Southern Cross and
- Horning, Ron:
- "The Moving Shadow of Richard Manuel"
Very dark and somewhat speculative article about Manuel's difficult life.
- Hoskyns, Barney:
- "Heart & Soul: The Band"
1994 Band bio from Mojo.
- "Liner notes for The Band 2000 remasters"
Band biographer Hoskyns' original, unused liner notes for the 2000 re-issues of The Band albums
Music from Big Pink,
The Band,
Stage Fright and
- "Levon Helm"
1998 interview by Band biographer Hoskyns.
- Howard, Aaron:
- "The Rock of Aged "
Levon Helm bio./interview from January 2001, focusing on his blues band the Barn Burners.
- Howells, John :
- "The Genuine Basement Tapes Volumes 1 - 5 "
Review of the 5 CD bootleg set with Dylan and The Band. From John Howells'
Bringing It All Back Homepage.
- Howland, Jill:
- "The Many Roads I've Covered"
Three young Banddandys meet through the Internet, and embark on a
pilgrimage that takes them from Big Pink to Richard Manuel's grave.
- "Cahoots"
Very personal review of The Band's fourth studio album,
from the Usenet newsgroup alt.music.the-band, 1995.
- Hruska, Stu:
- "Report from a Visit to Levon's Cafe in New Orleans"
About Levon Helm's Cafe in New Orleans, and The Band's concerts there on New Year 1998/99.
- Høiberg, Jan:
- "Rick Danko, 1942-1999"
From the Norwegian BEAT magazine, March 2001.
- Höglund, Hanna:
- "The Last Waltz Not Yet Over For The World's Bumpiest Band"
Swedish article about the 2005 Band box set A Musical History.
- "Richard Manuel"
Swedish article written 20 years after Manuel's death .
- Israel, Steve:
- "Beating the Drum for Music"
About the Levon Helm band's performance at
Onteora High School in Boiceville, NY, 05.06.2006.
- Jackson, Blair:
- "The Band is Back (And Boy, Are They Good!)"
Recording notes from the technical magazine Mix, on how the album Jericho was recorded. Published April 1994.
- "The Band's 'The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down'
Technical article about the Band's '60s recordings.
From the October 2001 issue of Mix magazine.
- Jackson, Blair and Michie, Chris:
- "The Last Waltz: Recording, Mixing, and Remaking the Music"
Technical article about the audio production for The Last Waltz.
From the September 2002 issue of Mix magazine.
- Jahn, Mike:
- "The Band Breathes Fresh Country Air Over Fillmore East"
May 1969 concert review.
- "'The Band' Rocks With Hillbilly Ease"
May 1969 concert review.
- James, Clive:
- "Robbie Robertson -- In the Shadow of The Band"
From Creem, 1972.
- James, Haven:
- "No Special Guests"
A review of the March 7, 1998 performance by Levon Helm & The
Crowmatix at the Tinker Street Cafe in Woodstock,
from Hudson Valley Music, March 1998.
- "Cause for Celebration"
About Levon Helm's 1999 "extended" Blues Band project.
From Hudson Valley Music, July 1999.
- James, Paul:
- "A Radio Interview with Rick Danko"
CBS Radio Network interview with Danko from September 17, 1998. Rick talks about the current
state of The Band and its members, and their future
plans for books, albums, and concerts.
- Jisi, Chris:
- "Rick Danko - The Next Waltz"
From Bass Player, 1994.
- Johnson, Brian D.:
- "The Wizard"
Garth Hudson bio/interview, from Maclean's, July 2002.
- Johnson, Pete:
- "Band Album Mines Dylan Vein"
1968 review of Music from Big Pink from the Los Angeles Times.
- Jones, Tim:
- "Levon in Arkansas"
May 2005 concert review.
- Jordan, Scott:
- "Fest Focus '94: The Band"
Levon Helm interview from Louisiana music magazine OffBeat, May 1994.
- "Backtalk with Levon Helm"
This interview with Levon Helm first appeared in the December 1998 issue of the Louisiana
music magazine OffBeat.
- Joseph, Donald:
- "Review of Carny -- the movie & the album"
About Robbie Robertson's first major film project in 1980.
- "Review of Man Outside"
About the 1986 movie starring Levon, Garth, Rick and Richard.
- Jung, Daryl:
- "Danko and Linden double the pleasure"
An article about the collaboration between Rick Danko and Colin Linden. Published in Now March 17 1988.
- Katz, Jonathan:
- "Don't Wait"
About Levon Helm's wonderful song from The Band's 1998 album Jubilation.
- "Rick Danko - Columbia, MD, June 1999"
Review of Rick Danko's concert at the Columbia Festival of the Arts, June 1999.
- "Classic Masters - Robbie Robertson"
Review of 2002 Robbie compilation.
- Katz, Jonathan & Warschawski, Dror:
- "LP and CD Versions of the Last Waltz"
Comparison of three different releases of The Last Waltz, with emphasis on the
4CD bootleg set The Complete Last Waltz
- Kaufman, Gil:
- "Robbie Robertson Taps Into Native American Roots"
About Robbie's 1998 solo album.
- Kaufman, Marjorie:
- "On the Tracks - An Interview with Rick Danko"
August 1996 interview with Danko, plus review of The Band's concert on 08/16/96. From the Bob Dylan fanzine
On the Tracks.
- "Kell":
- "Butch Dener Interview"
Interview from 2000 with The Band's and Levon Helm's road manager, about Levon's work with The Barn Burners and Jimmy Vivino.
- Kelton, Jim:
- "Save the Last Waltz for Sonny Boy"
From Blues Revue magazine, no. 72, November 2001.
- Kerrin:
- "Garth's Gear - The Classic Years"
About Garth Hudson's keyboards and other instruments.
- Kiersh, Edward:
- "Robbie Robertson of The Band"
From the 1986 book Where Are You Now, Bo Diddley? The Artists Who Made
Us Rock and Where They Are Now.
- Knelman, Martin:
- "Home Again, The Band Does It Right"
One of five selected articles that appeared in Canadian newspapers the days before and after The Band's concert
at the Massey Hall in Toronto, Saturday January 17th, 1970
- Kooper, Al:
- "Music From the Big Pink - The Band"
1968 review of The Band's debut album from Rolling Stone
- Kot, Greg:
- "`Waltz' bittersweet for many, but not Robbie Robertson"
From The Chicago Tribune, April 2002.
- Krewen, Nick:
- "Robbie Robertson - Interview With A Legend"
2002 interview from Canadian Music Week.
- Kubernik, Harvey:
- "Across the Great Divide with Robbie Robertson"
A portrait of Robertson, published in Crawdaddy magazine, March 1976.
- Laagendalsposten:
- "Legends in the Cellar"
Hudson/ Fjeld/ Andersen in Norway, 05.10.2001.
- Lacey, Liam:
- "The Band beats odds to delight fans"
A review of a Band reunion-concert in Toronto, Canada. Published in Globe & Mail, July 6 1983.
- Landau, John:
- "The Band: It's the Restless Age"
1971 review of The Band's album Cahoots, from Rolling Stone
- Lenois, Christopher:
- "Regards for Everyone"
Travel report/review from a visit to Levon's Cafe in New Orleans, New Year 1998/99.
- Levin, Martin:
- "The Lonesome Death of Richard Manuel"
From Toronto Life magazine , 1996.
- Levine, David:
- "The Band - Across the Great Divide"
Review of the box set Across the Great Divide, and more.
- Levy, Phil:
- "A Recent Encounter with Robbie Robertson"
1970 interview with Robbie and John Simon.
- Lewis, D L:
- "Shape I'm In"
- Lewis, Matthew:
- "The Band's Rick Danko Revs Up Legendary Career"
Interview from March 1997, from Variety.
- "Rick Danko - Too Long In Exile"
Interview from the May 1997 issue of the Singapore-based BigO Magazine.
- "Music from Big Pink's Neighbourhood"
About Borderline's 1972 album Sweet Dreams and Quiet Desires. From the Singapore-based BigO Magazine.
- Logan, Nick:
- "There's Still Togetherness"
About the state of The Band.
From Hit Parader, December 1971.
- Lopate, Mitch:
- "He Shall Be Levon..."
2002 interview with Levon, from the Southern music magazine Gritz.
- Lydon, Susan:
- "The Band: Their Theme Is Acceptance of Life"
1969 Review of The Band, from the New York Times.
- "The Band Shuns the Bandwagon"
From the New York Times, May 1969.
- Lyness, Jon:
- "An Interview with Garth Hudson"
Excerpts from an interview Garth Hudson gave to the weekly newspaper
Woodstock Times, before his show with the Hudson Valley Philharmonic at the Studley
Theatre, New Paltz, NY, May 9, 1998.
- "Garth Hudson with the Hudson Valley Philharmonic"
Review of Garth Hudson's performance with the Hudson Valley Philharmonic at the Studley
Theatre, New Paltz, NY, May 9, 1998.
- "Levon & friends at the Beacon Saturday night"
The Levon Helm Band in NYC, March 2008.
- MacCash, Doug:
- "My Little Woodstock"
Review of Levon Helm's Midnight Ramble, from The Times-Picayune, July 2005.
- Malachowski, David :
- "Bluesy Helm Makes Summer Memories"
Review of the July 3, 1999 concert with Levon Helm and the Classic Blues Band at
Bearsville Theatre, Woodstock.
- Marchesseault, Andrew:
- "Masterpieces in the past, dogged press in the present, Band partied to stay sane"
Review of Stage Fright, written in 2005.
- Marcus, Greil:
- "We Can Talk About It Now"
Review of their first concerts as The Band, at Winterland in 1969.
- "The Band's Last Waltz: That Train Don't Stop Here Anymore"
Review of the Last Waltz concert, from Rolling Stone, December 1976.
- "The Man on the Left"
From Rolling Stone magazine , 01/20/2000.
- Marsh, Dave:
- "Review of Dylan/Hawks 1966 Live Recording"
From Creem Magazine, 1971.
- "Waiting For The Punchline"
1972 review of Rock of Ages.
- "The Heart of Rock and Soul"
Band-related excerpts from the book The Heart of Rock and Soul: The 1001 Greatest Singles Ever Made.
- "The Weight"
This article
appeared in
the Boston Phoenix after the Band compilation
Anthology was released.
- Matteo, Steve:
- "Redemption Songs"
About Levon Helm's work with the band The Last Hombres.
From The Long Island Press, January 2003.
- McCabe, Peter:
- "Mellow Down Easy in Woodstock"
1971 Rolling Stone article about the Woodstock music scene,
- McLaughlin, Jeff:
- "A Joyous Return to Watatic"
Review from the Boston Globe, July 1984.
- McMahan, Larry:
- "The Band plans to rock Knoxvillians..."
From The Daily Beacon, June 1994.
- McRae, Earl:
- "Last Boogie in Sturgeon Falls"
Interview/history of Ronnie Hawkins at 41, from The Canadian, March 27, 1976.
- Merril, Sam:
- "Mason Hoffenberg Gets in a Few Licks"
1973 Playboy article/ interview about author/drug addict/alcoholic Hoffenberg from Woodstock, NY, mentioning
members of The Band.
- Mitchell, Wu:
- "Information on the Band's A Musical History box set"
- Muir, Ross:
- "Magic Keyboard Tour 2004"
2004 review/interview with Garth and Maud Hudson.
- Musgrave, Corinne:
- "The Band's out of hibernation and it was worth the wait"
1974 article with interviews with Garth Hudson and Ronnie Hawkins.
- Morse, Steve:
- "The Band: Reunited and Recharged"
Review from the Boston Globe, October 1983.
- "Rick Danko Playing It Low-Key"
Interview from the Boston Globe, February 1988.
- "Shocked's Show Goes on, Despite Disputes
Article from the Boston Globe, October 1992.
- "The Band Plays on after Manuel's Death"
Article from the Boston Globe, March 1986.
- "For The Band and Its Fans, Channel Concert Therapeutic"
Review from the Boston Globe, March 1986.
- Mosnes, Terje:
- "The Patriarch of The Band"
Garth Hudson, bio/interview, from the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet, May 2001.
- Nigohosian, Stephan S.:
- "Drumming & Singing"
Article from Modern Drummer, September 2002, mentioning Levon Helm.
- Nelson, Paul:
- "The Basement Tapes"
The original "review" of The Basement Tapes from
Rolling Stone.
- Nyman, Jake:
- "The Band"
Finnish 1979 chronological article about The Band, from the rock encyclopedia
- O'Conner, Rory:
- "Albert Grossman's Ghost"
Interesting article/bio about The Band and Dylan's manager, with comments from Garth and Rick.
- Ordon, Tom:
- "Levon Helm's Midnight Ramble, Saturday, September 23, 2006"
- Orr, John:
- "It's a Matter of Hearing the Chords"
2002 interview with Garth.
- "The Last Waltz"
2002 review of the remastered film and CD set.
- Palmer, Robert:
- "A portrait of the Band as Young Hawks"
From Rolling Stone magazine, 1978.
- "The Rolling Stone Interview: Robbie Robertson "
From 1991.
- Pareles, Jon:
- "Richard Manuel, 40, Rock Singer and Pianist"
Obituary from the New York Times, 1986.
- Persson, Lennart:
- "The Most Secret Record in Rock History"
Very speculative article about a "secret" 1970 predecessor to Moondog Matinee,
supposedly recorded with several guest stars and without Robbie Robertson.
- di Pietra, Maggie C.:
- "Diamond Teeth Mary"
About the real "Miss Brer Foxhole" from The Band's song "W. S. Walcott's Medicine Show."
- Poppy, John:
- "The Band: Music from Home"
From Look magazine, August 25, 1970.
- Quill, Greg:
- "Down from the mountain"
Garth Hudson, bio/interview, from the Toronto Star, July 2002.
- Ransom, Kevin:
- "The Band"
May 1995 interview with Robbie and Rick, from Guitar Player Magazine.
- Ridley, Jim:
- "Blue Moonlighting: Making film and music history simultaneously"
About the Band's 1996 involvement in the upcoming album and documentary
from Scotty Moore and D.J.Fontana, guitarist and drummer for Elvis Presley's
1950s backing band, the Blue Moon Boys. Includes details about The Band's
jam sessions with Keith Richards and others.
- Robinson, Kevin:
- "Jim Weider & The Honky Tonk Gurus with Tom Pacheco"
A review of a rockin' night at Bodles Opera House,
from Hudson Valley Music, March 1998.
- Rogovoy, Seth:
- "The Legacy of the Band, Part 1-3"
These articles caused some debate when they were
posted to the newsgroup alt.music.the-band early in '96.
- "High on the Hog - Song by Song"
Review of The Band's album High on the Hog, originally appearing in the newsgroup
alt.music.the-band in February '96.
- Rollason, Chris:
- "Levon Helm: The Ties That Bind"
Review of the Australian 1999 Levon Helm compilation
The Ties That Bind, originally appearing in the newsgroup
alt.music.the-band in November '99.
- Rønning, Øyvind :
- "One Way for Danko"
Interview/article from January 1999, originally appearing in Norwegian in the newspaper
- "Over The Edge"
Review of Professor "Louie"'s 2000 album, featuring Rick, Levon and Garth.
- Rorick, Baker:
- "Levon Helm of The Band - Way Back Up in the Woods"
About Levon Helm's studio in Woodstock. From Home Recording magazine, October '99.
- Roybal, Kay:
- "Levon Helm & The Barn Burners with Bob Margolin "
Review of a concert in Woodstock, NY, August 2000.
- "Blues Group Brings 'Something Real' to Santa Fe"
Levon Helm and the Barn Burners bio. from January 2001.
- "The 2001 King Biscuit Blues Festival "
Report from a blues festival in Arkansas, including a review of Levon Helm & the Barn Burners.
- "The Band's Hudson Is Back with Solo Disc"
From the Albuquerque Journal North, November 2001.
- "'Waltz' Among Best Rock Flicks"
From the Albuquerque Journal, December 2002.
- Rucker, Leland:
- "Big Pink in Retrospect"
2003 article about The Band's 1968 debut album.
- Sadavid:
- "Ferdinand the Imposter"
- Salvo, Patrick ("Willie Boy"):
- "'Rock of Ages': The Band Breaks Its Leafy Silence"
1972 article from Circus.
- Salvo, Patrick William:
- "Playing in the Band - a conversation with Robbie Robertson"
Article published in Melody Maker October 7 1972.
- Scherman, Tony:
- "World According to Garth"
A review of a concert held by Garth Hudson & Friends in St.Ann's church, NY. Published in Musician
June 1990.
- Schneider, Jason:
- "The World According to Garth"
Interview/article from the Toronto newspaper The Globe and Mail, July 2002,
- Schwachter, Jeff:
- "Somers Point '65"
2005 article about how Dylan hooked up with The Band.
- Selvin, Joel:
- "And The Band Played On ..."
Review of the Last Waltz concert. This article appeared on Saturday November 27, 1976, in the San Fransisco Chronicle, a day after The Last
Waltz was over.
- Severn, Stephen E.:
- "Robbie Robertson's Big Break"
Critical 2002 analysis of The Last Waltz.
- Shaw, Patricia:
- "Levon Helm & the Barn Burners"
Review of a 2000 concert.
- Singer, Jonathan:
- "The Band - Where From Here?"
From Hit Parader magazine, December, 1972.
- Sleen, Harm van:
- "The Basement Tape: Mixed Up Confusion?"
An attempt to categorize what Basement Tape songs are currently in circulation, and to determine if
some of the tracks that are generally credited to the basement tape actually were recorded in Big Pink.
- Skanse, Richard:
- "The Band's Rick Danko Dead At Fifty-Six"
From Rolling Stone magazine , 12/10/99.
- Smith, Patti:
- "Masked Bawl"
1974 review of Planet Waves from Creem.
- Smith, Pehr:
- "Robbie Robertson's Guitar Technique"
About Robbie's "secrets" and "tricks".
- Spencer, Ruth Albert:
- These interviews with all five members of The Band appeared in the weekly
newspaper The Woodstock Times in 1985:
- "Conversations with The Band - Richard Manuel"
- "Conversations with The Band - Garth Hudson"
- "Conversations with The Band - Robbie Robertson"
- "Conversations with The Band - Rick Danko"
- "Conversations with The Band - Levon Helm"
- Spencer, Scott:
- "Levon Helm's Next Waltz"
From Rolling Stone magazine , April 2000
- Staudter, Thomas:
- "The Beat Goes On"
Article about Levon Helm, from Hudson Valley magazine , June 2003.
- Stokes, Geoffrey:
- "The Counter-Counterculture"
Chapter about the country-rock movement from the book Rock of Ages: The Rolling Stone History
of Rock & Roll.
- Strong, Allan:
- "An evening with some good ole' boys"
A review of a concert with Levon Helm and Rick Danko at Fryfogles, London, March 3, 1983. From The Interrobang.
- Sullivan, Jim:
- "Rick Danko Came to Party"
Review from the Boston Globe, October 1980.
- Sullivan, Mary Lou:
- "The Notorious Byrds Brothers"
1985 review of a Byrds "reunion" concert featuring Rick Danko and Richard Manuel.
- Taylor, Brian:
- "Interview with Rick Danko, May 8, 1996"
Transcript from a radio interview.
- Tappenden, James:
- "Islands review"
Detailed review of The Band's album Islands,
including a song-by-song survey, originally appearing in the newsgroup
alt.music.the-band in January '96.
- "High on the Hog - Preliminary Impression"
Review of The Band's album High on the Hog, originally appearing in the newsgroup
alt.music.the-band in February '96.
- "On the Bobby Charles album"
About The Band's involvement in Bobby Charles's 1972 album.
- "Recommendation/Review: Levon's American Son"
Detailed review of Levon Helm's great 1980 solo album, originally appearing in the newsgroup
alt.music.the-band in December '95.
- "Review: Let It ROCK!"
Review of Ronnie Hawkins' 1995 album.
- Thomas, Chris:
- "Rick Danko Gets His Due"
About an August 2006 Rick Danko tribute concert in Simcoe, Ontario.
- Thompson, Matt:
- "Levon Helm & the Barn Burners"
May 2000 concert review from Flagpole magazine.
- "The Jubilant Levon Helm"
About Levon Helm & the Barn Burners, from Flagpole magazine , May 2000.
- Todd, Chris:
- "Burrito Deluxe in York, UK"
July 2004 concert review.
- Tofft, Henrik:
- "A Rock Legend in Lund"
Garth and Maud Hudson, Lund, Sweden, May 6, 2008.
- The ToneQuest Report:
- "The King of Tone"
Jim Weider interview, cover story of the guitar magazine
ToneQuest Report, December 2002. The article
is a PDF-file, you need a PDF-reader (Adobe Acrobat) to see it.
- Toombs, Mikel:
- "The Band's Jim Weider Steps out with Big Foot"
About the solo album and the career of The Band's guitar player.
- Tucker, Clark:
- "Midnight Ramble"
Review of Levon Helm's Midnight Ramble, 09.24.2005.
- Tunis, Walter:
- "The Band Picks up Beat for '90s"
From the Kentucky newspaper Lexington Herald-Leader, May 1997.
- Twine, Tinker:
- "Sonic Vistas of the Hudson"
A review of a concert held by Garth & Friends at St.Ann's church, NY. Published in Woodstock Times April 12, 1990.
- Vallely, Jean:
- "Coal Miner's Daughter"
Interview with Levon Helm about his first movie. Published in Rolling Stone magazine, May 1980.
- Vecsey, George:
- "Olympian Hero Worship"
About Robbie's performance at the 2002 Winter Olympic opening ceremony.
- Viney, Peter:
- "The Band, Vogue Theatre, Vancouver"
Concert review from 1994.
- "The Band, Cambridge Corn Exchange"
Concert review from 1996.
- "Influences on The Band: Ray Charles"
British writer Peter Viney on the connection between The Band and the king of soul and R&B.
- "Influences on The Band: Chuck Berry"
About The Band and Berry.
- "Van Morrison & The Band"
About the collaboration between Van the Man and The Band.
- "Influences on The Band: Blues Artists"
Connections between The Band and various well-known blues artists.
- "Influences on The Band: Elvis Presley"
Connections between The Band and the King.
- "Influences on The Band: Jazz Connections"
Connections between The Band and jazz musicians.
- "Influences on The Band: Country Connections"
Connections between The Band and country music.
- "Influences on The Band: Folk Connections"
Connections between The Band and folk music.
- "Influences on The Band: Soul Artists"
Connections between The Band and various well-known soul artists.
- "Cahoots"
About The Band's fourth studio album.
- "Moondog Matinee"
About The Band's great album of cover versions.
- "High on the Hog"
About the Band's 1996 studio album.
- "Jubilation"
Long review of the Band's 1998 studio album.
- "Rarities"
About the possibilities for a properly-done The Band box set.
- "The Weight"
The first in a series of articles by Peter Viney on The Band's songs, this
one is
about "The Weight" from Music from Big Pink.
- "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down "
About The Band's song with the same title from The Band.
- "Caledonia Mission"
About The Band's song with the same title from Music from Big Pink.
- "King Harvest (Has Surely Come)"
About The Band's song with the same title from The Band.
- "Chest Fever"
About The Band's song with the same title from Music from Big Pink.
- "Shoot Out In Chinatown"
About The Band's song with the same title from Cahoots.
- "Long Black Veil"
About The Band's cover version from Music from Big Pink.
- "Tears of Rage"
About the Manuel/Dylan song with the same title, the opening song
from Music from Big Pink.
- "Jupiter Hollow"
About The Band's song with the same title from
from Northern Lights - Southern Cross.
- "The Unfaithful Servant"
About The Band's song with the same title from The Band.
- "When You Awake"
About The Band's song with the same title from The Band.
- "Christmas Must Be Tonight"
About The Band's song with the same title from Islands.
- "The Saga of Pepote Rouge"
About The Band's song with the same title from Islands.
- "Daniel & The Sacred Harp"
About The Band's song with the same title from Stage Fright.
- "Whispering Pines"
About The Band's song with the same title from The Band.
- "Up on Cripple Creek"
About The Band's song with the same title from The Band.
- "Garth Hudson & The Crowmatix - March 1st, 1999"
Review of the Garth & Crowmatix/Mercury Rev concert at the Forum in London, UK,
- "One Too Many Mornings"
On the 1966 and 1999 versions of the Bob Dylan song.
- "Live on Breeze Hill"
Review of the 1999 live album with the Rick Danko band.
- "This Wheel's on Fire"
About The Band's song with the same title from Music from Big Pink.
- "Acadian Driftwood"
About The Band's song with the same title from Northern Lights - Southern Cross.
- "We Can Talk"
About The Band's song with the same title from Music from Big Pink.
- "Rockin' Chair"
About The Band's song with the same title from The Band.
- "Bessie Smith"
About The Band's song with the same title from The Basement Tapes.
- "Walk on by"
Transcript/summary from a BBC2 TV Broadcast, 21.04.2001
- "The Sea to the North"
Immediate impressions from Garth Hudson's 2001 solo album.
- "Whispering Pines"
Review of the Richard Manuel live album released in Japan in 2002.
- "The rumours - the unsubstantiated sessions by Band members
Notes on the rumours of Band involvement with various artists.
- "Festival Express"
Review of the 1970 concert/tour footage relased as a film in 2003.
- "Music From Big Pink by John Niven"
Review of the 2005 novella about a drug dealer meeting The Band in the '60s and '70s.
- "Band Demos"
About '80s and '90s demos from the reunited Band.
- "A Phoenix-Like Rise"
Review of Levon Helm & the RCO All-Stars live album, recorded in 1977, released in 2006.
- "The Band: Album Ratings and Chart Placings"
- "Garth and Maud Hudson with Goldrush"
Review of Garth & Maud Hudson live in the UK, July 2007.
- "Richard Bell Discography"
- "Levon Helm: Dirt Farmer "
Review of Levon Helm's 2007 come-back roots album.
- "Van at The Last Waltz"
- "Electric Dirt by Levon Helm"
Review of Levon Helm's 2009 album.
- Waddell, Ray:
- "Reissue of Band Catalog a Labor of Love"
About the 2000 reissues of the classic Band albums.
- Wandrup, Fredrik:
- "Silence in Woodstock"
This article about Rick Danko appeared in the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet on December 14, 1999, 4 days after Danko passed away.
- Weinberg, Max:
- "Levon Helm"
Interview/bio from the 1984 book
The Big Beat: Conversations with Rock's Great Drummers.
- Wigo, Bob:
- "Ridin' that Train"
Review of the Festival Express concert film.
- Wilentz, Sean:
- "Mystic Nights: The Making of Blonde on Blonde in Nashville"
From Oxford American Magazine, 2007.
- Williams, Richard:
- "Melody Maker band breakdown: The Band"
An article published in the British magazine Melody Maker, May 29 1971. Including among other things one interview with Robbie Robertson and one with Rick Danko.
- Wilonsky, Robert:
- "The Great Divide: Levon Helm, the heart and soul of The Band, looks back in anger. "
Interview/article from February 1999, originally appearing in
The Dallas Observer.
- "This Land Is His Land"
1994 Robbie Robertson article from the Dallas Observer.
- "Divide and Conquer - Robbie Robertson Throws History into the Bonfire"
Article from May 1998, originally appearing in
The Dallas Observer.
- "The Band"
About the 2000 re-issues of The Band albums
Music from Big Pink,
The Band,
Stage Fright and
- "Do Look Back"
2002 article about the break-up of The Band in 1976.
- Yates, Elizabeth:
- "Remembering Rick"
Canadian 2006 article/bio, promoting a Danko tribute concert in Simcoe, Ontario.
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